Trojan Weekly:  Our Online Newsletter for Alumni and Friends
February 7, 2020
Honoring The Legacy Of Saint Paul's College

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Alumni News 
Happy Birthday To All VSU Alumni Born In The Month Of February

May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer.  
Class Announcement for VSU 1970 Classmates
Golden Year Class Reunion.   Show your love for Virginia State University and send your gift this month to the VSU Class of 1970 Endowment Fund. We need your help to reach our goal of $2,500 to $5,000 per classmate. Send your check payable to the VSU Foundation (Class of 1970 Endowment on memo line) and  mail to: 

VSU Office of Institutional Advancement 
PO Box 9027 
Ettrick, VA 23806 

or use the online service at to pay via your credit card. Select the "other" category (Class of 1970 Endowment) from the list of selected funds. All gifts are tax deductible as allowed.

**Remember, if you rollover the fund from a qualified IRA to the VSU Foundation: Class of 1970 Endowment, there are no tax consequences to you. Call the Institutional Advancement Office at 804-524-5045 to complete your rollover gift or send email to Charmica Epps, Institutional Advancement,

Visit our Facebook page at Virginia State University (VSU) Class of 1970: 50th Class Reunion (May 2020). Join the Facebook group today!!! If you have pictures from the past or some current pictures you wish to have posted on our Facebook page, please send to Valarie Calahan Fauntleroy at

Remember to make hotel reservations for May 14-16.  It's graduation weekend and rooms go really fast. See you in May and thank you for keeping our students in school!

Sincerely 1970 Class Coordinators:
VSU Alumni Meet & Greet At The CIAA
The Virginia State University Alumni Association and VSU Office of Institutional Advancement invite you to the official VSU alumni CIAA Meet & Greet on Saturday, February 29 at the Embassy Suites in Charlotte. 

A $15 donation is required to attend.   All proceeds from this event will help provide financial assistance to VSU students.  To donate, please see instructions below:
How To Donate:  
  • Please click on the button below.  
  • Select, I Support Virginia State University from the drop down menu. 
  • Complete the Donor Information section.  
  • In the Item Information section select 2020 CIAA Meet and Greet from the designation drop down and enter $15.00 in the price field and add to your cart
  • To purchase multiple tickets simply enter the appropriate ticket costs (i.e. two tickets = $30; three tickets = $45) .
VSU Woo Woos Fan Favorite 

Do you have your gear ready for the CIAA CHEER EXHIBITION? 

Help Woo Woo alum ni support your favorite Woo Woos during their CIAA Super Saturday performance on February 29, 2020 in  Charlotte, NC, by purchasing a Fan Favorite T-Shirt and wearing it to the CIAA Super Saturday Event! 

VSU Founder's Day Convocation 2020

2nd Annual VSU Alumni and Friends Black Tie Scholarship
Last year we raised "$90,000" that went to Student Tuition Assistance and we want to double that this year.

Tickets by Mail
Submit the ticket order form and payment by March 4, 2020 to the
Virginia State University Foundation PO Box 9027, Virginia State University, VA 23806
Make checks or money orders payable to: VSU Foundation (In Memo Line): Inaugural Black-Tie Gala Online Ticket Sales can be purchased at

Mail the program advertisement order form and a check or money order payable to VSU Foundation by March 4, 2020 to VSU Foundation, PO Box 9027 Virginia State University, VA 23806. Email camera-ready artwork or ads to  by March 4, 2020. Online payments can be made at

We are pleased to accept all monetary donations in lieu of donations toward our silent auction. Please complete the donation formand mail with all monetary donations to: VSU Foundation, PO Box 9027, Virginia State University, VA 23806. Donations are requested by March 4, 2020.   Online Donations can be made at . Make checks/money orders payable to: VSU Foundation.
Trojan Explosion 5th Annual Alumni Weekend Event

Fallen Trojans
Our hearts go out to the bereaved families of our fallen Trojans.  May our prayers ease the pain of your lost and serve as comfort to your family and loved ones.
Whenever you learn of the passing of a fellow Trojan, please help keep the University informed by sending an email to the following email address:   

Please include the obituary/notification or funeral program so it can be updated in the database. This process will ensure that VSU's records are up to date.  

Chapter News & Events 
Attention VSUAA Chapters - Sponsor The Trojan Explosion's Pep Band T-shirts
The Virginia State University Trojan Explosion Pep Band will be traveling to Charlotte, North Carolina Feb 25th-Feb 29th for the 2020 CIAA Tournament. While in Charlotte, the Pep Band makes several performances at CIAA sponsored events, high school exhibitions, alumni functions, tournament games as well as media spotlights.  These students work very hard to recruit, promote and support our Men's & Women's Basketball teams.
We are looking for 4-5 Chapters to help sponsor a uniquely designed set of Pep Band t-shirts for a different day of the week. The cost of sponsoring a set of shirts is $300. Each chapter that sponsors a shirt will have their chapter's name included on the shirt design.
If interested in sponsoring a set of t-shirts please contact either Franklin Johnson (National Alumni Association President) at or Taylor Whitehead (Assistant Band Director) at or 804-524-6882 by Monday, February 10th as we will need to allow two weeks for the production of the shirts.
VSUAA - Richmond Metro Chapter 
VSUAA - Washington, DC Chapter 
Come join the VSUAA-Washington, DC Chapter on Saturday, March 7, 2020 with a Homecoming vibe!   We will be celebrating the 138th founding of Virginia State University (VSU).   All proceeds will go to VSUAA-DC scholarship fund which provides financial support to students in the DC area who plan or currently attend VSU.

VSUAA - Prince George's County (MD) Chapter 
VSUAA - Chesterfield County Chapter 
VSUAA - Atlanta (GA) Chapter  

Calling All Trojans!    Shop VSUATL for your new alumni shirts!  Rep VSU everywhere you go.   Shop now!   All shirts are unisex!  

University News
Vote Miss Virginia State University For Miss CIAA 
Voting began at 9:00AM EST on Monday, February 3, 2020 and will end at 11:59pm EST on Thursday, February 27, 2020.  Voting is unlimited.

VSU Advances To 31st Annual Honda Campus All-Star Challenge
Virginia State University (VSU) will compete in the National Qualifying Tournament of the 31st annual Honda Campus All-Star Challenge (HCASC), America's premier academic competition for top HBCU students. The fast-paced buzzer competition highlights students' academic prowess and ability to answer questions about history, science, literature, religion, the arts and pop culture. VSU is one of 65 teams competing for institutional grants and a spot in the HCASC National Championship Tournament taking place on the American Honda campus in Torrance, Calif., March 28 - April 1, 2020. 

Show Your Trojan Pride 
Ride With Trojan Pride

Whether cruising down I-95 or traveling across the country, Trojan Pride Tags are a great way to displa y your love for Virginia State University by telling everyone on the road not only where you're from but also where your heart is!

This pride promotion is an initiative of the VSUAA-Washington, DC Chapter to help showcase VSU and alumni pride throughout the State of Maryland.  This pride promotion is a "win-win" for both the University and the Washington, DC Chapter since part of the revenue from the purchase of these plates are returned back through perpetual scholarship support.  

To learn more on how you can get your plate visit our website at 
Get A Quote From GEICO And Help The Alumni Association A t The Same Time

The VSU Alumni Association is proud to partner with GEICO to offer VSU alumni and members a discounted rate on GEICO auto insurance.

By contacting GEICO for a free, no obligation quote and identifying yourself as a VSU alumnus, you will help support your Alumni Association, which receives compensation from this program each time a VSU alum gets an auto insurance quote from GEICO.  The compensation received goes to support student scholarships.  

To find out how much you could save with GEICO, call 1-800-368-2734 -- and be sure to mention that you're a VSU alum.   You can also get an online quote by  clicking on this link.  If you already have a G EICO policy, contact GEICO anyway to discuss whether you qualify for the VSU alum discount.  GEICO offers great rates, superior 24-hour service, fast and fair claim handling, customized coverage, convenient payment plans, safety discounts and more.  
Join The VSU Federal Credit Union Today! 
For more information please visit

Join/Renew Your VSU Alumni Association Membership Today!
Alumni graduate from the university, but the university never graduates from its alumni." 

Membership into the Virginia State University Alumni Association is one of the best ways to maintain a lifelong connection back to Virginia State University. As an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, your membership helps to strengthen the vitality of the Association by infusing your talents, skills, experiences, and expertise into a membership roster that helps make Virginia State University the strongest institution possible. Show your Trojan pride by joining or renewing your membership with the Virginia State University Alumni Association today!

VSUAA Membership Categories
The Virginia State University Alumni Association currently offers three types of membership. These include Annual, Associate, and Life and are described in detail below. 

Annual Membership - $30.00 per year
Annual membership is designated for those individuals who attended Virginia State, or any of its  previous designations.Those who subscribe within this category pay annual national dues of $30.00 to the National Alumni Association directly -at large- or through a local chapter, and receive full membership benefits for one year.  Membership is FREE for New Graduates following their first year after graduation. 

Associate Membership - $30.00 per year
Associate membership is designated for those individuals who did not attend Virginia State, or any of its previous designations, but have an interest in advancing the goals of the University through the Alumni Association. Those who subscribe within this category pay annual national dues of $30.00 to the National Alumni Association directly -at large- or through a local chapter, and receive full membership benefits for one year.

Life Membership - $750.00
Life Membership is conferred to those individuals who meet the qualifications in one of the above membership designations and have submitted an application and have paid the $750.00 fee for Life Membership. A subscribing life member is an individual making payments towards life membership.
Note:   Local chapter dues vary and are in addition to the National membership dues of $30.00.  You can pay your National Membership Dues and Life Membership online by  clicking here , however, if you are joining through a local chapter we encourage you to pay your National dues through the local chapter.  
If you prefer to mail in your application, please click here to download

Are You Following The VSU Alumni Association On Social Media?

We currently have an active presence on Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter and Pinterest .  Like us on any one of these social media platforms.   

Not Receiving Our Newsletters? 

We hope you find our weekly newsletters useful and informative.  If you know alumni who may not be receiving them share with them that they can sign-up in one of two ways: 

1)  Text VSUAA to 22828, or 
2)  Click this link to sign-up. 

About Us
The Virginia State University Alumni Association strives to promote and advance the interests of Virginia State University; to foster life-long relationships between the University and its alumni; and to promote the interaction of alumni with each other.
Virginia State University Alumni Association | P.O. Box 2488 Petersburg, VA 23804  
(804) 524 - 5596