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Get Vaccinated!

Shaull Woods

Hello Albert,

Well, 60 years. How about that? I seriously did not see it coming. And, here it is - and well, OK! Hell yeah! See below for an online chance to celebrate with me tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I was going to ask for 2 things for my birthday - to keep 8 acres of trees standing in Gresham was the first thing. At a rally at the Shaull Woods yesterday we learned that it's getting more and more likely that this property will be purchased from a developer and protected in perpetuity. We're not out of the woods on this one yet, but closer. Feel free to take this action.

For my 2nd wish, I was hoping that we'd get a hearing for HB 3023 which works to eliminate the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in my Metro region. It looks like that will take place on May 17th @ 1 pm - feel free to submit written testimony or follow along with this bill's progress via this site.

Speaking of the pandemic, I've been spending some time trying to encourage people in my various social circles to get vaccinated. It's led to a lot of arguments and push-back, but I think it's always worth it to put your thinking out there. I find it actually helps me learn about issues via debating them. Give it a try and see how it goes. See John Oliver's persuasive arguments below for some encouragement.

Get Vaccinated!
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Albert's Virtual Birthday Party - May 11th - 5 pm PST - Concert, Singalong

Please join me for a song or two.

is the Zoom link.

Want to gift me something for me for my birthday? Find one issue on this page and create an action step and do it and let me know what you've done - either in the comments section of my site or via email. Go!

I hope this newsletter finds you happy and healthy and enjoying life.



Pick one topic below and take an action is probably the best tool for local organizing that's ever existed. I use it to make my neighborhood a better place. Join me, neighbor!

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Here's a pretty song on KBOO right now - I think I first heard this at PSGW years ago.