news & events
July 31 - August 9, 2020
From the Rector
To the Community of Saint Paul’s Church,

Every now and then we are given the opportunity for a fresh start. I believe that can and will be true for Saint Paul’s Church. While over the past now too many months, we have discovered in new ways how to be the Church outside our walls. As we look to the future we will discover how to be so in new ways within.

So much has happened: the fear of pandemic and sickness; the challenge of physical distance from those we love and who love us; the uncertainty of returning to work and school and yes, play; calls for justice and understanding our common history in new ways; of living together yet apart. All of these have caused us to view the world differently.

The same is true for the Church. Here however, we are given something that is beyond anything the world can give, and that is HOPE. We are reminded that while old things are being cast down, new things are being raised up; that creation itself is constantly being made new, that we are being made new.

As followers of Jesus we are given the assurance that “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,   nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). It is grounded in that love that we look to our future in hope.

So, maybe it’s time we begin, not to look to returning to the old ways of “being Church”, but opening our eyes to new opportunities, new expressions, new vision of who we are called to be. We will gather again, but we will do so as a new creation. May we be open to all that will come to us and for us as faithful followers of Jesus, who was never content with the way things were.

Let us pray.

O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.
SUMMER GATHERINGS WITH GODLY PLAY- Children through 5th grade
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
Leader: Kim Butler and Ivey Coleman

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID:  366 090 592

PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge  to request.
This gathering will be a relaxed time where we have the chance to connect and talk with each other, share a story or activity, sing, and pray together. We will continue to meet at our regular formation time, Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and you can join us by using the same link and password that we have been using each week. See you Sunday!
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, now more than ever! 
Sundays, 10:35 a.m.
 OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 860 972 849 
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
Grab a cup of coffee and join us on Zoom before the 11 a.m. service for a few moments of fellowship! Participants will be split into groups of 5-6 people to allow everyone a chance to catch up with your Saint Paul's family.
Interested in an in-depth, small group study?

September – May; Tuesdays 9 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. OR Sundays 6:45-9:00 p.m.  
Are you curious to explore the meaning of Holy Scripture, the history and traditions of Christianity, and our ever-changing understanding of God that you may more deeply and abundantly live your faith? Then EfM may be for you.
EfM, developed by The School of Theology at Sewanee, is a small-group program (12 member limit) of study and spiritual growth open to ALL people. The complete program spans four years of weekly group meetings between September and May, offering the breadth and depth of our Christian tradition and bringing it into direct conversation with your personal experience of the world through study, worship, and theological reflection. 
Enrollment for the 2020-2021 year opens soon. Contact Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau , to have a full conversation. 
Ministry of Racial Healing & Reconciliation
Fr. Jenkins invites everyone called and interested to participate in the ministry of racial healing and dismanteling racism in our culture. The parish group forming will create ministry opportunities within the framework of The Episcopal Church’s   Becoming Beloved Community .
Email Fr. Jenkins  to connect with this new ministry, or to express your thoughts and concerns.
Praying Together
Audience: All parishioners, visitors, and guests


Daily Prayer Tutorial and Worship
Wednesday, August 5, 12 - 12:30 p.m. Followed by Noonday Prayer at 12:30 - 12:40 p.m.

Centering Prayer Tutorial and "Sit"
Wednesday, August 5, 7 - 7:55 p.m. Followed by Compline at 8 p.m.

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923

PASSWORD:   Email Maddy Elledge  to request.
Our church's deepest and strongest roots are found in daily common prayer.  The Book of Common Prayer  contains a variety of daily prayer services for both private or public  use, but few Episcopalians today are comfortable with how to pray these prayers solo or in community (in whatever form it presently takes). Praying Together offers tutorials about prayer and our prayer tradition so that everyone may learn how to pray the daily prayers of our church, giving their attention and intention to God's presence in the community of common prayer.

Contact Fr. Jenkins if you would like to request instruction about a particular daily prayer service or at a particular time.
Noonday Prayer
Wednesday, August 5, 12:30 p.m.

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923

PASSWORD:   Email Maddy Elledge  to request.
Gather online to pray the service of Noonday Prayer. The service will be led by members of the parish and the bulletin will be presented through Zoom so all may participate.

Noonday Prayer is a short and simple service which allows prayer to enter into the midst of our daily work or other activities, while joining our prayers in the ongoing prayer of the Church around the world. It may also be observed in private and is found  online here  and on p.103-107 in The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or in the simplified version daily devotions on page 138.
Centering Prayer Tutorial and "Sit"
Wednesday, August 5, 7 p.m.

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923

PASSWORD:   Email Maddy Elledge  to request.
" Contemplative practices   facilitate and deepen our relationship with God.” This tutorial will offer a "beginner's” approach to the practice of Centering Prayer. “The more we practice and allow the transformation process to happen, the more we are able to experience the Indwelling Presence in everything we do."
Immediately following the tutorial and a very short “sit,” we join the parish for the liturgy of Compline on the same zoom meeting at 8 p.m.
Inquiries, questions to be addressed in the tutorial? Please send them in advance to Fr. John Jenkins .
Compline – Facebook Live and Zoom
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 p.m., social time follows worship on Zoom.

Participate live through our Facebook page .

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923

P ASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request.

Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.

Following the prayers, which are streamed on Facebook Live, those who gather through Zoom have opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Birthday Sunday Celebration
Sunday, August 9, 10:35 a.m.

 OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 860 972 849 
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
Next Sunday is Birthday Sunday! Join us during Coffee and Conversation on Zoom to wish those well with an August birthday.
EfM Summer Book Review and Social
Sunday, August 9, 3 - 5 p.m.

Meeting ID: 864 224 885
OR dial in: (646) 876-9923

PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request.
EfM will gather Sunday, August 9, for their Summer Social! Grab your favorite drink and snacks and join on Zoom as we discuss Thurman's Book "Jesus and the Disinherited." 

Interested in joining EfM? Email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau today to learn more!
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
Offerings pledged this Week $15,000.00 
Offerings received this Week $18,595.57 
Operating Expenses to Date $575,151.35 
Total Income Received to Date $546,072.16 

Stewardship Campaign:
2020 Pledge Cards Received to Date 174  
Requesting Updated Mailing Address for College Students
Parents of college students, the Daughters of the King have requested addresses for our college students so that they may send notes and small surprises to them during the year. As your children register for housing for the fall semester, please  forward updated mailing addresses to the Parish Office .

For more information, contact DoK President,  Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau .
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office  to update our files.

Our Birthday Sunday Celebration will be August 9 on Zoom!