November 2019

Our Mission:
Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation.

6  Questions and a Cup of Coffee with 
Stephanie Pasch

Join me in a cup of coffee!

I'm Stephanie Pasch, coordinator of the Christian Education Network of the ELCA. I have been the coordinator for six and a half years. Before that I was the Growing In Faith Coordinator (CYF) at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Rochester, Minnesota, for nine years. I still live in Rochester along with my husband. We have five children; the youngest are twins and are sophomores in college. In addition to being an involved member in my church, I also enjoy quilting, gardening and music. I work part-time as an office manager in another local church.

1. Can you describe your call to ministry? 

I've always been involved in church... years as a volunteer, often leading music and/or education opportunities. As a mom of five kids, we were at most of the Christian Education offerings at our church. When a coordinator position became available, our pastor tapped me on the shoulder and suggested that since I was at everything, maybe I'd like to coordinate the events. After a little coaxing, I said yes! To my surprise, my favorite part was Confirmation ministry with middle schoolers and, of course, milestone ministry. I enjoyed mixing in service opportunities and music opportunities with the curriculum and learning!  After I left my position in CYF ministry, I was thrilled to be trained as a coach for the ELCA in the "From Promise to Practice" initiative - an initiative concentrating on living out our baptismal promises.

2. What is the best part of your ministry now?
I love connecting with people!  And helping them connect with God.  I love seeing how the greater church works and supports congregations.

3. Do you have any impactful stories of your own baptism or another baptism?  

Every baptism is special in its own way! All five of my kids were baptized by different pastors (only 2 different congregations). The day that my twins were baptized was also the first day that my two oldest took communion. It was a "milestone" kind of day for us! We were very blessed to have grandparents from both sides at all of our baptisms and the celebrations that followed. All of my children were baptized as infants.

While I was working in CYF, we had a young man start coming to Confirmation classes and youth events. We were delighted when he decided that he wanted to be baptized. It was truly amazing to have this young man, surrounded by many of the youth of the church, be baptized during worship.
4. What are three things Christian educators should keep their eyes on?
  1. What are your kids interested in? How can you connect with them through their interests?
  2. Mental health issues are so prevalent with youth these days. How can we support those having issues and how can we support their friends/families?
  3. Family life is so busy... how can we do church together that doesn't make families feel guilty because of their other commitments? How do we reconcile the conflict of Sunday morning activities/Wednesday night activities and church?
5. Can you tell us about some of your favorite resources? 

Milestones Ministry resources will always be some of my favorites... those touchpoints - whether it is day-to-day life or church life are precious and holy all on their own. I also really love the work that is done with Peer Ministry.  I love the early teen 5-session curriculum that they have. We were fortunate to try it when it was very first released. It was excellent... and the caring adults also enjoyed it as well!

6. How can we pray for you? 

I would ask for prayers for the Christian Education Network of the ELCA. We look for new ways to reach out to members and friends to offer support and ideas while being fiscally responsible. Things are changing quickly in the world and that affects churches, church workers, church volunteers and the organizations that offer support to them.

If you would like to recommend a Lutheran or others with a passion for lifelong learning for the "6 Questions and a Cup" column, please let us know!  

Christian Education Network of the ELCA
Vision Statement
Building a community which equips, encourages and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world.

The CENetwork will:
  • Identify and evaluate resources and educational opportunities
  • Facilitate communication and conversation
  • Offer guidance, networking and mutual support
  • Nurture spiritual growth online and face to face
Check out our website

Prayer Pause

O Heavenly Father:

We thank You for food and remember the hungry.
We thank You for health and remember the sick.
We thank You for friends and remember the friendless.
We thank You for freedom and remember the enslaved.

May these remembrances stir us to service so that our gifts may be used for others.


Living Our Baptism
New Resources!

Golden Rule 2020 Initiative: A Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics 
is an initiative supported by ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and other faith leaders. The website provides ideas for congregations and individuals to build bridges and support civil discourse. .

Two youth group  lessons  to be used in preparation for Baptism 

"by Bishop Elizabeth Eaton in Living Lutheran

  Vibrant Faith @ Home . . . Being a Godparent  gives suggestions for godparents to interact with their godchild through the different seasons.

  "An Experiential Meditation on Baptism"  by Carolyn Moomaw Chilton at BuildingFaith

Living the Promises of Baptism: 101 Ideas for Parents  is a book of concrete ideas to help families nurture their children's faith by living out their baptism in daily life.

Check out these and many other resources on our website!

Check out our newest resources on Pinterest!

Our Facebook group continues to grow with over 
1,000 members!



Contact Us 

CENetwork of the ELCA 
P.O. Box 9304
Rochester, MN 55903

  Phone messages may be left at 
(507) 721-0057