March 16-20, 2020 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
As you no doubt are aware by now, we have canceled or postponed all in-person meetings and gatherings. Virtual meetings can be held using the
ZOOM platform or others such as FaceTime and iMessage.
We will be holding worship services at 11:00 AM on Sundays, live-streamed via our Facebook page,
Unitarian Church in Westport. Please join us online then, or watch the recorded video afterwards. (Not a social media type? Don't worry, you don't need to be a member of FaceBook to watch the recording later.)
Help us help each other.
As a related service at this time of change, vulnerability and need, we have started a network of helpers, the
TUCW Caregiving Support group
, to help all of us cope with the loss of physical connection and support. If you wish, we'd love for you to sign up to be part of this "caring brigade." There's no obligation to do anything, but by signing up you're signaling that if you can help, you will. Click
to sign up, and contact
Beth Cliff
if you have questions.
Photo Credit: David Vita. An alternative to the virus pictures we've all become familiar with. As David says: "
I'm not taking Corona lightly and I'm choosing what I want to focus on."
How Much is 'Right' to Give for Annual Stewardship?
The answer is…it’s up to you!
A good way to determine an amount is to look at the value that you and your family have received from our community over the years, and expect to enjoy in the future. Do you have a child in the OWL program who is learning lifelong skills and gaining personal confidence? Are you enjoying singing in a choir? Supporting refugees? Building community with the Women's Group? Learning about the Hindu and Islamic faiths? Being inspired by thoughtful sermons and readings? Enjoying sitting in our beautiful sanctuary on a Sunday morning watching the light shine through? The list goes on and on ...
Your financial gifts allow for all these activities to take place. They pay for the salaries of our staff - our ministers, our administrators, our teachers, our sexton. They pay for the snow plowing and the heating bill, the refrigerator and the copy machine. Unlike other faith communities, our annual spend is completely up to us: what we pledge and give is what our budget is for the year; there are no handouts from elsewhere!
A general guideline often cited is that 3.5% of income is appreciated, recognizing that some people can give more - sometimes even 10+%! - and some less. The ask is to do all you can to stretch to give to this community. And this year, Reverend John has asked us if we could consider increasing our pledges by 10% over last year.
The UUA offers a
to help guide our thinking here. It's a bit complicated -- don't let it turn you away -- but it does give you more data points to ponder. The main message:
give what you can and then stretch a little bit more than that if you can
! We have high hopes for the year to come - we're building momentum! - and we want to capitalize on that forward energy.
Our houseparties have been canceled, so now's the time to make sure you pledge directly by visiting our website or clicking
Full payment not due until June 2021. Questions? Contact
What do our members say about why they give?
“The act of pledging is in some ways more important than the giving. It says I promise to support what this is, what we are.” ~
Stephen Axthelm
We're in this together!
Now more than ever it's important to stay connected with one another. We have ZOOM licenses to enable online conference calls (contact the
church office
to reserve a line), and many other technologies (FaceTime, iMessage, WhatsApp) are easy off your smartphone. Training on ZOOM is available.
That said, if there's only one thing you have time for
then make it a priority to check
each week - it shows up in your inbox every Friday and Sunday mornings. A
ll archived copies since October 2019 can be found
, and the most recent is always posted on the homepage of
Notice of Membership Meeting - Sunday, April 5, 2020 - 12:30 PM
Call to Order and Purpose of the Meeting:
The Board of Trustees is calling a membership Meeting to:
Vote on a proposal from the Committee On Ministries
to change Article X, Section 4, paragraph 1 to read as follows: Committee on Ministries (COM): The COM is comprised of seven members elected to serve for staggered five-year terms.
Vote on a proposal
to approve a Bridge Loan proposal from K Vogel that will help fund more of the Capital Campaign construction projects this summer
Q: How do I find out if I am eligible to vote?
Did you know there is a group of over 3,500 Unitarian Universalists from around the world who connect and worship together virtually? Our own Margalie Belizaire is active in this organization,
The Church of the Larger Fellowship ("CLF"). Join in worship Sunday nights: prelude at 7:45, service at 8 PM. Go
HERE for more info.
Why Clean Slate?
Because a criminal record should not be a life sentence.
“Clean Slate” bill HB 5712, currently before the Connecticut General Assembly, would automatically expunge the records of persons convicted of certain crimes. This would apply to misdemeanors three years after finishing their sentence, and nonviolent felonies after five years. I will be asking you to contact your State representatives about this in the next few weeks. Please click
to view the CONECT fact sheet. And please contact David with any questions:
Last Sunday, Janet Luongo convened the first planning meeting for
UU the Vote activities here at TUCW; all are excited about the level of support and energy that came together in the East Wing. It's an important cause this election year!
The group is organizing its activities for itself and the greater congregation. If you want to be involved and stay informed, join our email list; contact
Note: There is a ZOOM meeting
Sunday March 15, 7PM for the leadership group to continue planning. Contact
Janet if you'd like to be a part of it. We'd love to have you!
: Grief Support Group
This important gathering is canceled for now. It will start up again as circumstances allow. Questions?
Pat Francek
203.893.1781 or
Chuck Harrington
All meetings scheduled from here on out will be postponed or held in a virtual format such as ZOOM until further notice. Questions? Contact program leader or
Rev Shelly.
AGING TO SAGING Planning Meeting
Our Neighboring Faiths Program Resumes with a Study of Christianity
March-April 2020
Facilitators: Tom Hearne, Tom Croarkin, Matthew McPartland
No physical gatherings will take place. Virtual meetings, TBD. If you are interested in virtual sessions, contact
- Session 1 Learn – (possible) Friday, March 20, 7 PM
- Session 3 Reflection – (possible) Friday, April 3, 7:00 PM
These programs are canceled, postponed, or being held on a virtual platform.
Please email the leaders for the most up-to-date information.
These opportunities for learning and connection are ongoing and currently offered. Visit
Adult Faith Formation
on our website or email leaders as listed below.
6:30-8:00 PM Meeting House
Buddhist Practice Group
Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.
various dates and times.
Small group ministry meetings
These must be signed-up for ahead of time; they depend on host availability, group size.
All TUCWomen events at the church will be cancelled until further notice. This includes the TUCWomen's meeting this Sunday and Grandma Nancy's talking circles. Awakening Mentorship with Cheryl Dixon Paul will be rescheduled virtually with a date to be announced. Thank you for your interest in our events. We will keep you updated.
Moving to Virtual, Time TBD:
Workshop 1: Awakening Mentorship: Giving and Receiving
Cheryl Dixon Paul will lead a workshop on how a teacher, mentor or friend has make a difference in our lives, and how we can mentor others in return. Learn more about all the workshops
Future workshops: (possible) April 8 and May 22.
Our complete calendar is always on our website. Click
for quick access.
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203.227.7205 ext. 19 or email
to learn more about our Pastoral Care Associates.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues...
please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
and support individual spiritual growth.
through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries.
in the service of peace and justice.