Fall 2019 Community Newsletter

River Gate Development Ltd. has begun development on the site located behind the entrance water feature. Currently earthworks are underway to ready the site for utility servicing and construction.

Coldwell Banker Kamloops Realty will have information on these units when they go on sale shortly.

The cart path on hole #6 has been re-routed to allow for the entrance to River Gate, which will be off Sun Rivers Drive at the top of the centre median. The median will be shortened slightly to allow for access.

Rio Vista continues to build-out. Phase 3 servicing will begin soon. Phase 2 units are selling quickly, with 11 homes currently under construction.

Only 2 lots remain unsold in Sillaro, with 10 homes currently under construction
Design for improvements to the Highway 5/E. Shuswap Rd. intersection are underway. This project will see dual left turn lanes on E. Shuswap Rd. to handle the increasing traffic, along with other safety improvements. Construction is scheduled for spring 2020.

Construction of the roundabout planned for the entrance to Sun Rivers is scheduled for 2020 as well. This project will also align the entrance to the Tk'emlups te Secwepemc lands south of E. Shuswap Rd. with the Sun Rivers entrance.
The Board of Directors has adopted a Community Rule prohibiting homeowners from pushing or blowing snow from their property onto Community streets. Click HERE to read the Rule.

One warning will be given, after which homeowners could be fined $200 for violation of this Rule. The Rule has been adopted for safety and to minimize inconvenience for residents.

See the snow removal message from Corix HERE
The compost site located by the Community Garden off E. Shuswap Rd. to the east will be closed permanently later in November. Maintenance of this compost site has been difficult and expensive. It is being used by non-Sun Rivers residents as well as landscape contractors while the Community is paying the costs to remove the compost. Also, plastic bags and pots and other garbage are being thrown in with the compost, which then results in the compost being taken to the dump rather than a compost facility.

Tk'emlups te Secwepemc is planning to open a compost site in spring of 2020 which will be available to all residents located on Reserve lands. We will notify you of its location as soon as this information is available.
The Board of Directors has approved the purchase of a surveillance camera system for installation near the Sun Rivers entrance. This system, recommended by the Traffic and Safety Committee will collect video of licence plates of vehicles entering and leaving Sun Rivers. Following any crime events, we will be able to review the video and provide the RCMP with plate numbers of vehicles leaving the community around the time of the event. Watch for its installation in the coming weeks.
You may have noticed the new bus shelter recently installed at the bus stop in the Village Centre. This shelter was supplied by the Community to give bus riders in the community some shelter from the weather.
If your dog can't do this, please pick up after them!

Be a responsible pet owner! Doggy bag stations and garbage cans are located throughout the community.
Recreational vehicles, including motor homes, travel trailers, boats and PWC and their trailers should now be stored off-site. The Guidelines prohibit the parking of recreational vehicles on home-sites outside of the season of use.

If you haven't already done so, please arrange to have your recreational vehicles stored for the winter.
You will soon be receiving an email with your invitation to the annual Residents Social, to be held on Sunday December 8 . We hope you can join your fellow Sun Rivers residents for this annual affair. Come meet others from your Community. Be sure to RSVP!

We will again be collecting toys and assembling Christmas Hampers for less fortunate members of Tk'emlups te Secwepemc (Kamloops Indian Band), with toys also going to the United Way to support their programs.
Saturday December 7 will be our Children's Christmas party at Masons. All Sun Rivers children and grandchildren are welcome to this fun event.

Look for your invitation and more details coming in your email soon!

A calendar of events is online at . If you have an event you would like posted, email with details of the event, worded just as you would like it to read, or submit details by clicking the link on the Events page on the website.

Upcoming Events:
December 7 - Children’s Christmas Party
December 8 - Annual Residents’ Social

Invitations will be sent to you shortly for these two events

Volunteers for these events are needed! If you can help out, please email, or sign up on
Have a story, event or news to share in our quarterly newsletter? Let us know at
Community Office Hours: 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday, except holidays