A lot of Center Stage Software's clients are small businesses just like us. We are here to support all of our clients. Whenever we learn something that may help all of us, we will do our best to email you links. Be sure to like our Facebook page, as we will be using it for communications, as well as sharing some wonderful music and performances that are occurring in the world right now. 

Some of what we send you may be things you've already read about, but we'd rather you read about it more than once than not read it at all. 

 Small business owners and/or self employed folks are eligible to apply for the SBA's Disaster Loan Assistance. The funds will be forgiven if they are spent on payroll, rent, and other expenses that you need to pay in order to keep your business open. As such, it is actually a grant, not a loan, because you won't have to pay it back. 

Be well. 

Stay Connected
831-583-0641 (main office)
831-920-1254 (support)