President’s Message
January 202
IFHE-US Newsletter
Happy New Year!
The IFHE-US Board sends you all best wishes for a great 2022!
Now that the calendar page has turned to a new year, that means the IFHE World Congress is right around the corner. We are looking forward to hosting our colleagues from around the world in Atlanta September 4 – 10. We hope to see many of you there to enjoy the great educational experience of sharing our research and best practices with each other. There will be many opportunities to network and to learn. More information about the Congress is in this newsletter and additional communications
will be sent in the next few weeks.
We are also looking forward to celebrating World Home Economics Day in March. Kim Kamin, Director of Programs and Professional Development, is working on a Zoom event focusing on the 2022 Theme: Age-Friendly Homes and Communities. Further information about the speakers and date is in her report. Kim is also working on another virtual professional development opportunity for later in the spring.
We are looking forward to gathering in person in at the AAFCS Annual Conference in Orlando, FL in June. We are hoping we will be beyond this current wave of COVID so that we can meet in person once again! We will have the IFHE-US Annual Business Meeting during that meeting. Mary Kaye Merwin, Director of the IFHE Development Fund, is planning an in-person Sharon McManus IFHE-US Cultural Event the
evening before the AAFCS Annual Meeting will begin. As you make your plans to travel to Orlando, please make sure to arrive early enough to join us on June 24.
It will also be a year of transition as we have newly elected officers who will assume their office in September. Congratulations to President-elect Rachel Schichtl, Director of Finance Luann Boyer, Director of Programs and Professional Development Kim Kamin, and Director of Communications Lori Meyers! We look forward to their leadership. Thank you to Cheryl Empey, Nominations Chair, and Janiel Nelson,
Nominating Committee member, for your work to make the election process a success.
As a friendly reminder, IFHE/IFHE-US dues are to be paid by March 31. If you have been accepted as a presenter for the IFHE World Congress, you need to be a member. Membership benefits include a member registration fee for the Congress which is lower than a non-member registration. More information on memberships dues can be found on the website.
It is an exciting year ahead! We hope you will join us as we celebrate the important work of family and consumer sciences/home economics around the world during 2022!
Sue Buck
President, IFHE-US
Young Professionals Network
Carmen Pedersen, Director
We would love to hear from you!
- Need a mentor? We will help you find one!
- Proud of yourself? Let us celebrate with you.
- Know a potential new member? We would love to support them.
- Want to be more involved? We would love to have you!
Save the date, Saturday, March 19th, 2022 noon CST.
There will be a panel of experts discussing family resilience.
World Home Economics Day
Building Resilient Homes and Families
March 21 st (actual date)
IFHE-US will mark the day on Saturday March 19,2022 noon Central Time. The theme is building resilient homes and families. A panel of experts will
discuss family resilience. Pre-registration will be required with information being sent out at the end of February.
“Homes are the most important haven and asset in peoples’ lives and are more and
more affected by climate change and the pandemic. This year's World Home
Economics Day (WHED) focus is on what it takes to make homes safer and more
resilient. Housing and indoor environment is a home economics discipline
spearheading education and research on building resilient households. We use
WHED to highlight the profession's important contribution to building a resilient
future, educating on aspects of personal and environmental health such as air
pollution, waste management or sanitation, safe childcare environments, mental
health, and more”(from IFHE website)
IFHE-US United Nations Report
December 2021
Anita Ferron
Anita attended three events hosted by the United Nations in November and December.
UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – November 12
Illuminated against the Eiffel Tower in France, the organization commemorated it’s 75th anniversary. UN Secretary General /Antonio Guterres stated “During a time of great inequality an environmental crisis, polarization and global pandemic, UNESCO’S role is more critical than ever. We must restore trust and solidarity, greater access to education for all. Promote cultural diversity and steer technological progress for the greater good.”
NGO The Family Committee November meeting: Primary Responsibility in Educating Children – Home Schooling Could be Dangerous for Children – November 18
Dr. Pat Lea was one of two speakers. She stated that states need to override this, saying yes, it is the parents’ responsibility for his or her own child. Many families get it right and education is happening but in many others home schooling settings, neglect and abuse is happening and no one is stepping in to do anything.
Democracy for Human Rights Through CEDAW – December 9
There were five speakers at this event.
The first speaker gave a brief history of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Act of 1979 where it was ratified by 185 UN member states for Human Rights. In 1998, San Francisco was the first city to adapt CEDAW and the current mayor has a task force working with all major companies and businesses to show how they are achieving this in the workplace.
The second speaker stated this treaty is important to eliminate all forms of discrimination; political, pregnancy, family, work, neighborhood, gender, etc.
The third speaker said we must have global build back better. She stated, “A girl with a book is a threat to a man with a gun.” Schools are important for all even women and girls.
The fourth speaker explained that equality is this treaty and the fifth speaker said it is only a tool to be used for the rights of women. Currently women have the illusion of rights, but they need concrete rights.
See what's happening on our social sites
IFHE 2022 Congress Update
Bev Card, CFCS and Janine Duncan, CFCS, Co-chairs
The Congress is scheduled for September 4th- 10th, 2022.
IFHE-US Nominating Committee Report
2021 - 2022 Elections
Dr. Cheryl A. Empey
Nominating Committee Chair
In the fall of 2021, the nominating committee identified candidates for the following positions:
· President/Chair-Elect
· Director of Finances
· Director of Professional Development and Programs
· Director of Communications
Nominations were requested in the newsletter in the Fall of 2021. Individual members were contacted and invited to run for specific offices. It took three months to contact or self-nominate candidates for the 2021 ballot. Once nominations were secured, ballots were created and distributed by the committee.
The nominating committee consisted of Cheryl Empey (Director), Janiel Nelson (member), Sue Buck (President). Assisted by Rachel Schichtl, Director of Communications, sending out nomination requests in the newsletter and Luann Boyer, Director of Finance, assisted with the distribution of the ballot link to the membership.
Once invitations and nominations were accepted, biographies were collected by Janiel Nelson. The ballot was developed on Survey Monkey by Cheryl Empey. The ballot link was sent out in early December with a two-week voting timeline. Sixty-eight (68) members voted via the online ballot. This was an improvement of 10 more members voting from the previous election in 2019. No write-ins were recorded.
Due to COVID 19 during 2020 and 2021, Congress was postponed and will be held during 2022. The Director of Finance agreed to continue in her role until after the financial work of the 2022 Congress was complete. The Director of Programs and Professional Development had completed a term after a resignation and was willing to have her name nominated for a full term.
newly elected officers for 2022 - 2026 are:
· President/Chair Elect Rachel Schichtl
· Director of Finances Luann Boyer
· Director of Professional Development and Programs Kim Kamin
· Director of Communications Lori Meyers
IFHE US Board of Directors
President: Sue Buck
Past President: Roxie Godfrey
Director of Finance: Luann Boyer
Director of Professional Development: Kim Kamin
Director of Communications: Rachel Schichtl
Director of Young Professional Network:Carmen Pedersen
Recorder: Sandra Poirier
Director IFHE-US Development Fund: Mary Kaye Merwin
Nomination Chair: Cheryl Empey
AAFCS Global Perspectives:Jody Roubanis
IFHE United Nations Chair: Anita Ferron
XXIV IFHE World Congress 2020 Co-Chairs: Bev Card and Janine Duncan
IFHE-US Diversity and Inclusion Statement
IFHE-US values diversity, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and accessibility. We promote respect, dignity, and equality for all global individuals and families. We are committed to human well-being through education, health, safety, and sustainable living for all people. As we act with integrity and respect intercultural values and ethics, we will be able to empower and improve every-day living for all.