September 20-26 with St. Martin's
The Bishop is Coming! The Bishop is Coming! Yes, that's right. Bishop Stokes surprised Fr. Tim on Monday by calling to say that he had a cancellation this Sunday, and that he would like to come to St. Martin's to celebrate our Confirmation class. Our five candidates for Confirmation are Olivia Renda, Kyle Endick, Tyler Endick, John Slye and Will Stamato. This is how it will work. The candidates and their families, Bishop Stokes, Fr. Tim and I will be at church. You will be able to experience the entire service via Zoom. Join us at the regular time for Coffee Hour, and then the service at @10:30.
with St. Martin's Abbreviated Liturgy 10:30 10:15 Coffee Hour

The link to our weekly Zoom service is on the top of the home page of our website, with a link to the leaflet/hymns as well. Each service is recorded and posted on the St. Martin's website and Facebook (St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Bridgewater, New Jersey) the following week in case you missed it.   

Join the Zoom Meeting -

Worshipping with St. Martin's is a good way to start your week with God and one another, and you can do it from ANYWHERE!

Trunk or Treat

Calling All Trunks!

Saint Martin's would like to hold a Covid-Safe Trunk or Treat and we need trunks!

Sunday, October 25th
3pm to 5pm

Looking for donations of Halloween candy and non-edible Halloween favors. Donation boxes will be placed downstairs at the church by the patio entrance each Sunday from 10am to 4pm (Sun October 4th, 11th, and 18th)

If you would like to volunteer to decorate your car, please contact Christine Kellam at
Sunday School and
Youth Groups

Looking for volunteers willing to share their gifts with Saint Martin’s Youth!
Saint Martin’s Sunday School Program (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) and Youth Program (Journey to Adulthood) deliver positive Christian Education to the youth of Saint Martin’s. These programs and the happy and healthy experiences they provide are only made possible through the generosity of our volunteers. 

We are looking for parishioners willing to share their time and talents with Saint Martin’s youth. We have many volunteer opportunities and no experience is necessary! You will receive much more than you give!!
If you would like to learn more, please reach out to Christine Kellam (cell
Women's Group

Our first official meeting since the pandemic shutdown will be held on October 4 at 4 p.m. We will be talking about ways we can ready the church and rectory for Fr. Laws and his family, and how we can make him welcome in our church. We will also brainstorm ideas about fellowship activities for us during and after this time.

Meeting ID: 889 7755 7886
Passcode: 462310

Keeper of the Light

There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light" because it hangs in the sanctuary of the chancel (front of the church) lighting the Reserved Sacrament. It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. During this time when we are not able to be in our building, members of the parish have been taking turns caring for the light in their own home and then passing it on to another member for the next week, until we can all be together again in the church building. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at

Do you have a message for the people of St. Martin's? Email Alison at
Send me a blurb and I'll put it in this bulletin.
Adult Forum

We're continuing our conversation on Racism

How should we articulate the spiritual disfigurement caused by our racialized society and then chart a course toward authentic racial reconciliation through the Body of Christ?

St. John's in Somerville and St. Martin's in Bridgewater will have a Zoom conversation about race and our faith. Dates to be announced soon.

We will be discussing the documentary 13th. A link to it is below.
Book's I've Read during the Pandemic

The Beekeeper of Aleppo
by Christy Lefteri

This book is a powerful depiction of refugee life, following a husband and wife as they flee from Aleppo to meet a family member in the UK during the Syrian Civil War. It is beautifully written and shows the stark reality of the very difficult journey that refugees embark on to find safety, peace, and some stability. It is a work of fiction based on the author's experience volunteering at a refugee center over two summers in Athens, Greece. 
Yvonne Comeau
How can we put this delicately and positively?

The people of St. Martin's are generous with their time, finances, and offering the volunteer services they do. We have so much for which to be grateful. We are so committed to the ministry we share. We love this church. So please keep up your financial support, because frankly, it is needed!

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

Call Us: 908-526-1350