Referee and Scorekeeper Clinics

Below you will find your teams scheduled time for scorekeeper clinics. Please reach out to Chris Finseth, with any questions. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early, clinics will begin promptly on their scheduled time. Late arrivals will not get credit for the class.

Date: December 7th

Coram Deo Academy
9645 Independence Pkwy
Plano, TX 75025

Score Clinic Times
9:00 am
12 Purple
13 Purple
16 Black
17 Black
15 Metro Celia
13 Metro Jenna

10:40 pm
17 Purple
14 Purple
12 Black
14 Black
14 Metro Lindsey
14 Metro Chris

12:20 pm
16 Purple
15 Purple
18 Purple

2:00 pm R2 clinic
Coaches and Parents**

**Parents who would like to do the R2 training need to register with Chris 469-371-6573
Save the Dates
December 1st: December Payment Due

December 7th- Club Wide Referee and Score Keeper Clinics (Details below)

Hotels and Flights for Travel Tournaments

Travel Policy

Many have asked what the options are for travel tournaments. Here is our stance.

Power will secure a room block through the tournament housing agency to ensure we are meeting the requirements needed to enter the tournament. Each family attending the tournament is highly encouraged to book a room within the club block. If your family cannot meet these requirements please reach out to the directors as soon as possible.

As part of our player development we strongly believe and highly encourage all players stay as a team when they are at a travel tournament. You will find the teams that are the most successful and that compete at the National level have team chemistry and have developed a team concept. This is also becoming an important characteristic coaches at the next level are looking for in recruiting players. We want to make sure our athletes are fully prepared in all aspects of the game. We do understand that this may cause an additional cost for our families who travel to tournaments but it is one that has value in the development of their daughter.

Please stay in constant communication with your coaches and club directors regarding your families plans on hotels.

All players must secure transportation to all tournament locations. Players must arrive to the hotel by the specified time and attend all team meetings. Players must also remember to bring meal money when attending tournaments.

We ask that all athletes arrive the day before competition, and depart no earlier than 5:30 PM on the last day of the tournament.
Club Dues
Payments are due on the 1st and late after the 15th. If wanting to pay by CC, you can access your invoice by logging into your account here and selecting the payment you wish to make. Reminder there is a 3% service fee for cc payments.

If you are paying by check or cash please bring payments to our payment dropbox during the house of 6-10 Tuesday/Thursday

As a friendly reminder, non payment could result in your daughter not be allowed to participate in activities. Please reach out with questions.
Dig Deeper Series
Five Ways for More Blocking Success
Back when he was a middle blocker at UCLA, U.S. Men's National Team Head Coach John Speraw had an epiphany: watching the setter's hands instead of the release of the ball helped him read the play much faster and be ready for the block. This is just one of the great tips you'll get in this article.
Losing Without Losing It
You are going to lose every once in a while. But how can you turn that negative feeling into something positive? U.S. Women's National Team head coach Karch Kiraly, along with national team players Erik Shoji and Annie Drews, share how they deal with the agony of defeat.
Start the Next Semester of School With a Winning Mindset
Fall semester is just about over. How did you do? If you are looking to improve your academic success, read these tips from 2017 Girls Youth National Team member Kendall Kipp, who is heading to Stanford next fall. She knows what it takes.
Energy Drinks Are Not the Answer
You see energy drinks everywhere these days. Young athletes are drinking them for a jolt of morning caffeine or to get through a long day or late practice. But the drinks hold hidden dangers you should know about.
When are uniforms arriving?
Uniforms packages will be ready for pickup next week. We will email with further details next week.

When will find out about hotels?
Rooms blocks have been secure. Instructions have be sent. Please check with your team mom(s)/parent to ensure you are given booking instructions.

Do I have to stay at the club room block?
No, however we do ask that you use the tournament housing service if you wish to reserve at a different hotel. If you need assistance, please email

When are the scorekeeper clinics?
December 7th at Coram Deo Academy in Plano.

Late Payments?
Payments are due on the 1st and late after the 15th

Missing Documents?
Please reach out to to find out what documents you are still missing.
Important Links
Recruiting Skills Videos
These videos are a great way to get your daughter started in the recruiting process by having video to post on their online profiles through as well as having it published on the Power Volleyball website and our official YouTube page.

We highlight your athlete's athleticism and volleyball talent in a controlled and structured environment. The film session is organized by drill and specific movement and provides angles and shots that show your daughter in the best light.

The skills videos are offered at an additional cost to all athletes wishing to have video posted on their online profiles or for training purposes.

Cost: $150 cash or check only.

Includes: 1 hour court time of filming and drills and a fully edited video. A YouTube link will be emailed to you once the video is complete.

Highlight videos are offered at an additional cost to all athletes wishing to have video posted to their online profiles.

Cost: $75
Includes: review of game footage to produce a fully edited video 

Please reach out to Anthony Duenas, if interested.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Thank you for your tireless support of your child at Power Volleyball Club. As we partner with you here at Power Volleyball club for the upcoming season, I want you to know that your commitment does not go unnoticed.

As you know, at Power we place the needs of the players and coaches first and that club fees pay for your daughter's necessities for a successful season. To pay for things that are not covered by club dues: equipment, scholarships, special events like our team get together and local charitable giving we rely on fundraising with a silent auction and raffle at the annual banquet and your donations. This year we are expanding our fundraising to include support of local businesses. 

Can we count on you to help out? It's simple, if you work for business or know a business that could sponsor the club for the upcoming year, let us know! 

contact Chris Finseth for further information.

Required Forms
Please have all forms signed and turned in by November 6th. If you have not turned documents yet, please bring to our sunday clinic or scan email to