MARCH 24, 2019
Mission and Commitment
Mission and Commitment
March 24th, 2019
Service Leader: Rev. Margret A. O'Neall
Why am I a Unitarian Universalist, and how does that identity shape my life? What does it mean to live into a faith that is founded on covenantal relationship and commitment to community? How do I create new possibility? As we open these deep questions, all answers are questioned and explored.
for March 24 is participating in the service in the Sanctuary
as we explore the mission of the congregation and living in covenantal community.
Next week is our annual Sunday schedule change to 10:30!
As of Sunday, March 31, UUCP will switch to our “summer” schedule, with one Sunday service at 10:30 am.
Commitment Sunday
March 31, 2019
Beginning with the 10:30 Service, followed by a party outside with music, food by Postino’s, and Mimosas!
Plan to join the party to celebrate and honor the commitment of members and friends in time, talent, and treasure to our Beloved Community!**
The celebration continues at the
All Family Picnic
sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Foundation at
McCormick Railroad Park at 2:00 p.m.
** Additional parking for able-bodied members and friends is available at Christ Church of the Ascension, directly west of UUCP at 4015 E. Lincoln Drive
Social Justice Opportunities
Advancing Justice
March 24th, at the back of the Sanctuary
This Sunday, plan to stay after 2nd service for a 25-minute video called "Teaching in Arizona" and a short discussion.
Last week’s action got results! Rep. Bowers followed through with what we (and others) requested and assigned both the vaping and lower tuition for AZ HS graduates
including DACA students!
This Sunday, we’re encouraging you to call your senators about two more upcoming votes regarding guns on school campuses and restrictions on voter registration.
Green Sanctuary/Environmental Justice Ministry
Next Meeting Sunday April 14
Green Sanctuary has changed its name to Environmental Justice Ministry. Our meeting date, time and place have also changed to every second Sunday of the month after the service; next meeting is April 14. We are looking for volunteers to act as liaisons to our many partner organizations: UUMFE and UUA Green Sanctuary, UUJAZ' Water Team, AFN's Social Justice Commission, and CHISPA, as well as AZIPL and the Sierra Club. If you are interested, please contact
Deepening the Commitment
March 31st, 2019
Service Leader: Rev. Margret A O’Neall
On this Commitment Sunday, planning for our financial investment in this congregation, we consider – how do we live into the mission of sharing journeys, growing in spirit, advancing justice? The commitment of every member of this community makes possible the unfolding future we create together.
Inquirers for March 31st
Inquirers is participating in the service in the Sanctuary as we explore what it means to live in covenantal community
Mark your calendar for the annual Sunday schedule change!!
As of Sunday, March 31, UUCP will switch to our summer schedule, with
Sunday service at
10:30 am
Lay Pastoral Associates
UUCP is creating a Lay Pastoral Care Associate (LPCA) Program. Members of the congregation will be trained as skilled listeners and resource guides for people experiencing life transitions. The program will complement the support offered by our minister and the Unicare Committee. LPCAs are the BEING arm of caring, Unicare is the DOING arm of Lay Pastoral Care. To learn more, contact Rev. Margret at
The Property Team is Back- And We Need You!
We have a new Property Team starting up. So far we have a small core group but we need YOU! It does not matter if everyone knows the difference between a hammer and a screwdriver, there are lots of other tasks besides fixing stuff that you can help with. We need long term planning, supervision of small projects, maintaining and enhancing our 9 acre property, working with the new Congregational Safety Team, with the EEC and DVLC and other groups and lots more that you can probably help us think of.
Neighborhood Connections
Neighborhood Groups gather members of UUCP where they live to make connections and get to know each other. If you want to be a Lead Connector, please contact Cherie Stafford Each neighborhood group can choose the activities best suited to you. Connect with neighbors in this radically inclusive community.
Are you interested in volunteering in the office?
As we identify our most pressing priorities, your participation can make a lasting impact toward our success. Some work takes place in office, some from home with a computer. You can attend an orientation session in Office 2 today at 11:15 am for a description of the duties and responsibilities or check in with Lora to learn more.
Thursday Community Night - March 28th
Menu for Thursday March 28th: Pork Tacos and Stuffed Peppers with toppings, from chefs Jeff King and the Future Masculine Men's Group
Join us in building a “Spiritual Community for our Time” every Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Johnson Room through April 25, 2019. Each week features two entrees (one vegetarian or vegan), as well as sides, salad and bread. Donation: $6 per adult/teen, $3 per child, or $12 per family (or pay what you can!). Food is labeled for the top nine common allergens.
Following the meal, children go to Chalice Kids while adults join in for activities that help us to live into the congregation’s vision. Questions about Community Night? Want to cook, help or contribute? Contact
Classes and Activities for Thursday, March 28th
Future Masculine Men's Group 6:45pm - 8:15pm in Annex B
Color to Calm 7:00pm - 8:00pm in Johnson Room
Search Committee Meeting 7:00pm - 9:00pm in Minister's Office
Chalice Kids 6:45 pm, sign in Office 2, meet in Annex E
Outdoor Group - Saturday, March 23rd
The Outdoor Group invites you to join us on a beautiful hike, Saturday, March 23, around Granite Mountain in the McDowells. The wildflowers are spectacular right now, and this hike is not a difficult one. Click on the link below to see the details for the hike.
UUCP All-Families Picnic sponsored by the UU Foundation of Phoenix, Sunday, March 31, 2:00 pm at Railroad Park
Now is the time to put the picnic on your calendar -- All families, all ages, all fun ... Just bring a side dish, chips, dip or veggies. Hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, lemonade and water will be provided. Enjoy the bounce house and other fun!
Join the Dance! Traditional Community Dance at UUCP
Saturday, April 20th
Doors open at 6 pm for socializing. Dance instruction and action begins promptly at 6:30. Professional caller Peg Hesley's skills have been warmly appreciated at the previous two dances. Come Join the Fun! Bring Family and Friends. Childcare will be available for the youngest dancers-to-be.Donations at the door accepted to cover the evening's expenses for the caller and her musicians and childcare.
Bring your water bottle, and optionally, finger food to be shared at the mid-evening break. Questions:
Passover Seder - Thursday, April 25 at 6:00 pm
Mark your calendar for this important celebration of Jewish heritage, led by Jonny and Carrie Lifshitz and Benjie Messer - details to follow.
Living Our Vision... Everyday
This year, Faith Development offers many ways to learn beyond the traditional classroom. Listen to a podcast, read books and articles, watch a Ted Talk, or check out a packet of printed articles from the welcome desk, or come to office 2 and access the curriculum on the computers. Choose one focus that interests you, or move through all three, whatever works best in your life.
Come together for a Reflective Symposium on a Thursday morning, Thursday evening, or Sunday afternoon to discuss the topic we've studied. Regardless of whether we read a book, participate in a webinar or attend an in-person class, we can share our learning in community.
Come get a ribbon for your name tag from the Welcome Desk. Have questions? Visit the website,
Radically Inclusive
—focus on
Gender Expansiveness
Reflective Symposium
Thursday, April 4, 6:45-8:15 pm, Annex C
Justice Centered
—focus on
Racial Justice
Racial Justice Collaborative with Anthony Johnson
Monday, April 8, 6:30-8:30 pm
Reflective Symposium
Sunday, April 14 11:45am - 1:15pm in the Sanctuary
Theologically Diverse
—focus on
Indigenous Spirituality
Spiritual Practices gathering
Thursday, April 11, 6:45 – 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Reflective Symposium
Sunday, March 24 12:30-2:00 pm, Annex B
UUA General Assembly
June 19-23, 2019
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix will be represented by 8 delegates at General Assembly (GA) 2019 in Spokane, Washington.
All members in good standing are encouraged to apply today. Send your application to Sarah Moore at
, pick up a flyer with an application at the back table and drop off your application at the office to become a credentialed delegate. Registration is now open for GA, and we still have delegate slots available for anyone who is interested in attending.