MARCH 31, 2019
Deepening the Commitment
March 31st, 2019
Service Leader: Rev. Margret A O'Neall
On this Commitment Sunday, planning for our financial investment in this congregation, we consider – how do we live into the mission of sharing journeys, growing in spirit, advancing justice? The commitment of every member of this community makes possible the unfolding future we create together.
is participating in the service in the Sanctuary as we explore the mission of the congregation and living in covenantal community.
Commitment Sunday at UUCP
Make your commitment during the service, take a picture, and then
party outside with music, food by Postino’s, and Mimosas!
Plan to join the party to celebrate and
honor the commitment of members and friends in time, talent, and treasure to our Beloved Community.
Annual All Congregation Photo
Today, After Service
Be part of the Annual Congregational Photo, immediately following today's service, out front in the parking lot near the banners. All are welcome, all ages, however long you have been here, all who are part of this beloved community.
UUCP All-Families Picnic
by the UU Foundation
Today, 2:00 pm at Railroad Park
All families, all ages, all fun ... Just bring a side dish, chips, dip or veggies. Hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, lemonade and water will be provided. Enjoy the bounce house and other fun!
7301 E Indian Bend Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85250
The Patio is moving forward with the walls to the sand yard, the new concrete bench, and the supports for the trellis structures.
The Early Education Cooperative Preschool on campus has gifted the project three mature trees: a 48" box Chinese Pistachio for the sand yard, a 48" box Palo Verde for the concrete bench seating area, and a 36" box Mesquite for an additional planter. These trees will help provide instant shade. Thank you EEC!
Parking is available
along 40th Place (the street just west of the UUCP campus) Additional parking for members and friends who can easily walk a short distance is available in the parking lot behind Christ Church School, which is our closest neighbor to the west, just on the other side of 40th Place. The entrance to that parking lot is the Christ Church back drive off 40th place." There is a graded path to the
west hallway door
from 40th Place.
Social Justice Opportunities
Civic Engagement
March 31st, at the back of the Sanctuary
We are only a few weeks away from the end of session for the AZ Legislature. Things are moving fast, and taking action makes a difference! Be sure to come by the Justice table Sunday to find out which bill(s) you can protest or support to advance AZ toward laws that better align with our UU principles.
You have probably heard about the unprecedented number of asylum seekers have been pouring through the borders. We support the wonderful volunteers who meet them at the bus station by providing supplies for their travel to sponsors. Please grab an updated list from the Justice table -- you can bring supplies on Sunday mornings or order from Amazon.
The City of Phoenix budget is in the planning stage. Much of how the money is apportioned is determined behind the scenes, out of the public eye. If you want to know more, plan to stay after service on Sunday, April 7, for a presentation by one of our partner groups, Poder in Action.
Earth Justice Ministry
Thank you to Rosemary Roenfanz and Carolyn Lowther for volunteering to be liaisons to the Sierra Club. We still need liaisons for UUJAZ Water Team, AZIPL/CHISPA and UUMinistry for the Earth/UUA Green Sanctuary. Please respond to We'd like to add the Desert Botanical Garden too, in order to start a Monarch Butterfly Garden. Our next monthly meeting will be Sunday, April 14, after the service.
Financial Stewardship -
"Realizing Our Mission"
Our gratitude for the presence of UUCP in our lives and community is priceless. What does UUCP mean to you, your family, and our greater world? What and/or Who inspires you? You Matter. We Matter.
This year we are looking for 100% member and friend participation and a 6% financial increase to achieve our budgetary goals. Please review the
Intro letter,
Stewardship brochure
, and
Commitment form
here or pick them up on this Commitment Sunday or April 7. We exist and thrive because we act together.
From the Treasurer
on the Loan
UUCP has received a “Letter of Interest” from a local bank indicating the terms under which they would be willing to extend a loan to cover our construction project. This is not a final commitment on their part and requires that we submit a payment against which they will proceed to incur their processing costs on the way to closing the loan. We have agreed to do this after thoroughly analyzing their terms and conditions. Good things are happening at UUCP.
Text To Make a Donation or Payment to UUCP
Text the message “UUCP $__” (you must enter a dollar amount in the text) to 73256 to give to UUCP. You will be directed to a link to a secure site where you can enter your credit card or bank account information to make a general donation, pay for an activity, or to make a payment on your pledge for the current year or next year. A dollar amount must be included in your text.
Standard text message rates do apply.
Facing into the Wind
April 7th, 2019
Service Leaders: Rev. Margret A O’Neall
Universalist Angus MacLean tells of understanding changes in the weather by turning until the wind was singing in both his ears. As we await the emerging future, how do we engage the adventure of the unknown and prepare for the new; how we listen for the message in the wind?
The Valley Variety Art Show - Meet the Artists!
Sunday April 7 at 11:30 in the Sanctuary
Our current art show is by artists from The Art Resource Center, The Artery, Mesa Art Center Gift Store Artists' Cooperative, Tempe Center for the Arts Gift Store, our congregation and Tempe Artists Guild. The media include packaging plastic, paint tubes and brushes, paint on canvas, assemblages sculptures and mosaics of found objects, drawings and photographs. Instructions to purchase artwork are on the East wall of the sanctuary.
Inquirers - Congregational Tour and History
Congregational historian, Charlotte Carl-Mitchell, will join us for a video, congregational history, and walking tour of our campus.
Poder in Action
April 7th at 12:00 PM in Annex B
Poder will present an interactive and informative workshop on the Phoenix City Budget, including the mechanics of the Phoenix city budget and how as community members we can get involved and why it's important to get involved. They will also be looking at how to redefine safety through the budget. The workshop is open to the entire family!
Share the Plate with Lost Our Home Pet Rescue April 7
Lost Our Home Pet Rescue is a nonprofit, no-kill pet shelter that provides compassionate services to pets and people in crisis. We offer programs to keep pets with the families that love them when they face major life hardships like job loss, homelessness, domestic violence, illness, injury or hospitalization. We also find new, loving homes for pets whose families are no longer able to care for them. Since 2008, we have helped more than 23,000 pets in need.
Lay Pastoral Associates
UUCP is creating a Lay Pastoral Care Associate (LPCA) Program. Members of the congregation will be trained as skilled listeners and resource guides for people experiencing life transitions. The program will complement the support offered by our minister and the Unicare Committee. LPCAs are the BEING arm caring, Unicare is the DOING arm of Lay Pastoral Care. To learn more, contact Rev. Margret at
Want to Produce Compass!
Can you use an online program, find pictures, type, email, and copy paste? Would you like to help inform the congregation of everything that is coming up? Please contact
Neighborhood Connections
Neighborhood Groups gather members of UUCP where they live to make connections and get to know each other. If you want to be a Lead Connector, please contact Cherie Stafford Each neighborhood group can choose the activities best suited to you. Connect with neighbors in this radically inclusive community.
Thursday Community Night
Join us in building a “Spiritual Community for our Time” every Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Johnson Room through April 25, 2019. Each week features two entrees (one vegetarian or vegan), as well as sides, salad and bread. Donation: $6 per adult/teen, $3 per child, or $12 per family (or pay what you can!). Food is labeled for the top nine common allergens.
Menu for April 4: pulled chicken sandwiches, vegan option, baked beans and salad, prepared by chef Daisy Danforth and friends.
Questions about Community Night? To cook, help or contribute, contact
Classes and Activities for Thursday April 4:
Parents of Teens Group 6:45-8:30 pm in Annex C
Program Council Meeting 6:45-8:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Reflective Symposium- Radical Inclusion 6:45-8:45 pm in Annex B
Search Committee Meeting 7-9:00 pm in the Minister's Office
Chalice Kids 6:30-9:00 pm in Annex E
Living Our Vision... Everyday
This year, Faith Development offers many ways to learn beyond the traditional classroom. Listen to a podcast, read books and articles, watch a Ted Talk, or check out a packet of printed articles from the welcome desk, or come to office 2 and access the curriculum on the computers. Choose one focus that interests you, or move through all three, whatever works best in your life.
Come together for a Reflective Symposium on a Thursday morning, Thursday evening, or Sunday afternoon to discuss the topic we've studied. Regardless of whether we read a book, participate in a webinar or attend an in-person class, we can share our learning in community.
Come get a ribbon for your name tag from the Welcome Desk. Have questions? Visit the website,
Radically Inclusive
—focus on
Gender Expansiveness
Reflective Symposium
April 4, 6:45-8:15 pm in Annex C
Inclusion Team meetings, first and third Saturdays every month at noon in the Minister’s Office
Justice Centered
—focus on
Racial Justice
Racial Justice Collaborative with Anthony Johnson, Monday, April 8, 6:30-8:30 pm
Reflective Symposium
Sunday, April 14, 11:45 am-1:15 pm
in the Sanctuary
Theologically Diverse
—focus on
Indigenous Spirituality
Spiritual Practices gathering Thursday, April 11, 6:45-8:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Reflective Symposium
Wednesday, April 17, 6:45-8:15 pm in Annex B
Traveling Second Fridays
Join us in the UUCP sanctuary from 7:00 to 8:00PM April 12 with Dave & Barbara Cawthorne for a presentation on Turkmenistan & Uzbekistan. They explored cities on the ancient Silk Road with some of the oldest cities in the world and were the crossroads of civilizations. Come and be amazed by their incredible architecture, interesting history, wonderful people, and the most untouched tourist areas. Questions, call Barbara at (480) 994-1452. Everyone is welcome.
Upcoming Events at a Glance
Saturday April 20
- Community Dance at 6:30 pm, all ages welcome, child care available for the youngest
Thursday, April 25
- Passover Seder 6:00-9:00 pm in the Johnson Room
Sunday, April 28 - Sunday, May
- Candidating Week for the next settled minister — two Sunday services, meetings and events during the week!
Labyrinth in the Johnson Room
Wednesday, April 10 at 5:30 - 6:45 pm
We welcome Clive Johnson from the UK, who is traveling around America with his canvas labyrinth, offering an accessible meditative experience. Open to all walkers and wheelers, come move, breathe and enjoy!
Outdoor Group—Friday April 12 at Lost Dutchman State Park
The Outdoor Group offers exercise combined with a healthy dose of connection to fellow UUer’s who love being outside and having fun. April 12 begins a fun-packed weekend campout and hike at Lost Dutchman State Park. This is the season finale. You won’t want to miss it! Please go to for full details.
UUA General Assembly
June 19-23, 2019
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix will be represented by 8 delegates at General Assembly (GA) 2019 in Spokane, Washington.
All members in good standing are encouraged to apply today. Send your application to Sarah Moore at, pick up a flyer with an application at the back table and drop off your application at the office to become a credentialed delegate. Registration is now open for GA, and we still have delegate slots available for anyone who is interested in attending.