OF Purp Nov2010

November 2019                                                                         Volume 15  Issue 8
Upcoming Events

Healthy Choices Grants
Rolling Deadlines April 15, July 15, October 15
Instructions and Entry Form

Texas Action for Healthy Kids Summit
November 18, 2019  8 - 4 PM
Education Service Center - Region 13
5701 Springdale Rd.
Austin, TX 78723

TAHPERD Annual Conference 
December 4-7, 2019  Arlington, Texas  

Oliver Foundation 16th Annual Rodeo Contest
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
March 3 - March 22, 2020
Applications due February 12, 2020

Congratulations to our October 2019 Grant Recipients
Malala Elementary, Fort Bend ISD
Wunderlich Intermediate, Klein ISD
Fort Bend ISD District Wellness

Teen Board Event
Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board members Zoe Price,Alison Zhang, and Sreeram Satish presented at the 13th Annual Southern Obesity Summit in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma October 29, 2019. They presented in the Social Forces and Individual Psychology Breakout Session.
The Southern Obesity Summit is an exciting and important event that brings together leadership from across the 16 southern states to learn, engage and develop strategies around obesity prevention. The Teen Advisory Board Members have been the only youth to present at this conference for the past several years.  

"A Teen's Perspective of the Individual Psychology of Being Healthier"

"Teen Obesity in Schools - The Vantage Point of a Sophomore"

"How Social Media Impacts Individual Psychology"

Meet the Oliver Teen Advisory Board        
YEAH Teem Board Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board is a 12-18 member  organization represented by students across the Houston area. Each month you'll meet       a different member who will share their perspective on living a healthy life.  

Hailey Burnette, Board Member
St. John's School - Houston, Texas 
Teen Board Member 2019-Present

Hailey is a sophomore at St. John's School. She is a member of her high school volleyball team and was selected for the Houston Juniors Volleyball 16's Premier Team. Hailey recently completed more than ninety hours of community service as an intern assisting with patient care and handling administrative tasks at St. Joseph's Medical Center. She completed her Girl Scout Silver Award by volunteering over fifty hours at the Westheimer Animal Clinic. She is a long time member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc, where she served two terms as Foundation Chair and was recently elected President of her grade group. Hailey enjoys cooking, gardening, volunteering and exercising.

The Benefits of Meal Prepping
Have you ever been rushing to get ready for school when you realize you don't have a breakfast or lunch prepared for the day? Meal prepping is a technique that can help prevent that situation. Meal prepping is when you prepare multiple servings of a dish and divide them up to have food prepared for more than just one meal. Often people meal prep one week at a time, and sometimes switch up the sides of a meal to add variety to their diet for the week. Meal prepping is more work when you cook, but over the week you will see that there are many benefits to meal prepping. If you meal prep, you may be able to go to bed earlier and won't have to get up as early to make your breakfast and lunch. Meal prepping insures that you are eating nutritional food because when you prepare your own meals you know exactly what ingredients are in the food; when you buy prepared food you may not know. You may also save money preparing your own meals rather than eating out.
Here are some meal prepping tips you can use:
-        Invest in a set of containers or bento boxes. Having containers that go together or a bento box with compartments makes meal prepping more organized. You can prepare meals at the beginning of the week and keep them in your fridge or freezer until they are ready to be eaten.
-        Measure before cooking! While grocery shopping and cooking can be fun, making too much food can lead to food waste because you might not eat all of it over the course of a week. A good rule is to think about how much you eat and multiply the serving size by seven, instead of blinding making extra food. This makes your cooking more accurate so when you are preparing you will not have too little or too much food.
-        To switch up meals, maybe opt for the type of food prepping in which you prepare servings of a main dish for a week and then switch up the sides every day. This makes your meals more interesting. 
Meal prepping is a fun and easy option to eating healthy foods on the go. It saves time and is less stressful. If you try meal prepping, use these tips and enjoy!

Hailey Burnette
November 2019

Anshumi Jhaveri
Co-Event Coordinator
YEAH Teem Board Nov2010

Sun Dried Tomato Hummus
  1. 1.5 cups of slow cooked chickpeas (or 1 16 oz can)*
  2. 1/4 cup of packed sun dried tomatoes packed in oil (removed from oil) + 1-2 tablespoons chopped for garnish
  3. 2 cloves of garlic
  4. 1/2 lemon juiced (about 1 tablespoon)
  5. 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  6. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  7. 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  8. 1/4 cup of water
  1. Add all ingredients except oil and sun dried tomatoes for garnish to food processor and blend. While blending, slowly add the oil.
  2. Blend until creamy, stopping once to scrape down sides.
  3. Serve with raw veggies, crackers, or chips!

Join Our Mailing List
Oliver Foundation
5535 Memorial Drive, Suite F, #256
Houston, Texas 77007

Healthy Choices for Life