You know how I sometimes say, "the buildings may be closed, but the church is open"? Well now, as of this Sunday, the church BUILDING is open too, whoo hoo!! That's right, this Sunday we will have in-person services of worship, Sunday Morning at 8:00am (without music) and 10:30am (with choir and hymns). Yay!! Y'all come!
As of right now, it is still requested that masks be worn at both services, and covid contact cards will still need to be filled out by those present. The St. Gregory the Great Re-gathering Committee will be meeting this month to discuss changes to our safety guidelines as the virus spread becomes endemic rather than pandemic.
For those of you who are at home due to immuno-suppressive health concerns, and others who are otherwise unable to attend, livestream services will continue as usual on our YouTube channel.
peace and joy,
Mo. Nikki+