August 2020 | View Online
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Vice Chancellor
for Research
It is hard to believe that it has been over four months since we issued the call to ramp-down on–campus research activities on March 17. As you are aware, we have since progressively increased on-campus research activities through a sequence of phases according to our Ramp-Up Plan. We currently remain in Phase 2, which is limited to critical and time-sensitive research activities.

I wanted to share some encouraging news, illustrating how our research and innovation community has risen to the challenge to continue progress despite the restrictions in place.

While we noticed a reduction in research proposals in April, we saw an increase in May and June compared to the previous year. In total 1,006 proposals were submitted compared to 1,036 in 2019.

UC Davis researchers were awarded a whopping $331,182,188 in research funding (direct and indirect funds combined) between March 15 through the end of June. This is an increase of $13.4 million during the same time period in 2019.

We also witnessed a flurry of activity related to COVID-19. Campus researchers submitted 147 proposals, of which 27 have been awarded funding totaling $3,091,517.

Other activities supporting research and innovation throughout our office have remained high. Since the shelter-in-place order in mid-March, we have received 2,220 IRB submissions, processed 38 records of invention and executed intellectual property agreements with five new startups.
Upcoming Events
Research Administration Forum
The next monthly Research Administration Forum is scheduled for August 26 at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. During this meeting, you can engage with and hear updates from the Sponsored Programs Office, Contracts and Grants Accounting, and other units supporting campus research infastructure.

August 26, 2020
UC Davis Venture Catalyst SBIR/STTR Knowledge Exchange Webinar
A discussion highlighting the partnership mechanisms available with The Frederick National Laboratory (FNL) as well as their resources and programs including the wide range of advanced technologies and scientific expertise in areas such as laboratory animal sciences, preclinical model development, nanotechnology, proteomics research, molecular analysis, advanced biomedical computing, AIDS and cancer virus research, and high-resolution imaging technologies.

August 18, 2020
Operational Updates from Several Research Core Facilities
DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Core
UC Davis Genome Center, GBSF #1410

The DNA Technologies Core is up and running and is providing the full array of research services. The core is offering sample processing on formerly shared instruments as a service now. 

The DNA Technologies Core has just begun the work on two large multi-species reference genome assembly projects, the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP) and the Earth BioGenome project (EBP). The goal is to generate the highest quality genome assemblies for more than 100 plant and animal species.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
4303 Tupper Hall

The NMR Facility is operating at around half of pre-COVID capacity on critical projects approved by the Office of Research. We have expanded our remote access capabilities via Real VNC and thus we can now monitor instrumentation, perform some maintenance and train people remotely.
Installation of the Helium Recovery and Liquefier system is moving forward. This will ultimately save money in helium cost, provide a steadier supply, and recycle a critical non-renewable resource.
Campus Mass Spectrometry Facilities
9 Hutchison Hall

The Campus Mass Spectrometry Facilities (CMSF) completed the installation of a new high-field Orbitrap mass spectrometer (Q-Exactive HF) in late June. Facility staff are currently running the instrument to familiarize themselves with it and are undergoing official Thermo training online via WebEx. We anticipate making the instrument available to our open-access users in the next few weeks. This instrument was the result of a NIH SIG award last summer, and is the fourth SIG the CMSF has received since our inception in 2006.

Mouse Biology Program
2795 2nd Street #400

The Mouse Biology Program (MBP) is operating with approximately 50 percent of staff working on-site with new COVID-19 related procedures and processes in place.
Our multiple vivaria are functioning and providing husbandry care and welfare of mice. We also continue to offer campus investigators emergency cryopreservation of their mouse lines to protect critical research resources. When we emerge from this current crisis, the MBP will also be available to provide expedited recovery and resuscitation of cryopreserved mouse lines to help get your research going again as rapidly as possible. 

Important Reminders
Financial Conflict of Interest Filings for Human Subject Research
Researchers who have an existing financial conflict of interest and management plan in place for industry sponsored human subjects research need to file a new Form 800 in the eCOI system at IRB Continuing Review. The IRB will accept Form 800s filed within the preceding three months.
Office of Research Resources and Support
Prasant Mohapatra | Office of Research |