From the desk of
September 14, 2020
Environmental Monitoring can reduce your Produce Safety Risk
Jordan DeVries; Produce Safety Technician
Phil Tocco; Michigan State University Extension Educator
Environmental monitoring (EM) isn’t looking for things that harm the environment like you might find in the MAEAP program. Rather, this activity involves the routine monitoring for microbial pathogens through testing surfaces where you might be likely to find them. An environmental monitoring program is invaluable for farms doing regularly scheduled sanitation cleaning in buildings and equipment.
The dirty truth about bacterial growth!
This short animation illustrates just how quickly bacteria can grow in the right conditions. Cleaning and sanitizing regularly is crucial in order to reduce bacterial growth and minimize the chances of contamination. Watch this short animation to learn more!
Do you perform Environmental Monitoring at your farm or facility?
Click below to submit your answer!
We would like to start doing some EM, but could use some support
We have an EM program in place, but it has been a struggle
The Ins and Outs of Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Monitoring is the process of testing surfaces inside a pack house or post-harvest area. In this episode, Scott Wall with New Age Laboratories and Jordan DeVries, a Produce Safety Technician with Newaygo Conservation District, discuss why you may want to implement an environmental monitoring program on your farm. 
Apple growers! Schedule your FREE Produce Safety On-Farm Readiness Review!
Apple season is underway! If you produce apples, it's time to schedule a free, voluntary and confidential FSMA Produce Safety Rule OFRR consultation at your farm.  We can help you reduce your Produce Safety risk, and we don't need to review any records!

An On-Farm Readiness review is a FREE, Voluntary and Confidential farm visit from members of the Michigan Produce Safety Team. Click here to schedule yours today!
FREE Produce Safety Trainings for Growers!
Michigan State University Extension recently announced a FREE, three-week produce safety training course designed specifically for farm supervisors

The course runs from October 1 to Oct 25. Registration ends Sept. 24th.

The Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety team will offer six FREE Online Produce Safety Rule Grower Trainings this fall and winter.

Pre-registration is required and space is limited.

The UMass Extension Vegetable Program welcomes extension specialists and farmers to a series of online workshops all about water!

Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team
1715 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202 | MSU Extension MACD Produce Safety Technicians
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