When is the proper time to start planting one’s garden? First, take a scientific approach and trust the information we have at our disposal. The USDA lists Mitchell County’s last frost date as May 10th respectively. This can vary due to rapid elevation changes in our area. Cole crops such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower can be planted before or closely there after due to cold tolerance. It is recommended, that you wait at least 10-14 days after the last frost date to begin planting other crops which are more susceptible to frost and freeze damage. Cold temperatures can do more than just kill prized plants, for example “Sun-loving” plants (Solanaceae) such as peppers and tomatoes abort flower buds at temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit thus delaying harvest dates. So, monitor the temperatures and purchase plants which have been exposed to outdoor temperatures before store distribution and enjoy the growing season. For more information contact Shane Biddix at 828.688.4811.