Note From Principal Atkins


We made it through our first full week of the new year! I'm so proud of our students navigating these spaces so well and adapting to new and stricter guidelines. After remote learning experiences over the last few years, we know that learning in-person is an extremely high priority for our youngest learners. As they are only in their beginning stages of important/foundational learning in literacy and math, we know that any time spent in person is beneficial. In that light, I want to reiterate that we are holding tight to strict guidelines and protocols to try and keep our building open so that learning continues to occur in person. Please bear with us and exercise the value of grace knowing our strengthening of protocols is to ensure the safety of both the adults and the children in our community.

This month we started our focus on another Personal Success Factor: Optimism. Feel free to support an emphasis on this character trait at home as well. We know, during this month of celebrating Dr. King, that he was a true beacon of optimism.
  • "Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream."
  • "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
  • "Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope." - MLK

Remember that After School Enrichment registration is open through Monday. There are still spots in both the grant-funded and fee-based clubs, so please sign up if you are interested! Clubs that are under-enrolled may be postponed/canceled.

SchoolChoice Round 1 opened this morning. We have prepared information for prospective parents and hosted a virtual Open House last weekend to share with others more about our incredible school and community. Families with children entering ECE3, ECE4, Kindergarten, Middle School, or High School MUST participate in SchoolChoice (Jan 14-Feb 15). Reach out to our main office if you need support in this process. Students returning to grades 1-5 here do not need to apply again.

Please continue to practice safety out and about, and be sure to alert our office of any exposures or positive test results so we can monitor students as needed. We appreciate each and every one of you!

Michael Atkins