H&H Child Care Training Center is pleased to co-sponsor with the Rockville Center to bring you this special lecture featuring Clarence Hickey

Special Lecture Series with the Rockville Science Center

Carrying Messages & Stories of Science, Environment, and the Future to Children and Students

-- with Clarence Hickey --

Online with Zoom

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

7:00pm to 8:00pm (EST)

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This PowerPoint lecture tells real stories relating the excitement of science and nature study to young people. It also relates offering messages of science and science literacy to young peoples’ significant adults. The presenter uses his 20+ years of volunteer involvement with the public schools and other community organizations to focus on the childrens’ responses to science activities and programs such as school career days, science fairs, and evening family science nights, as well as public events about science and environment for children and adults, public events such as Rockville Science Day on the Montgomery College Rockville campus. This program relates 500 letters of correspondence from children to the presenter as feedback about his messages of science and environment. The good news and energy in the messages offered to the young people flows both ways, lifting up both the young people and the message carrier. This program is appropriate for any community organization serving young people, while utilizing volunteers, and focusing on science, nature, and environmental stewardship. 

Clarence Hickey is a biologist, holding a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Marine Biology. He offers classes and programs on being your own backyard scientist, using sampling instruments fashioned from materials found around the home. Clarence studied the 17-year periodical cicadas during 2021 in Montgomery County and he raised, tagged, and released monarch butterflies for conservation. Clarence also is an interpreter and master docent with Montgomery History’s Stonestreet Museum of 19th Century Medicine in Rockville, MD, and a re-enactor with its Speakers Bureau. Clarence’s passion for military medical history stems partly from his time with the U.S. Army Medical Service supporting the 101st Airborne Division during the Vietnam era.

H&H Child Care Training Center

Location Address:

. . . . .839 Quince Orchard Blvd;

. . . . .Suite D&E

. . . . .Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Phone: 301-261-4163

Web Site:

Rockville Science Center, Inc.

Location Address:

. . . . .(Town Square across from library)

. . . . .36C Maryland Ave

. . . . .Rockville, MD 20850

Mailing Address:

. . . . .P.O. Box 1084

. . . . .Rockville, MD 20849

Phone: 240-386-8111

Web Site:

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