Correction to the Doar sent November 26, 2020
There was a mistake in the Doar sent November 26, 2020 regarding the time of the November 28 Shabbat Morning Service. Please note that the service will begin at
10 am. Apologies for the confusion. Correct details below:

Saturday, November 28
10:00 - 11:45 am
Shabbat Morning Service
Parshat Vayetzei

P’suaki D'zimra - Nomi Fenson
Shacharit - Harriet Frost
Torah Service - Rabbi Hannah Dresner
Torah Reader - Heidi Mannis
Closing - Tiferet Welch
Zoom Shamash - Tyche Smith

Join via Zoom. Meeting ID: 810 4690 4137; Passcode: 050826
Or Shalom
710 East 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5T 2A7