• CHLT May Spotlight
  • Spring Bird Scavenger Hunt
  • Community News
  • TU Spring 2021 Willow Project
  • Save The Date
CHLT May Spotlight
Meet Easement Grantor, Ranch Management and Natural Resource Counselor: Audrey Volt
Audrey has a ranch management and natural resource consulting business and assists landowners to develop and implement land management plans including range and pasture management, weed control, land improvements, and stocking rates. Audrey also creates baseline Documents for Conservation Easements including vegetation inventory, geology and soils, hydrology, land condition, conservation value, and mapping. She also works with the Colorado Headwaters Land Trust to annually monitor conservation easements. Audrey has lived in Colorado for 33 years and appreciates conservation efforts to support agriculture, wildlife habitat, open space, and scenic lands.
1. When a land trust agrees to protect land by holding a conservation easement, it promises to take care of that land over the long term. As a starting point, you need thorough baseline documentation to establish the condition of the land when the easement is granted. Would you explain what a baseline report entails?
A baseline document describes a property in detail at the time that a conservation easement is granted using extensive maps and photographs to inventory and describe the conservation values of the property, land management and uses, property improvements, structures, roadways, ditches, soils, hydrology, and vegetation.

2. Protecting the land requires ongoing compliance. The property needs to be monitored at least once a year to document any changes and identify issues or concerns. In your view, why is monitoring important? What occurs when you monitor a property?
The original landowner grantor sets the terms of the easement with the land trust, every easement is different. Yearly monitoring is required for all conservation easements to verify that the landowner is following the terms of the easement. Permanent photo points are established that allow yearly photo documentation. When I monitor a property, I walk with the landowner to each photo point. It’s a nice time to be outside and revisit each easement property.

3. It's better to avoid a violation than to have to resolve one, which makes clear communication and positive relationships with the landowners vital - especially as the land changes hands. Do you meet with the landowners when you are out on the land?
Communication is vital and landowners should never hesitate to call Jeremy at the CHLT office and discuss proposed changes to their property. The best part of the yearly monitoring visit is a chance to walk the property with the landowner and talk about their conservation goals.

4. What are the latest trends/technological advances in land monitoring?
Some land trusts are using drones and aerial photography to monitor conservation easements. The Colorado Headwaters Land Trust is using an actual visit to each property every year.

5. What led you to start working in the Natural Resource Consulting and Ranch Management field?
I always enjoyed being outside; and I appreciate conservation efforts to support agriculture, wildlife habitat, open space and scenic lands. I began working with livestock producers in California after college, then I worked for Colorado State University as an agriculture extension agent in Grand County. I started a ranch management and natural resource consulting business to assist landowners to develop and implement land management plans and create Baseline Documents for Conservation Easements. I also work with the Colorado Headwaters Land Trust to annually monitor conservation easements.

6. What is your favorite aspect of what you do?
I love the annual monitoring for an opportunity to be outside, walking on beautiful properties, and visiting with wonderful landowners that enjoy where they live.

Audrey joined CHLT's April 2021 Conservation Professionals Panel Discussion along with Melissa Daruna from Keep It Colorado and Patricia Hesch from the US Forest Service. In case you missed it, the conversation was recorded and can be viewed via this link.

Spring Bird Scavenger Hunt
Have you heard the call of a Red-winged Blackbird recently? It is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and migratory birds are returning to Grand County. To celebrate longer days ahead, we've created a fun Spring Birds Scavenger Hunt for kids of all ages. Get outside and listen for songbirds songs, woodpeckers drumming, and owls hooting. Let us know what you see and hear on Instagram and Facebook. Download your birding scavenger hunt here.
Community News
  • The US Forest Service’s Arapaho National Forest will be looking for opportunities to continue Blue Ridge prescribed burns near Cottonwood Pass as conditions allow in the coming weeks. Read the article.
  • The Headwaters Center River Journey Speaker Series will host a virtual discussion about the East Troublesome Fire Aftermath. Professional engineer, Esther Vincent, will review what happened in the fall of 2020, discuss the impact of this historical event, how we have collaboratively organized our post-wildfire watershed recovery response, policy issues we have encountered, and lessons learned to date. To attend, register here.
  • Northern Water: Watershed Fire Recovery - Rebuilding After Fires Fact Sheet

Volunteers Needed for Trout Unlimited's
 2021 Spring Willow Project
May 22 & 23
Through contact with local wildlife biologists, environmental experts and river conservation researchers, Trout Unlimited has learned that one of the very best things we can do to protect and restore the environment and natural habitat around our rivers is to plant willows on the river banks. For several years our local Grand County chapter of Trout Unlimited has organized willow harvesting and planting events along our local rivers.
On May 22 and 23, they’ll gather at 9am at the Sunset Ridge Pond parking lot located near the south end of the railroad bridge at the edge of Tabernash on Grand County Road 83 just off of Highway 40. TU will provide coffee, donuts and lunch for volunteers. Masks will be required for orientation but from the parking lot, we will break up into small groups and use social distancing. If you have them, bring boots or waders and gloves. For all the details and to sign up here.
CHLT Sponsors the Environmental Science Project Award
Colorado Headwaters Land Trust is proud to sponsor the Environmental Science Project Award for the Granby Elementary School Science Fair again this year. We look forward to judging the students' thought provoking entries!
Stay tuned to learn more about this year's award recipient.
Let's Get Social!
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Here are a few of our posts from the last month. Find more on our pages.
April 27: As April winds down, enjoy these verses by Nancy Wood:

My help is in the mountain
Where I take myself to heal
The earthly wounds
That people give to me.
I find a rock with sun on it
and a stream where the water runs gentle
And the trees which one by one give me company.
So must I stay for a long time.
Until I have grown from the rock
And the stream is running through me
And I cannot tell myself from one tall tree.
Then I know that nothing touches me
Nor makes me run away.
My help is in the mountain
That I take away with me.

- Nancy Wood
April 19: If you look closely, you might see these pale purple Pasque flowers (Pulsatilla patens) beginning to light up the local hillsides. They are among the earliest blooming flowers in these parts and are a sure sign of spring.

'A Light Exists in Spring'

A light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period -
When March is scarcely here

A Color stands abroad
On Solitary Fields
That Science cannot overtake
But Human Nature feels...

- Emily Dickinson
April 16: April snow! Let's celebrate EarthMonth, National PoetryMonth and some much needed moisture with a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

Let the old snow be covered with the new:
The trampled snow, so soiled, and stained, and sodden.
Let it be hidden wholly from our view
By pure white flakes, all trackless and untrodden.
When Winter dies, low at the sweet Spring's feet
Let him be mantled in a clean, white sheet.

Let the old life be covered by the new:

The old past life so full of sad mistakes,
Let it be wholly hidden from the view
By deeds as white and silent as snow-flakes.

Ere this earth life melts in the eternal Spring
Let the white mantle of repentance fling
Soft drapery about it, fold on fold,
Even as the new snow covers up the old.

- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
April 06: Did you know that you can use your tax refund to support Colorado Headwaters Land Trust? If you receive a state income tax refund for 2020, you will have the opportunity to donate all or part of it to support CHLT.
1. Enter Colorado Headwaters Land Trust and our registration number: 20023003772 in the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund line on your state income tax return or tax software or pass this information on to your tax preparer.
2. Smile knowing that you are supporting land and water conservation in Grand County!
To learn more about ReFUND CO, visit:

CHLT Third Thursdays
May 20
Join us for the Colorado Headwaters Land Trust Third Thursday Series in May.
Stay tuned for information regarding this month's virtual speaker and topic.
May 20, 2021 at 5:30pm
Summer Solstice Event
We hope you will join Colorado Headwaters Land Trust as we celebrate the Summer Solstice in June. Details coming soon.
July iNaturalist Bioblitz
Get ready for the 2nd annual Colorado Headwaters Nature Project 2021 taking place during the month of July on With your help, we’ll explore and record all types of wild flora and fauna in Grand County. How many species will you find?
Plein Air at Altitude: Painting Planet Earth
September 6 - 11
Plein Air returns to the Fraser Valley and Grand County! Artists from across the region will be visiting and painting the scenic landscapes of Grand County, with emphasis on the private easements of the Colorado Land Trust and infrequently visited areas in the Rendezvous development. The works will be available for purchase with the proceeds benefiting the individual artists, the Colorado Headwaters Land Trust, and Fraser Valley Arts.
Grand County National Public Lands Day
September 25
Recognized as one of the longest-running NPLDs in the country, Grand County's National Public Lands Day is a day full of enjoyment and dedication of our public lands. Grand County has a bounty of public lands, including a national park, national forests, wilderness areas, national recreation areas, and more. After a day of volunteering with Headwaters Trails Alliance come gather in Granby for a Picnic In the Park at Polhamous Park! Enjoy music, special guests, and a broad community as we celebrate our public lands.
Hats Off for Headwaters
September 26 - October 3
We hope to be able to merge last year's Virtual Event Series & Silent Auction with our previous years' in-person appreciation of CHLT. Celebrate the conservation work we do - thanks to your support - with educational panels, engaging activities, and delicious local catering. This year's Hats Off for Headwaters will be one for the books! Stay tuned for more details.
Shop Amazon Smile
Make a difference this Mother's Day! Shop for gifts at to generate donations for Colorado Headwaters Land Trust.
Get Your CHLT Branded Mask!
Recommended donation: $7

Contact the office to get your own and show off your support of Grand County conservation in the most modern of fashion!
Shop Our Conservation Partners!
Support local land conservation by shopping at CHLT's Conservation Partners. These partners believe in the mission of the Land Trust and know that open space enriches our quality of life, protects landscapes, and brings visitors and residents to Grand County. 
Protecting open space is an investment in our environment, our culture and our economy.
Are you interested in becoming a Conservation Partner with no cost to your business? Click here for more information!
Thank you for supporting Colorado Headwaters Land Trust.
YOUR help today allows us to protect the lands we love for generations to come!
P.O. Box 1938, Granby, CO 80446 (970) 887-1177