What’s next? A lot of ministry!

I’m proud of you, West B! The coronavirus outbreak has caused a lot of disruptions. What has not been disrupted is the ministry of the church. You are doing an incredible job of loving your neighbors!

Here is what is happening over the next few weeks:

We are worshiping. At least for the next two Sundays, we will offer a digital worship experience similar to last Sunday. These services are available at a new location: WestB.org. They will also be posted to our Facebook page.

We are ministering to our neighbors. We are partnering with Downtown Ministries to serve breakfast to the underprivileged community Monday through Saturday. They meet at our Southside campus. Click here to learn more about volunteering. We will also write hand-written notes to our neighbors right around the church. If you’re interested in helping with this effort (especially if you have pretty handwriting!), then contact Sam Rainer at Sam@WestBradenton.org.

We are praying. While we cannot gather in large groups to pray, we’re still praying! If you have a request, then submit one here. Our prayer team would be honored to pray.

We are serving children and families. Jenny Smith is organizing an effort for our families. Go to our West B Parents Facebook page to receive daily devotionals, family challenges, and encouragement. Raul Hernandez is organizing an effort for our students. Go to our West B students page to receive regular devotionals and updates.

We are serving the elderly. We have a team that is calling all our older members to check on them. As needs arise, our deacons are ready to serve. We will shop for groceries and pick up medications. If you want to help serve our elderly members, contact Jim Hartmeyer at Jim@WestBradenton.org.

We are giving to God. Ministry is not going to stop! Let me be real. For us to continue these efforts, we ask you give to God in an act of worship during a difficult season.

We need as many of you to switch to online giving as possible. Here is where you can give online. If you are unable to give online, our office will remain open throughout the week for you to bring your offering to us. Or you may mail it to us at 1305 43rd Street W, Bradenton, FL 34209.

God is in control. Now is the time to step up as the church. Our community needs to hear about Jesus from us. Our neighborhood needs to see Christ in us.


Sam Rainer
Lead Pastor