Fall 2020
DCPIC Newsletter
The Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee is a statutory committee of the Durham Catholic District School Board. Our goal is to make parental engagement a priority by providing ongoing support on a system-wide basis and promoting communication and dialogue between school councils, the Board and members of the community.
Message from DCPIC Chair
Female adult
Welcome to the Year of Love. My name is Melissa Bevan and it's my privilege to be the Chair of the Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (DCPIC).

During this unprecedented school year, it is my hope that families have settled into their new school routines whether that be online or in school classes and continue to maintain health and safety protocols. I understand the toll that COVID-19 is having on families both emotionally and financially - these are challenging times, but I want to ensure you that DCPIC is committed to providing virtual events that will provide opportunities to engage with parents across the Durham Catholic District School Board. I know families need to feel connected to their school communities now more than ever and we are working with our Catholic School Councils to provide meaningful engagement and event opportunities.

In early November, we welcomed a number of new DCPIC parent members and one community member to the committee. We look forward to working with the following new and returning members of the committee throughout the school year.

New DCPIC Parent and Community Members:
  • Jay Ashwin - Parent Member (2020-2022)
  • Karina Doyle - Parent Member (2020-2022)
  • Marie Marilla - Parent Member (2020-2022)
  • Channon Oyeniran - Parent Member (2020-2022)
  • Laka Ford-Williams - Parent Member(2020-2022)
  • Vanessa Dreckmann - Parent Member(2020-2022)
  • Heather McFadden - Community Representative (2020-2021)

Returning DCPIC Parent Members:
  • Rose Lo Presti - Vice-Chair (2020-2022)
  • Erin Groat - Secretary/Treasurer (2020-2022)
  • Angela Kielbowski - Parent Member (2020-2022)
  • Candice Belmontes-Deonarayan - Parent Member (2019-2021)
  • Andrea Gagliardi - Parent Member (2019-2021)
  • Michelle Gillis - Parent Member (2019-2021)
  • Sherry-Ann Mohammed - Parent Member (2019-2021)
  • Josie Mullin - Parent Member (2019-2021)
  • Cynthia Scott - Parent Member (2019-2021)

The Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) is in the process of reviewing their public and member engagement strategies and has asked for our assistance/support in sharing their How we Support Ontario Students brochure with parents and guardians who have children in our Catholic schools. I invite you to please take a few minutes to review the information.

With Advent beginning on Sunday, November 29, I invite families to follow us on Twitter @DCPIC for daily advent activities to help us prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus. Or see our advent article below for ideas on how families can make the Christmas journey more meaningful.

On behalf of the DCPIC, I want to extend warm wishes for the Christmas season. If you have any questions, please email me at Stay safe!

Yours in Faith,
Melissa Bevan
Chair, Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee
DCPIC Events
DCPIC Commissioning Mass
On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 the Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (DCPIC) held its annual Commissioning Mass. This year's event was held virtually and included:

  • a celebration of Mass,
  • the Commissioning of new DCPIC and Catholic School Council Chairs and Co-Chairs,
  • greetings by Chair of the Board of Trustee, Director of Education and Chair of DCPIC, and
  • presentations on the Year of Love and Equity and Inclusive Education.

Throughout the celebration, Catholic School Council Chairs, Co-Chairs and Principals were encouraged to connect and engage with their school communities and strengthen the relationship between home, school and parish.

DCDSB's System Faith Animator, Katherine Mustachi shared information on the Board's pastoral theme for the Year of Love and promote key faith initiatives that parents may be interesting in learning more about:

  • A Sacramental Preparation web page has been created with information on when local parishes are starting registration for First Confession, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.

  • ShareLife Poster Contest - students are invited to submit original artwork by Friday, December 4, 2020. Visit ShareLife's website for more information.

  • Book of Remembrance - DCDSB families are invited to email names of loved ones who have passed away and a fond memory to the board's online Book of Remembrance. Send an email to:

  • DCDSB Together in Prayer - The board is hosting a weekly prayer service for staff. Parents and guardians are welcome to participate at home by watching the recording posted to DCDSB's YouTube page.

Superintendent of Education, Susie Lee-Fernandes, shared information on DCDSB's Equity and Inclusion Plan. Superintendent Fernandes spoke to how the board is providing opportunities for authentic student, parent and staff engagement and input to inform strategic actions to address anti-Black racism and systemic discrimination. Initiatives currently underway or planned for the coming months include:

  • Consultation sessions with students, parents/guardians, staff and community;
  • Creating a positive school climate that supports students' feelings of belonging and safety;
  • Educator training on Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.
  • Pilot anti-Black Racism Workshops;
  • Training for school administrators;
  • Mandatory training for all staff on Equity and Micro-aggressions; and
  • Introduced DCDSB's Equity and Engagement Officer, Margaret Brimpong.

Our Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee looks forward to working with the board on Equity and Faith initiatives throughout the school year.
Male priest performing Mass
split screen Commission prayer and female woman speaking
webpage promoting sacramental preparations
ShareLife Poster Contest
Split screen with information on student census and female adult speaking
PowerPoint slide that speaks to initiatives to address Inclusion and Well-Being
Female adult smiling
Faith Formation
Walking towards Christmas
Faith-Based Family Advent Activities
Books wrapped in brown paper with a name on it
Socks hung up with clothes pins and numbered for each day in December
Paper Advent wreath
Christmas tree with pictures to retell the Jesse Tree story
With the start of Advent on Sunday, November 29, the Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee is pleased to provide families with ideas to make your family’s journey to Christmas more meaningful.

Start a new tradition with the Book Advent Calendar. Wrap up 25 of your favourite Christian Christmas storybooks, Bible excerpts or links to e-books at the library. Unwrap one for each day of December or the Advent Season. Consider books like God Gave Us Christmas, The Christmas Story and Christmas Stocking to get you started. Click here for more book titles.

Try the Lost Sock Advent Calendar. Gather up all your socks who have lost their partner (or have holes!) and hang them on a string. Put a little treat and Advent Cards inside. Unpack a little joy and mindfulness each day!  

Create an Advent Wreath using items you have at home. Empty toilet or paper towel rolls painted in different shades of green, used green tissue paper, construction paper, evergreen boughs, fabric – get creative! Add candles (battery operated or made out of paper are safest) and “light” a candle each Sunday of Advent.
The Advent Wreath traditionally holds four coloured candles which are lit one by one on each of the Sundays during the Advent season. Each of the coloured candles have their own meaning. 

  • The first Sunday of Advent candle is purple and symbolizes Hope reminding us that Jesus is coming.
  • The second Sunday of Advent candle is purple and symbolizes Faith reminding us of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem.
  • The third Sunday of Advent candle is pink and symbolizes Joy reminding us of the joy the world experienced at the coming birth of Jesus.
  • The fourth Sunday of Advent candle is purple and symbolizes Peace reminding us of the angels’ message of “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.”

Some wreaths also have a fifth white candle that represents purity and is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
So why do we use purple and pink during Advent? Violet is a liturgical colour that is used to show a time of prayer, penance and sacrifice. The third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday. Rose is a liturgical colour that is used to show joy which is why on this day we light a pink candle instead of another purple one.
Follow this link to a simple paper Advent Wreath that your family can make with some basic materials you probably already have on hand!

Finally, work together as a family to make your own Jesse Tree a visual Advent Calendar and recount the journey to Jesus through the Bible. Create a tree and ornaments for each day using felt, construction paper, old wrapping paper, cardboard, or whatever you have! As you put each day’s ornament on the tree, read the matching Bible story and talk with your family about its significance.

For more faith-filled family Advent activities, visit the Faith & Family Collective’s ‘Advent at Home’ free download. Activities include a Manger craft, hot chocolate recipes, mindfulness activities, and thoughtful ideas to do for others.
Engaging Parents and Guardians
Male adult holding son's hand and walking
School Mental Health Ontario logo
Open hands with green ribbon
Noticing and Responding to Mental Health Concerns
As a parent, you might notice changes in your child’s or teen’s behaviour or emotions and wonder if these changes are just normal ups and downs, if they’re associated with the pandemic or related to an emerging mental health concern. Identifying problems early, and providing caring support, goes a long way towards prevention and/or worsening of difficulties.
School Mental Health Ontario offers some questions to ask if you’re worried that your child might be experiencing a mental health problem:
• Are these behaviours or emotions out of
character for my child?
• Are they having a negative impact on
their ability to enjoy everyday life?
• Are they having a negative impact on our
family life?
• Are they getting in the way of my child’s
progress at school?
• Are these concerning behaviours
happening more often?
• Are they more intense?
• Are they lasting longer?
Answering ‘yes’ to some of these questions doesn’t necessarily mean your child has a mental health problem, but it does mean that it’s time for a conversation. When parents discuss their concerns with their children, it opens up the lines of communication and may be the first step in helping to improve the situation. More information about how to approach the conversation and what to do next can be found at this link:
If you’re concerned, you can ask your principal about school mental health services that may be available. Students and families can also call the NEW DCDSB Social Work Access Line (905-576-6150, ext. 21021) and leave a voicemail to receive a call back. (Note: this is not a crisis line and is not monitored 24/7). A list of local resources, including crisis lines and non-crisis support can be found here:
By: Diane Mullane, Manager of Mental Health Initiatives/Mental Health Leader
Complete the School Climate Survey
Parents and guardians are encouraged to complete the School Climate Survey for Parents. The brief online survey will determine how you, as parents/guardians, think we are doing as a school community.

Click here to access the survey directly. The survey will be available until Monday, December 7, 2020.

All survey answers will be anonymous. The responses from the surveys will be used to help us evaluate the Board's and schools' programming related to school climate as well as the impact of our bullying prevention and intervention strategies.

It's vital that parents and guardians provide feedback, even if you are not experiencing any issues related to school climate or bullying. Positive feedback helps the Board to know what they are doing well so that they can continue to build upon those strengths. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the short survey. Your feedback will help DCDSB to move forward on its journey of Learning and Living in Faith together.  
cartoon of female on a computer looking at bullying prevention information
Cartoon of a group of people on devices and communicating via speech bubbles
Parent Consultation Sessions on Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Discrimination
The DCDSB is focused on implementing strategic actions connected to the core commitments of Equity and Engagement. As part of this commitment, they are consulting with parents/guardians, starting with DCDSB's secondary school communities to share learnings, build understanding and inform our next steps to address anti-Black racism and systemic discrimination.

With the support and partnership of Cora Reid (Black Rose Movement) and TAIBU, the DCDSB hopes to ensure that classrooms and schools honour the voices and lived realities and experiences of the Black community. It is the board's intention that these consultation sessions provide safe spaces and an opportunity to share experiences and provide input into next steps as a Catholic learning community.

All sessions will be facilitated by Cora Reid of Black Rose Movement via Zoom. The board will also be using the ThoughtExchange platform at the meetings to gather feedback.

Please join on either of the dates below:

  • Thursday, December 10, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

  • Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Zoom Meeting Details Meeting
ID: 844 7355 0887
Passcode: 009519

Meeting Dates
Parents and guardians are welcome to attend our Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Meetings. Our meetings are currently being held virtually at 7:30 p.m. on the dates below. Visit our website for the link to upcoming meetings.

  • December 10, 2020
  • January 7, 2021
  • February 4, 2021
  • March 4, 2021
  • April 8, 2021
  • May 6, 2021
  • June 10, 2021