Update from the Department of Medicine
As of August 6, 2020 - Nova Scotia COVID-19 cases
active cases
total confirmed cases;
(907 in Central Zone)
total negative tests
currently in hospital due to COVID-19
resolved cases
SHORT Report
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families affected by the tragic explosion in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4th.
NSHA logo change
Dr. Brendan Carr, CEO Nova Scotia Health, announced the revised logo at the Nova Scotia Health Annual General Meeting on July 7.

  • It was felt that Nova Scotia Health is a better representation the organization.
  • The legal name remains unchanged - Nova Scotia Health Authority. The legal name will be used for contracts, letters of agreement and other official documents.
Retired logo
New logo announced July 7, 2020
Can I still use NSHA when referring to the organization?

Our preference is that we refer to ourselves as Nova Scotia Health and that we refrain from using the acronym NSHA wherever possible. We will not be using the acronym NSH and ask that you refer to the brand guidelines and our style guide for clarity.

Excerpts from email:
Krista Grant, Chief, Public Engagement & Communications
NS Health News - July 16, 2020
Congratulations Dr. Tennankore
Clinical Systems & Innovation Committee
New committee appointments
Request for interesting cases
Have an interesting case to present at Clinicopathologic Conference (CPC) rounds?

These rounds are focused on examining the clinical reasoning and potential biases that can occur during this process. Cases that have a broad differential diagnosis, perhaps some atypical features or some other feature that could cause bias in clinical reasoning tend to work best.

If you have such a case, please contact Dr. Trudy Taylor with brief details of the case.

Dr. Trudy Taylor
Chair, DoM Continuing Professional Development Committee
DoM Clinical Fellowship Award
The DoM has established a Clinical Fellowship Award to foster the development and training of promising individuals as clinicians in subspecialty areas of Medicine and Internal Medicine following the completion of their residency training program.

Due: September 11, 2020

Professional Development
The Simulation Education Network Collaborative (SimEd Network) is hosting:

Title: COVID, Simulation and the Second Wave: What you need to know to prepare
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. via Microsoft teams

For more information:
Blood Collection appointments
Dal's online teaching
Change in masking policy
Nova Scotia Health changed the masking policy requiring patients and visitors to wear a non-medical mask when entering hospitals and other health care facilities beginning Tuesday, July 21, 2020.

This change does not apply to:
  • hospital inpatients
  • children under two years of age

Staff working in clinical areas are required to wear a procedure mask.
Staff working in non-clinical areas will be required to wear a non-medical mask in public/common areas such as hallways and elevators.
Province announces mandatory masks
CTV News Atlantic
Dr. Lisa Barrett's tips on properly wearing face masks
Infectious disease specialist Dr. Lisa Barrett shares some timely tips on wearing face masks and explain a few myths as well.

8 minutes 22 seconds
Friday, July 31, 2020
Remdesivir approved for COVID-19
Employee-only entrance
Beginning Monday, August 10, Nova Scotia Health will introduce an employee-only entrance at the QEII’s Halifax Infirmary site (Robie Street entrance).

  • All Nova Scotia Health staff and physicians will be required to use the designated Robie Street staff-only entrance.

Staff can enter through the double doors on the south side of Shoppers Drug Mart, across from the parkade and follow through the blue doors to enter into the building. Directional signage will be posted. You will be required to use your Nova Scotia Health ID card to access the door.
  • The new employee entrance will be well-lit and have an intercom to security and will be monitored by camera.
  • Staff can exit the building using any door but will be required to re-enter through the designated entrance.
  • If you need an accessible entrance, please continue to use the main entrance.
Childcare needs survey
Author: Nova Scotia Health Authority
Uploaded: July 16, 2020
Video: 1 min 33 secs
Videos - PPE and masks

Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min

Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
Websites to reference
Department of Medicine
Employee Health
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.