Grace Episcopal Church
Walking in the Way of Love

Parish News
For the Week of September 13, 2020
Sunday, September 13
15th Sunday After Pentecost
Holy Eucharist Rite I  8 am  (Bulletin)  
Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:30 am  (Bulletin)  
(Please register if you are attending at 10:30 in person here)
 In-person attendance is limited to 41 households or individuals. Masks and social distancing required. Communion will be distributed in bread only.
Family Morning Prayer 9:15 am  (ZOOM)
Taizé Eucharist 5 pm
Our services will also be offered online on Facebook Live at 8 & 10:30
Morning Prayer, Monday -  Friday, 8:30 am 
Compline, Monday - Thursday, 8:30 pm  
ZOOM   New link!
If you are interested in leading a night of Compline please let Sharon or Martha know.   
Exploring a Prayer Discipline, Mondays, 10:00

Fall Family Service Schedule 
This fall we are offering additional services to support and engage our families. Any member of our parish and community are invited and welcomed to participate. Please invite a friend! 
1st Sunday Holy Eucharist 10:30 am (Nave)
Shortened Inter-generational service 
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Family Morning Prayer 9:15 am
Join us this fall on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays at 9:15 am for a 25 minute service as we journey with Moses, from his birth to the leading of the people of God to the Promised Land. We will practice Walking in the Way of Love by prayerful gathering, hearing and responding to God's Word and praying for the Church and the World
3rd Sunday Family Holy Eucharist 5 pm (Brooke Family Room / Undercroft)
These devotions for all ages invite you to engage in the discipleship practice of Reading, Reflecting, and Responding to Scripture in the context of community.

Each devotion is written for a particular age group pairing, so you can have conversations with everyone, no matter where they're at in life. The Adult and Small Child pairing is designed for preschool students and younger; the Adult and Elementary pairing is for children in elementary (or grade) school; the Adult and Youth pairing is for youth in middle and high school; and the Adult and Adults pairing is for use with young adults and adults.
Christian Education for Youth in grades 6 to 12
Sunday, 1 - 2 pm, (ZOOM)
September 13  How Do We Know God? (Megan Hess and Sharon Massie)
In this session, we will have time for personal introductions, talk about where we are on our faith journeys, and then discuss the ways that we come to know God - through Nature, through our personal experiences, and through reading the Bible.
Scripture readings: Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 19:1-2, Exodus 3:15

Godly Play, Tuesday, 4 pm (ZOOM)
Godly Play helps children to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. For children ages 3 to 7. Contact Sharon Massie for more information
Sacred Ground begins September 23 
Sacred Ground is a race dialogue series developed by the Episcopal Church and is framed as a spiritual journey, grounded in the Christian faith - in the example of Jesus Christ and the power of scripture, prayer, God's grace, and the Holy Spirit to help us step closer to the dream of beloved community. The focus of the materials is the history of race and racism in the US.
The 10 part series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latinx, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. This is a race dialogue series designed for these times. It is an attempt to be responsive to the profound challenges that currently exist in our society. It is focused on the challenges that swirl around issues of race and racism, as well as the difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue we need to have with each other about them. It invites participants to walk back through history in order to peel away the layers that brought us to today, and to do so in a personal way, reflecting on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story.
Sacred Ground is a Becoming Beloved Community initiative of The Episcopal Church, a long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society.
Grace Episcopal will offer this series starting September 23. If you are interested in joining this class please see the registration form above.
For more information about Sacred Ground please see

Music Ministry
Making Front Porch Music is enjoying a surge these days. Uke Group-our ukulele choir began fall practices on Wednesday, Sept. 9. We have been meeting at 4 7pm. If you are 10 or many multiples of 10 years old, join us. We're playing and singing "Amazing Grace," "Come to the Table," and other songs for worship, as well as front porch favorites. We have room for beginners and welcome advanced players! Bring the family. And, if there's a better time, or if you are a beginner who wants one-on-one time, let me know! Uke Group: led by Martha Burford and Judy Schram
In the Book of Proverbs we are advised: "Trust in God with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." This fall will be different for the choir, as we continue to sing, praise God, learn, and support each other. Our songs will be mostly recorded. Our virtual rehearsals (for the time being) will focus on skills: vocal technique, theory, sight reading, ear training, and will also offer some music history and theological delving into hymnody. Zoomtime will open at 7 on Thursdays with "checking in," followed by some focused work. Focused time will end around 8:00 and the zoom room will remain open for a while for those who wish to talk.Thursday, September 10 is fall start up for rehearsals. 
October 10 Fundraiser for the Boys Home of Virginia: 
Virtual Concert for the Boys Home of Virginia! #BoysHomeofVirginiaMusiciansWhoCare   
Tickets will soon go on sale for the concert, which will premiere on Oct. 10 and be available for some time after. Over 25 musicians from Rockbridge to Alexandria to Richmond to Seattle to San Francisco to Jackson, Mississippi, to Los Angeles will offer music in this amazing concert! Names to be announced soon. Ticket prices will be tiered. ALL DONATIONS will benefit the Boys Home of Virginia. Stay tuned for more details. And, yes, we would love more musicians, so keep 'em coming!
Treasure Hunt for Hidden Talents: A second part to Oct. 10's Boys Home Fundraiser! #BoysHomeofVirginiaTHHT What Hidden Talents do you have? Juggling? Making beautiful flower arrangements? Tying a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? Playing "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star" on a saw or on water goblets? Practice up! More details next week!
Organ: You may notice on Sundays some new, not so wonderful sounds from the organ. Praise God for the years of service it has given for the glory of God. And, thanks be to God for its chance, soon, to retire, as we welcome a new Casavant!
For more details or information about any of the above, contact Martha at

Meals for Shut-In Needs Drivers
"Meals for Shut-Ins" is a program that was created in the early 1970's when several ministers and church members in the Lexington community, including Grace, gathered together to address the local need for an agency that would address the question of delivering meals to those persons with limited physical or financial capacity. "Meals for Shut-Ins" is essentially the same thing as "Meals on Wheels" except for the fact that it is confined to delivering to recipients who only reside within the city limits of Lexington. Currently, there are five routes, with each route serving four to eight recipients for total of thirty-six. Five drivers meet each Monday at noon at Rockbridge Community Hospital to pick up meals prepared by the hospital kitchen staff. Each recipient is receives five meals at one time, which means there is not a daily delivery, which was the protocol before COVID-19 appeared on the scene. Delivery time to recipients on any route takes less than 30 minutes. Due to attrition since Covid hit, "Meals for Shut-Ins" is facing a critical need for more drivers.  
For more information or to volunteer as a driver,
contact: Tom Jones, Coordinator, Meals for Shut-Ins, 460-0443

Drive-Thru Dinner Monday, September 14 
One Kenney's Fried Chicken take-out meal will be offered to each person in a vehicle, in our Monday drive-thru. Each meal consists of fried chicken, cole slaw, biscuit and a dessert. Cars will be directed around the building on Spotswood Drive beginning promptly at 6 p.m.

TCT volunteers will be wearing masks and all drivers are expected to wear masks as the meals are handed out.

The pandemic has forced The Community Table to cancel its regular "restaurant without a cash register" since mid-March. But to keep nourishing community, this will be the fourth take-out meal it has offered on occasional Mondays with food from popular local restaurants. Donations are welcome.
Did You Know? 
Did you know that you can pay your pledge or make a donation to Grace Episcopal Church online? Go to From the list on the topright hand side click on GIVE.   
Habitat for Humanity is in need of Volunteers
The Rockbridge Habitat for Humanity needs volunteers to finish several important construction projects.  If you or someone you know is able to dedicate a few hours a week to work with Habitat, please contact Leo Decanini, the person in charge of construction, at  (571) 259-3145 (call or text).     
Writers needed for the Rockbridge Memoir Project
Have you been wishing to record your personal or family history? The VMI English Department is extending an invitation to Rockbridge community residents to participate in their annual Rockbridge Memoir Project, offered as a free, 6 week course on Tuesdays, 9:30-10:45AM starting Sept 15.  No experience writing your memoirs required!  Participants will partner with cadet students in live, online classroom setting on Zoom to learn and share memoir craft, culminating in a live podcast of memoir readings. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Stephanie Hodde, Assistant Professor of English at or by phone, 540-460-4225 (cell). 
A Message from Rockbridge Christmas Baskets  
With temperatures in the 90's, Christmas may seem far off, but the folks at
Rockbridge Christmas Baskets are already hard at work. This year poses an enormous challenge for this wonderful, community-based organization that has been delivering food and toys to families in need every Christmas for 75 years. They are getting early - but strong - indications that demand for the food and toys they deliver will be UP while the donations they so greatly rely on will be DOWN.

If you are able to give to this worthy organization, you are almost certain to land on Santa's Good List. So click on the link below and help RCB fulfill its mission to ensure that no one in our community goes without during this holiday season.  
Birthdays for the weeks of September 13 & 20
 Tuck Bowerfind (9/16), Judy Hotchkiss (9/18), Peter Fyfe (9/19), Julia Littlefield (9/19), Nanalou Sauder (9/19), Frank Settle (9/19), Keith Gibson (9/20), Chris Howison (9/21), Barbara Luton (9/21), Ann Nay (9/22), Elizabeth Oliver (9/22) 

 For more information about Living the Way of Love click here.

 Grace Episcopal Church
123 W. Washington Street  Lexington, VA 24450