St. Leonard Catholic Parish
Manotick, Ont

"Celebrating 50 Years as a Catholic Community"
E-Newsletter for Sunday, Aug 16th
We welcome all of our parishioners and visitors back to Mass. Please visit for more details and to register for one of our three Saturday/Sunday Masses. No reservations are needed for Weekday Mass.
Pastor's Message
God's Grace is Available to All

In the Gospel today, Jesus is being sought by a Canaanite woman who wants Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus’ initial response to the woman may seem a bit harsh. First, He ignores her. Then after she has hounded and badgered Jesus’ disciples, they ask Jesus to do something for her. Jesus’ speaks about the benefits and blessings offered first to the Jewish people. The term “dog” was a common phrase for Gentiles during the time of Jesus. With persistence and faith, the woman responds to Jesus’ words by saying that even the dogs have a right to the leftovers from their masters’ table. Turning to the woman, Jesus commends her faith and promises healing for her daughter.

There is a temptation to think of God’s grace as handed out in a neat, orderly way — as something reserved for the God-fearing elect, the People of God. Historically, many of our forebears adopted this view, and they (and we!) require the universalist message of Isaiah in the First Reading: “God wants a house of prayer open to all the nations.” Through the Canaanite woman’s humility, cleverness and persistence, Jesus came to recognize her great faith and grace was given to her. We need to remember that Jesus came to save all of humanity and that healing grace is not just available to us but rather to everybody.

We call ourselves “catholic.” The word means “universal.” We need to practice that in our dealing with others. Our God is the God of all peoples. We limit God’s love when we think less of people who are not of the same religious tradition as we are. We are not being faithful to the Lord Jesus who has come that all might have life and life to the full. Our faith should lead us to being universal in our concern for others. We should work together with, and for, all individuals no matter what their profession of faith. At the same time, we must be authentic to what we believe and willing to share our view of who God is, but we must not be unloving to those who disagree with us. We should want to show them the same compassion and mercy that Jesus shows to them in today’s Gospel.

The question that I leave you with is, to whom might I reach out in a more understanding and compassionate way today? This week?
God bless you folks, Father Gerard.
Mass Times

Registration is required for all Weekend Masses. Please note that no reservations are required for Weekday Masses. You can make reservations by visiting or by calling the parish office at (613) 692-4254.  

  • Wednesday-Friday: 9 a.m.
  • Saturday: 4:30 p.m.
  • Sunday: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Confession times

  • Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Office Hours

  • Tuesday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Masses Online

You are encouraged to join us in person for Mass this weekend if possible. As well, you can watch all Masses from St. Leonard online at the scheduled Mass times (listed above) by clicking here. Thanks to all of you who subscribed to the Mass Livestream. As a result of achieving over 100 subscribers we now have our own URL for the YouTube Channel.
Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons will air every Sunday morning at 8:15 AM Eastern Time. Click on Bishop Barron’s YouTube channel and then chose the Sunday you wish to view.

Reading 1, Isaiah 56:1, 6-7
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8
Gospel, Matthew 15:21-28
Reading 2, Romans 11:13-15, 29-32
Thank You for Your Continued Support!
Please remember your local parish during these extraordinary circumstances. If you attend Mass this weekend, please drop your envelope off in the Donation box located at the back of the Church. If you are able to provide financial support to St. Leonard's , please consider making a donation online or you can mail your envelope to the Church at the following address:
St. Leonard Roman Catholic Parish
5332 Long Island Road
Manotick, Ontario
K4M 1E8
Attention Youth!
Come hang out virtually with your peers and also take in Youth Alpha, Episode #6: Bible: Why and How Do I Read the Bible?
Saturday, August 15, from 7 – 8:30 p.m.

Faith Formation
The Opus Joyous Show: 4 Episodes

The Opus Joyous Show weaves a wonderful story of spiritual adventure rich in Catholic symbolism and clear and effective explanations of faith, virtue, and the challenges of responding to Christ's call to heroic battle with evil.

Making special appearances throughout the show are The Virgin Mary, Joseph, The Angel Gabriel, and Jesus appearing as the main characters travel through time collecting relics from the life of Christ in their quest to save the world from the storybook pirate villain Captain Barnacle and his shady plan for utter darkness upon the entire world!

It's an adventurous Catholic video series like you've never seen before!
Media Worth Sharing

Just like with any other task in life, becoming more virtuous requires the right tools. To that end, Jackie says the Church provides some great tools we can use to help us grow in any virtue.
How do we give and take criticism as Christians? Criticism should not be condescending. It should not be used to break someone down, but ultimately to build them up, as any good parent would do.
Parishioner Feedback: We Love Your Input!
Dear Parishioners we are very interested in your feedback. If have any comments and/or suggestions as it relates to any of our Parish activities, including the E-Newsletter, please click here. If you would like a direct response to your suggestion, please include your email address.
St. Leonard Parish