Volume LXX, No. 14 | April 5, 2020
Worship at First
Sunday, April 5

Morning Worship
10:00 a.m.
"Don't Question God's Plan and Purpose. Trust Him Instead"
Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas

Evening Worship
6:00 p.m.
"The Problem of Prayer"
Dr. Gabriel N. E. Fluhrer

We will be live-streaming our services on Sunday
at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 
For those who do not have internet capabilities, the morning sermon is also broadcast on 1320 AM radio at 11:00 a.m.

Bulletins will be available by noon on Fridays.

How a Season of Isolation Might Be the Best Thing Ever

These are very strange times, indeed. We weren’t made for “social distancing.” Created in the image of God, we were made for community. “It is not good for man to be alone,” God said. But now that this has been forced upon us, there are some things we can do to make this a profitable time in our lives. 

For some of our church family, life continues as normal for those in vital spheres of industry and management. Our brave health workers and doctors are working harder than ever, and we are immensely proud of them right now. But for others, life has slowed down, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. For those confined to home, may I suggest some ways that might make this period of isolation a better one? 

First, use this time to improve your devotional life. Typically, too many of us are in such a rush in the mornings that we find ourselves “crazy busy,” and prayer, if there is any, is a sentence or two, hurriedly uttered while doing several other things. Not that “arrow-like” prayers are wrong. Not at all! Nehemiah famously prayed a quick prayer while facing his master, King Artaxerxes, who had the power to execute him had he replied to the question put to him incorrectly (Nehemiah 2:1-4). But we need some structure. It is all too easy to become legalistic in these things. “You should rise at 4:00 a.m. and read several chapters of Scripture and spend at least two hours in prayer every day.” Right! I am so not a morning person! I tried this at one point in my life and kept falling asleep! I would wake up, my Bible on my lap. It profited me nothing. So, let’s avoid being legalistic about this, but let’s make sure that we do read Scripture and pray in some ordered and structured way. 

Second, pray with us. We are going all digital for our weekly Wednesday prayer meetings. As you read this, the first attempt will have already taken place, but we will be doing this (via Zoom) every Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. This week, over a hundred joined together in groups of a 10-12 to pray for our world right now. You can sign up online or the app. Try it. We need you.

Third, reach out electronically to as many as you can. If you are able, text them, call them, or email them. We are a church family and we miss each other. And especially over Easter. Imagine, we will not be gathering for church at Easter! We will be doing most of what we had planned and will be letting you know all of the details shortly . But do make a note that we will have our Maundy Thursday service on Thursday at 7:00 p.m., a Good Friday service at noon on Friday, and our Easter service at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. He is Risen!

Derek W.H. Thomas
Senior Minister

How can you stay informed?

We continue to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances. To stay informed of all that is happening, we recommend you use the following channels:
• First Presbyterian website: www.firstprescolumbia.org
• App: Download the FPC app (or search for FPC Cola on your device's app store).
Lockdown Reading

Overwhelmed by too much news? Looking for a way to reduce the drama and to make this time of social distancing profitable? Check out this new series on recommended books from our pastors. From classics to books, “hot off the press,” our pastors share with us books that have meant a great deal to them personally and reasons why you might find the same true in your life. Each Tuesday and Thursday, we will bring you a new episode. If you would like to read one of our featured books, send your order and address to library@firstprescolumbia.org. We will ship it to you for $3.00 plus the cost of the book. You can pay online through our website, app, or by check via the payment envelope you’ll find inside your book.
Wednesday Night Prayer Connect

Prayer Connect, a virtual prayer gathering, will take place each Wednesday night in April at 6:00 p.m. Those who sign up will be placed in a Zoom meeting group where they can video or call in to join for prayer. An elder will lead each prayer group, using prompts from our ministers. This is a great opportunity to gather together and pray for and with our congregation while we cannot gather in person. Sign-up is available through the church website and app under the calendar. Please note that if you have signed up, you will receive an email by Wednesday afternoon about how to log in to the Zoom meeting, as well as other important information.

Church Family
Congratulations to:
Stephanie and Daniel Henderson on the birth of their daughter, Sullivan Gabriel Henderson, on March 30. 
Christian sympathy is extended to:
Justin and Gillian Brickey and family on the death of his father, Justin Dean Brickey, on March 24. 
Scott and Victoria Andes and family on the death of his father, Paul Andes, on March 26.
Joe and Christie Eller and family on the death of his mother, Marilyn Eller, on March 29.
Items for Church Family?
Contact Lisa Eargle at leargle@firstprescolumbia.org.
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