AFS Cal-Neva Newsblast
8 May 2021
Diverse Voices in Fisheries Science: Spring 2021 Seminar Series
The Santa Cruz-Monterey Bay Area Subunit and the Fisheries Collaborative Program are hosting a spring seminar series entitled "Diverse Voices in Fisheries Science." In it, we're hosting speakers from diverse backgrounds, who are also studying a diverse array of fish species and systems. The seminar consists of a 30-minute research talk followed by a 30-minute moderated Q&A about mentorship, career trajectories, teaching, research, and more. Seminars are open to everyone -- please join us for our final two on May 19th and June 2nd!

  • Keith Parker (May 19) - Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Contemporary STEM in Tribal Fisheries Management

  • Maryam Kamran (June 2)

Here is the seminar Zoom link: