October 2020
Advancing the heART of Education
A monthly newsletter about Fine Arts in Iowa
Share Your Story with IAAE
Whether you've completely transformed your classroom or would simply like to share a positive step forward, good news is worth sharing. In spite of COVID-19, there are many success stories in arts education throughout our state. We would like to help you celebrate and share your stories.

Email us directly at or share your good news by clicking the button below. If you'd like, include a picture or video of what you're up to. It means a lot for people to see arts education happening in our state during this time, and anything you can share would go far in advancing the heART of education.
IAAE Young Professionals Fall Symposium
The Mentorship Committee is currently connecting young professionals with retired and/or active mentors within their disciplines. If you have a 1st or 2nd year arts teacher (or someone who may be new to the arts teaching arena) who would like a mentor, please find more information here.

In addition, the Young Professionals Fall Symposium will be held virtually on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 9:30-2:20pm. The event will include many opportunities for young educators to connect with other arts professionals, learn from experienced mentor/mentee pairs, and attend a variety of sessions from current statewide arts educators. Plus, all first and second year teachers who register for the event will receive a free one-year membership to the IAAE. Look for registration for this FREE virtual event coming the week of October 12th - all state arts educators are invited to attend!
Counseling and Assistance available through COVID Recovery Iowa
The State of Iowa has received federal funding from FEMA to offer free virtual counseling and assistance to those affected, in any way, by COVID-19. COVID Recovery Iowa provides counseling, virtual activities, referrals and help finding resources to any Iowan seeking assistance or a listening ear.

Iowans of all ages may join groups online to find support and learn creative strategies for coping with the effects of the pandemic. COVID Recovery Iowa will announce additional programs in the coming weeks to help Iowans build coping skills and resilience.
Iowa Department of Education Releases SEL Competencies
Iowa's newly revised Social-Emotional Learning Competencies were released on September 29th. As stated in the introduction of the document, “Social-Emotional competencies are important for whole-student development and well-being.” 

Explore the purpose and valuable use of the SEL Competencies, especially as a natural extension of the work already being done in arts education classrooms across the state. The SEL Competencies include many arts connections and opportunities under “Adult Examples for Instruction” and “Learner Examples.”
Virtual Learning Through the Arts Panel
Both schools and arts organizations want the 2020-21 school year to be engaging and meaningful for students! Throughline Arts is hosting a Virtual Learning Through the Arts Panel to bring Educators and Arts Partners together to discuss the needs and opportunities for creative virtual learning through the arts.

Virtual Learning Through the Arts Panel
Monday, October 5 from 4-5pm via Zoom

The focus questions of the conversation will be:
  • How are schools addressing virtual arts learning?
  • How can arts organizations and teaching artists meet the needs of teachers and students?
  • What types of virtual programs are arts organizations offering and who do they serve?
  • What does quality look like in virtual arts learning?

The panelists are:
Regenia Bailey, Any Given Child Program Facilitator, Iowa City Community Schools
Kathleen Davenport, Turnaround Arts Local Program Director and Visual Arts Coordinator, Des Moines Public Schools
Amy Hunzelman, Director of Education and Special Programs, Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center
Karoline Myers, Education Manager, Des Moines Performing Arts
Brady Plunger, Associate Curator of Education, University of Iowa Museum of Art
Patricia Toben, Arts and Community Engagement Program Coordinator, Sioux City Community Schools

* The Iowa Arts Council will also share information about the new Virtual Arts Experience Grant.

And we want to hear from you! Participants are encouraged to share their own virtual arts learning resources and ask questions about developing their own programs. Please contact Christina Farrell at with any questions!

Member Arts Organization Highlights
  • The National Association for Music Education recently published updated Guidance for Teaching Early Childhood and General Music in the Time of COVID-19. Learn about how you can help educators and students stay safe.
  • Join the Iowa Music Education Association in discussions about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access to Music Education in Iowa. Sessions are free, and resources are available at the IMEA website.
  • The 2020 Iowa Thespian Festival will be held this Spring as a series of Regional Events due to Covid-19.
  • Arts Educators of Iowa is joining forces with the Wisconsin Art Education Association who will be hosting a virtual conference on October 24th called 2020 Vision in collaboration with the Art Educators of Minnesota and the North Dakota Art Education Association. Learn more and register online.
  • The 2020 Iowa All-State Music Festival rehearsals and concert in Ames have been cancelled. All-State Festival Auditions will proceed as planned and students will be accepted and announced as members of the 2020 All-State Band, Chorus, and Orchestra.
  • The Jazz Educators of Iowa (JEI) have commissioned three new pieces specifically designed to help band directors provide meaningful musical experience during these challenging times. The pieces emulate “flex” compositions, which can be practiced or performed if you can’t rehearse with your entire band or don’t have traditional jazz band instrumentation. Visit to learn more, or contact JEI president Dennis Green at
The Alliance is supported by the contributions of members like you.
Please join us in our mission to support arts education.
Need more information about the Alliance and our programs?

Contact our Executive Director: Leon Kuehner 641-425-0959