

It’s December and almost the end of what may have been one of the most frightening, chaotic and challenging years any of us have ever experienced. Wave after wave of challenges rolled over us as a country.

Before we say farewell to 2020, let’s consider the silver linings - a chance to help a neighbor, connecting with new people and projects that could only happen with Zoom, and the opportunity to experience loving kindness at a six foot distance. Despite a deadly pandemic, we have seen the bluest skies and the cleanest air. We have seen real heroes in our midst. We elected a female, woman of color as Vice President!

As for TTN and our Atlanta chapter, we had a banner year. Despite it all, we women did what women have always done - we carried on. We had peer groups, book club, and movie night discussions. We had Friday Coffee Hours and Wine Down Wednesdays! We dined together and we traveled the world virtually. We celebrated the tenth anniversary of our chapter along with the twentieth anniversary of TTN as an organization. We welcomed new members and we said farewell to some dear friends. We stayed safe and we cared for one another. And....we are busy with big plans for 2021 to strengthen our volunteer impact in our community and to educate ourselves about racism and white privilege. We look forward to our continuing growth and the opportunity to make new friends.

So, let us meet the New Year with wisdom, kindness, energy, and determination. Cheers to a New Year and the many opportunities ahead. 
We encourage you to bring friends, prospective members, and female acquaintances to any of our programs so they too can experience what TTN has to offer. Keep in mind all events require a headcount days before the actual date. Please register as early as your schedule allows. We consider all schedules and hope everyone will find an event that is convenient and sign up.
Upcoming Events
Please go to to check out all of the events we can attend. You can now register for any event from any chapter because everything is virtual and no need to drive anywhere. There are interesting activities planned from the Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington DC chapters and more. Keep in mind time zone differences and plan accordingly. Register on the website and enjoy!!!
To register, for any of our events on the TTN website it is required that you login first. Go to the upper right portion of the screen and put in your email address and your password. We often receive comments that the event will not allow one to register and it is usually because the login has not taken place.
Monthly Events
Each month we will offer these for your pleasure. Sign up and join the fun!!
Where in the World is ATL-TTN?
Christmas Markets and Holiday Traditions Around the World!

Thursday, December 3, 2020 7:00pm

Join ATL-TTN as we travel to the festive European Christmas Markets along with several surprise Holiday Tradition Spots Around the World. Get in the holiday spirit as we travel the world to see the bright lights and traditions of the holidays. You won't want to miss this festive event! Our travel begins on Thursday, December 3rd at 7pm. Hope you can join us! Bring a cup of hot cocoa or holiday cheer to get in the spirit of this wonderful journey.

Coffee Hour
11:00 AM to Noon
Friday, December 18, 2020
Join us for a morning zoom coffee hour with your TTN Friends. This is a very relaxing and cheerful way to spend the morning. The November event was lively and enjoyable. I would encourage others to join in.

Holiday Movie Night

"Love Actually"
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
7:00pm to 8:00pm

Please view the movie, "Love Actually", prior to this session.  We will send out discussion questions which we will review during this session and the ZOOM details the day prior to the session. 

Wine Down Wednesday Holiday Craft Night: Holiday Bottle Lights
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 7:00pm
Check out the link belowto see the type of creation we will be working on together. Please ORDER your supplies (All items can be ordered from AMAZON, Walmart or Target & shipped to you (or curbside pickup)), so DON'T DELAY!

All guests need to bring are:
1. An empty wine bottle or two or three... (or any empty bottle will do!) – Please be sure to wash the bottle and take off labels (you can use soap & hot water with a scrapper or I’ve heard mayonnaise will do it too!) 
2. Small cork bottle lights (you can get these on Amazon, Target, or @almart), Here’s a link for one at Walmart:                                                                                 
3. Christmas or Hanukkah or Winter foam shapes (adhesive) - again these are easy to find on Amazon, Target, or Walmart & even at Dollar Tree stores. Note – you can even just cut out your shape using construction paper. (e.g. tree, snowflake, star, etc.)  or
4. White & red (or green or blue) or even "spray on snow" spray paint. (again from any stores listed or Home Depot/Lowes)
5. Holiday Washi tape (or any decorated sticky tape) or even solid red, green or blue tape!
6. Holiday ribbon (your choice of color or festive design) to create a bow.

Holiday Survival Kit
Monday, December 7, 2020 7:00pm

For many of use, the holidays will be spent away from friends and loved ones, leaving us feeling isolated and devoid of "holiday cheer". Why not have a supportive conversation with your TTN friends on Zoom to suggest strategies to positively celebrate the holidays? You are not alone!

Thanksgiving is generally a time to be thankful for what we have, and to think about those who aren’t as fortunate as ourselves. That spirit is especially meaningful this year, when so many people have suffered, and our usual holiday observances may be on hold. One of the things that we are thankful for is the generosity and spirit of volunteerism of our chapter members. We are women of impact, making a positive contribution in Atlanta. Our fall volunteer project was the Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House. The thank you letter from their Executive Director tells it all….

Atlanta TTN Chapter Making an Impact Volunteer Activities

Our winter volunteer project is Innovative Solutions for Disadvantage and Disability (ISDD). One of the organization’s core programs is Project GRANDD (Grandparents Raising And Nurturing Dependents with Disabilities). Project GRANDD is the only caregiver program in Georgia solely focused on the provision of supportive services to grandparents raising grandchildren or other relative children with developmental disabilities, chronic health conditions and learning and behavior disorders. The project provides education and training for the grandparents, support groups, care management, material assistance and more. The vast majority of the grandparents are women of color and are extremely low-income. They need help for basic subsistence, such as transportation, food delivery, and items for their grandchildren. You can learn more about their needs and how to help by visiting the ISDD website at
If you would like to help the grandparents, please make your donation by December 31st.
We are also working on a survey to develop a sustained, long-term approach to impacting our community based on YOUR passions and volunteer interests. We hope to get that survey to you in December.
Stay well and thank you for everything that you are doing to make a positive contribution in our community.
SIGs and TPG
We continue to have some great Special Interest Groups (SIGs) activities as part of the Atlanta TTN experience. If you are interested in a SIG, look for information in our newsletter and emails with information about the date and location. Sign up to attend as many as you like.  Share with a friend and let them experience the power of TTN! Guests can attend outings for a limited number of times.

Transition Peer Groups (TPGs) are for women to share and learn from each other. While the groups are meant to create a supportive environment, be aware that any member of TTN can go to any Peer Group meeting with the exception of Cobb. We have them set up by location to make it easier for you to attend one closer to your home.  Only members should attend our Peer Group meetings.
Book Club SIG 
Our December book will be The Book of Lost Friends, by Lisa Wingate. We will discuss via Zoom on December 11th. For January, our selection is The Dutch House, by Ann Patchett. That meeting will be on January 8th.

Reach out to Marianna Murphy if more information is needed.

Mah Jongg SIG
The Mah Jongg SIG is on temporary hiatus until it is safe to be together in real time enjoying what is half the fun of Mah Jongg-namely sharing each other's company! In the meantime, we meet periodically on Zoom to enjoy each other's company virtually.

Meet and Eat SIG
The next TTN Meet and Eat is December 17th at 6:30 PM. Please register on the TTN website by December 16th so we can send you the link.

Working Women SIG
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
7:00pm to 8:30pm
Via Zoom

Join us as we explore transitions related to our professional lives. This is an open group....we welcome all new attendees. For December, we are planning to discuss what we are doing or plan to do that is a "stretch" for us. Use your imagination.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Ann Vitale, is the contact if more information is needed.
Peer Groups
Peer Group Meetings
To make it easier for the Peer Groups and new participants we would like you to contact JoAnne D'Aleo if you want to attend one of our groups. She will coordinate your attendance with the Peer Group.
Transition Peer Groups are informal, leaderless groups composed of 8-12 TTN members who meet on a monthly basis to engage in informal discussions. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment in which women may have thought-provoking and stimulating conversations relating to career or personal transitions. 
Transition Peer Groups provide opportunities for connection, new friendships and mutually supportive exploration. The intention of these groups is for women to share and learn from each other, and while the groups are meant to create a supportive environment, they are neither support groups nor therapy groups and cannot substitute for professional help when a member may confront a personal life crisis and need special assistance.

Transition Peer Groups are a benefit of TTN membership.
ITP Decatur and Dekalb - Evening
The meeting is always the 3rd Monday night of each month. The next meeting is Monday, December 21st , 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. The meeting will take place at the home of Anne Vitale, in her backyard. Zoom is an option for those who prefer not attending in person.

Decatur Peer Group II - Day
The group will meet on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be on Thursday, December 10th at 11:45 AM at Ducks in Decatur for outdoor lunch.  You will receive an email with the Zoom meeting instructions or location of an in person meeting. Please contact Anna Apostolou if you are interested in being a part of this Peer Group. Her phone number is 404-734-4327.

ITP Intown - Day
This group will take a pause until further notice and is open for new members. If you live in the Intown/Vinings area and would like to be part of a peer group, please contact JoAnne D’Aleo at, and she will help get you set up with this group. 

Cobb II Peer Group - Evening
This group is for members in the Cobb area who are not affiliated with the established group. This group meets every 3 weeks. The next meeting date is Monday, December 7th. You will receive an email with the Zoom meeting instructions.

Cobb Peer Group - Evening
This Peer Group is closed, meaning the members attending will be the only ones to attend future meetings. This group meets once a quarter.  
Sandy Spring/Dunwoody Peer Group - Evening
The group will meet Wednesday, December 2nd, 7:00-9:00 PM. Normally this group will meet the first Wednesday night of each month.  They will meet through Zoom and some in-person.

Perimeter Peer Group - Day
This group has now formed in the Perimeter area. The geographic location is North Dunwoody AND the Sandy Springs area. The next meeting is Monday, December 16th at 3:00 PM.

Gwinnett Peer Group - Day
This group will pause for the month of December. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 27th from 1:00-3:00 PM. The regular meeting day is the last Wednesday of each month.

North Atlanta Peer Group - Evening
This group regular meeting date is the last Monday of each month. The meeting is Monday, December 21st at 5:30 PM. You will receive an email with the Zoom meeting instructions.
New Members
Do you have a friend having a difficult time dealing with our present state in the midst of a pandemic? Are you able to fill your days with things you want to do? Can you relate to women in your age group or would like to establish more relationships? If so TTN may be the answer to all of the questions. We invite you to become more involved in the various activities we offer and ask a friend to join us. We are not meeting face to face that often but we still find ways and time to come together.
We welcome our newest member, Diane Urban. Diane joined on September 29, 2020. She lives in Smyrna, and I am sure she will become active with our Cobb group of women.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?,
Cindy von Hohenleiten is our co-chair and will take questions, concerns or if you need assistance.
We are  posting information on our FACEBOOK page. We have articles that may interest you, updates, and features.  Please go to:,  and "LIKE" our FACEBOOK page.  

We have a new goal to reach 200 "Likes" by the end of the year. It is a pleasure to see more and more interest being paid to our Facebook page and the resulting interaction. Please encourage your Facebook friends to Like us. "Liking" our page is one way to find out what is going on in our chapter and to make sure your friends know what you are doing as a member of TTN. Choose "Invite Friends", and invite as many as you like. This is a busy year for Atlanta TTN so don't miss out on all of the new activities and interesting news posted to our Facebook page. If you have information you'd like to share please reach out to
Gail Collier-Glover at

That is a way of increasing viewership and possibly recruiting new members. Any post, article or event of interest please let Gail know!