Welcome to MACA's 11th Annual Statewide Conference!
Welcome to the first day of this year's conference!

Below are the Zoom links for today's presentations. There is a Zoom link for the Opening Remarks & Keynote, and you can choose your afternoon session from the two workshop offerings. You can find more information on the workshops in the Attendee Packet.  

To access the presentations:
  • Click the respective Zoom link provided below.
  • When prompted by Zoom, please enter your name and email address.
  • Zoom will immediately provide a unique link for you to join the session.

The entire process takes a couple of minutes, so we suggest you login early before each session. For more information on accessing the workshops through Zoom, please refer to the Attendee Packet
May 11, 2021 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST 
Tom King, MSW, Executive Director, Massachusetts Children's Alliance
Joyce James, LMSW-AP, President and CEO of
Joyce James Consulting, LLC
Turning the Mirror Inward - This 90-minute keynote will introduce participants to new principles and concepts designed to build greater awareness and understanding of the deeper more systemic factors that contribute to racial inequities. The presentation will discuss what racial inequities look like across systems, how systems contribute significantly to racial inequities, and how systemic interventions and training can work to reduce disproportionality and disparities.

Workshops - Choose one to join
May 11, 2021 3:00 - 4:30 PM EST
Joyce James, LMSW-AP, President and CEO of Joyce James Consulting, LLC

This session will examine the lens through which helping professions view and understand the persistent racial inequities in systems and institutions that have historically, and still today, contribute to poor outcomes for the most vulnerable populations. It will also provide a deeper analysis of structural and institutional racism as the underlying causes of the racial inequities that exist for the same vulnerable populations in their relationships with all helping systems.

Sue Bonanno, Founder of Soulspace Meditation & Wellbeing

This workshop will teach participants practical skills that strengthen their minds, access their resilience and grow their ability to maintain health under stressful life conditions. Through a combination of the latest research and short meditation experiences, participants will leave with a new appreciation for meditation and how it relates to wellbeing in their mind, body & work. Participants will be prepared with a new life skill and a deeper understanding of how to raise their consciousness so they can master their mind and make choices that help them thrive from a position of strength.

Tips for Zoom

  • New to Zoom or want to check your set up? You can test Zoom on your computer by joining this Zoom test meeting:
  • As you join all presentations, your camera will be off and your mic will be muted. If you are joining a Zoom Meeting, feel free to turn your camera on once you join.
  • If you are having trouble hearing or need to call in via phone:
  • Dial +1 929 205 6099
  • Provide the Meeting ID found on the registration confirmation page in the Zoom links above.
  • Additional support for Zoom can be found on the Zoom website.
Questions? Please email Madeline at