APRIL 3, 2020
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.
From the house of the LORD we bless you.
Psalm 118:26
Grace and Peace,

There are two comments I have seen numerous times on social media. Perhaps you have had similar thoughts; first is “This is the Lentiest Lent we have ever Lented” and the second is “I never expected to give up Church for Lent”.

Each season of Lent is different because personally we are in a different place as we enter the 40 day period; though few would argue that this has been a Lenty Lent, giving up Church has never been on the horizon. In fact, the effort to produce and participate in remote or virtual Church has required that we all learn a new set of skills. It has been quite a challenge, and it was never an option to study video production and editing in seminary. 

What I have seen is that a number of people have risen to the occasion to help so that our Church remains connected and so that no one need give up Church for Lent. For Holy Week and Easter there are 18 worship offerings thanks to the efforts of Jim Kreger, Mother Shivaun, Jake, Lois, Stephen, Mary Lou, Jay, Paul, Diane, Tammy, and me, all of whom worked from home or in pairs at a distance in the church; if I have neglected anyone I am truly sorry, and this does not include those who have done readings for our weekly worship, it does take a village. 

This Holy Week a new family offering of Stations of Holy Week for Families is available. These are daily activities that will bring an appreciation of Christ’s journey and final days. Little preparation is needed for a big impact.

We are also offering a virtual Stations of the Cross; this is a more traditional meditation that follows the 14 Stations of the Cross, and Christ’s journey to the grave. Each Station includes the traditional proclamation and prayers and is then followed by music and an art piece to focus upon, you may wish to pause the video streaming to linger at some of the stations. This meditation will be available beginning Palm Sunday and any time During Holy Week for your own worship. 

During Holy Week we will also offer both Morning Prayer and Compline each day. Compline, for those not familiar with it, is a brief service traditionally said at the very end of the day. Both Morning Prayer and Compline are accompanied by music, organ in the morning and guitar in the evening. The guitar music is a suite of 6 pieces composed by Jake Simpson for this occasion, and the organ music is a selection of hymns and other appropriate pieces performed by Jim Kreger. We are fortunate to have our worship enhanced with these musical offerings. 

There will also be reflections offered on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday by Mother Shivaun, Bishop Chilton, and me. 

Easter Sunday will be celebrated with Morning Prayer and a sermon; the brass, timpani, and choir will have to wait until we are united again within the walls of St. John’s historic church. 

This has been a Lent unlike any other Lent, and it will be an Easter unlike any other Easter; but through all this the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. During the next week we will walk the fateful journey into Jerusalem and death, and we will come out on the far side knowing the glory of the Resurrection. 

God be with you until we meet again.
Fr. Henry+
Please help stock our "Outdoor Pantry"

The Food Collection is

The Pantry is OPEN for business.

Holy Week is a time when we remember the stories leading up the Resurrection of Christ, our holiest day of the year and most important holiday.

In the past, we remembered these Holy days worshiping as a community. This year, we are offering you a method of honoring each of the days of Holy Week as a household, with a simple story and activity.
There are 12 stations, each of which represents an event during Christ’s Passion. Most require little to no supplies and little preparation. It is important to remember that the in early centuries of Christianity, Christianity was mostly practiced at home as the religion was illegal. As we are required to social distance at this time, this is a way for us to be a community, by doing similar activities and discussing the same themes.

We invite you to participate in our Family Stations of Holy Week. Do one day, do them all, add to them, put your own spin on them, but find ways to make the week a Holy one in your household.
(Socially Distanced)

The hope of Easter survives even as we celebrate in our homes.

Share the hope of Easter by decorating paper Easter Eggs to put in your windows so they are visible from the street. As people walk through the neighborhood to hunt eggs they can be reminded that the tomb was not empty, that Easter still proclaims hope and resurrection, and that God is always in the midst of us.
Don’t have small children?
Put up eggs anyway!
The neighbors will thank you.
The hope of Easter has no age constraints. 

Please send us your pictures or post them on the St. John’s facebook page.
Adult Forum continues to meet virtually to continue our discussion of
"Receiving Jesus: The Way of Love".

This Sunday's discussion covers
Chapters 7: REST
STJEC Adult Forum 
April 5, 2020 @ 9am
 Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 218 711 385
To join in the Forum discussion download and install ZOOM. https://zoom.us/download
from the Download Center,
click Download button under
Zoom Client For Meetings”.

Despite the early closure of African Palms, USA due to COVID-19 African Palms was able to ship Palm Crosses to a majority of our customers. The new shipment of palm crosses and totes for season is currently in India en-route to the US.

African Palms is currently selling beautiful one-of-a-kind handcrafted tote bags online for Easter. Please visit the WEBSITE to order yours.
Staff Housing at
St. Catherine's Boarding School for Girls
Staff Housing made possible by a grant from
African Palms
Hand Crafted Tote
Order yours today!
To join any of the "Coffee Hour" download and install ZOOM.
From the Download Center, click on the Download button under “ Zoom Client For Meetings”. The application automatically downloads when you start your first Zoom Meeting.
Supporting St. John's during these times is important.
This is a reminder that you can continue your support
 by giving on line or by mailing your donation to:
PO Box 187, Olney MD 20832
Dear God,

Being alone is hard. We were created for community, not confinement.
But we’re grateful that no matter how alone we may feel, You never leave
or forsake us . And, we’re grateful for technology that helps
us stay in touch with each other.

Today, please remind us that this time
of social distancing and isolation
will not last forever.
Give us the strength to endure this difficult season, and deepen our connection with You and Your people.
Empower us with an extra dose of
Your love, peace, hope and joy, because we need it.
Remind us of Your promises,
and please heal our land.

In Jesus' Name,
A few thoughts by Fr. Henry+
Use this list to pray and to show your love and concern for the sick, shut-in, bereaved, or those merely in
need of prayer.

Belinda Russell
Harold Thompson
Health Care Workers in our Congregation & Community
The Fleming Family
Ellen Dunn
Walter Oesch
Students stuck Overseas
Phil Cushman
Pam Brekke
The Williams Family
Catherine Cant
Joanne Brine
Melissa Bank
Craig Schumpert
Lori Billings
Jane Nicholson
June Thompson
Mary Almasi
Edith Pangisa
Mary Lou McMaster
Frances Hunt
Marilyn Lee
3427 Olney-Laytonsville Road
Olney, MD 20832