St. Louis Catholic School
Dear St. Louis Families,

The situation with COVID-19 is rapidly evolving and very fluid which requires us to re-evaluate and monitor the changing news and recommendations. St. Louis School will be closed for students today, Friday, March 13, 2020. No Preschool classes or Extended Day Care for students. All extra-curricular events are cancelled on campus today as well.

School offices will be open 8:30am-3:00pm for all teachers and staff for a professional work day. Teachers and staff will have training and opportunity to work on preparing e-learning lessons both today and Monday, March 16th.

Additional information will be forthcoming regarding our operating status for next week's schedule. Monday remains a scheduled day off for students so that teachers and staff may continue their collaboration on e-learning lessons.

We continue to focus on the health, safety and well-being for all our students and we ask for your patience and understanding. We are committed to communicating to our school families in a timely manner as developments unfold.

Please look for additional communications from us today.

God bless,
Anne M. Dyke