October 2020 --- Volume 58, Issue 10
A little Fall Beauty ---- Photo Porsche
From The Editor
Mike Willis
This month's issue includes the SVR Board Candidate Statements of those who are running for the SVR 2021 Board of Directors.
Please note our monthly breakfast gathering is back. Take a look at the updated flyer below in this issue.
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage and not as a stand alone as there is a size limit for this of 5MB.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
President's Column
SVR Calendar
2021 PCA Parade
SVR Autocross Schedule
SVR 2021 Election is Coming
Candidate Statements for 2021 SVR Board Positions
SVR Logo Contest
Charity Auction 2021
2020 Mendocino Tour
In The Zone
SVR Membership
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
SVR Board Members (link)
Gregg Plourde, Flyers
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Dick Murphy, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
President's Message
October 2020
Steve Barker
Photo Steve Barker
Greetings to all members of SVR and a welcome to all of our new members recently joining!
I trust you will find this month’s edition of The Drifter informative and interesting.
One of the topics I hope you take interest in is the SVR Board of Directors Election coming up. The candidate statements are being published for your review this month and then the voting will take place in November. This will result in your new Board being announced just about the end of November. December will begin the transition between the 2020 Board and the 2021 Board with the new Board taking office January 1st.
In the past there has been a dinner event during October promoted as Candidates Night that offered the chance for the candidates to stand before the members and introduce themselves. With the limitations on holding dinners the Nomination Committee will be outlining the process for this year’s election. You can read more on that in the article by Gregg Plourde who is our Nomination Chair.
We have a great group of candidates and I look forward to the results but this is where we need you to support our clubs election process and cast your vote in November!
Our September Board of Directors meeting was again held via a Zoom video conference with great participation. I enjoy seeing everyone dialing in and how well everyone contributes to the discussion. This is a key attribute in how engaged the Board members are in understanding the issues.
Have you looked at the SVR Calendar that Rob Lee, Jr. sends out and noticed we are approaching the end of year! Seems hard to believe how much the Covid 19 has affected our activities after the banner start we made last January. However we are seeing some let up and as you’ll see have some events scheduled.
One event that has continued being held is the Auto Cross events. John Leet and his team have been busy as ever putting together the AX courses with 3 more to be held this season. If you have been wondering what to do with your car in the garage sign up for one of John’s AX events and have some fun! It’s a great chance to improve your driving skills and most of all share your stories with the club.
If you haven’t heard one of the tours being planned for October is the “Off Road Tour” led by our Zone Rep, Collin Fat. The date is Oct 24, 2020 and if you missed it refer to the Sept issue of The Drifter for details about the tour, what you will need and how to register. This is a first for our club so let’s make a good showing to encourage Collin to do this again!
Another event underway is the Mendocino Tour led by Rik Larson. This will be taking place Nov 6th – 8th and is an exciting drive across the Sacramento Valley and up into the hills and coastline to Mendocino. I recommend that before going you watch a few episodes of Holly Molly to brush up on your miniature golf skills.
Regarding membership, Rebecca Plourde continues to provide a flawless Membership Report each month. Have you noticed our club continues to grow each month and year over year we are up to 1379 from 1356 members a year ago. Thank you Rebecca and thanks to everyone for building SVR as an exciting club to be part of.
If you have any comments or would like to tell us your story of what it’s been like to be a member of SVR please drop me a line! If you have had an occasion to have your vehicle worked on by any of our sponsors we’d like to hear about your experience!
We’re all here to make our club a fun place to be a part of, meet others and enjoy our cars, and SUV’s!
Keep Driving!
The way we look in this time of being safe.
Rob Lee
Vice President
Please contact me for recent calendar changes.
Also verify that event is happening with the event chair.
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, SVR Member
Events Still Happening?
Yes, a bunch of them are on the schedule for the next 3 months. The AX on October 10th (with a second AX the next day by Redwood Region) will happen. Then the seminar on detailing your car (wait list in effect) will occur on October 17th. And the SUV (not a typo) Off Road Tour already has 10 vehicles signed up for the October 24th event. The Mendocino Tour (November 6-8) has 45 cars signed up. And the SVR Christmas Happening is targeted for December 12th.
The AX's are happening within the confines of the COVID-19 guidelines (outdoors, social distancing, and facemasks). There have been some recent changes in the guidelines due to the state's new monitoring by 'tier' that are providing for some indoor dining. Things are looking a little better. And consider getting that flu shot.
24 Hours of Le Mans and Porsche
Two Porsche 911 RSR-19's finished 5th and 6th in the LM GTE PRO class (out of 8 entrants). In the LM GTE AM class they did a lot better. The Porsche 911 RSR took 3 out the 5 top places (best being 2nd in class). A very good showing for Porsche that featured a field of 22 cars (Aston Martin, Ferrari).
And he pumps his own gas
While I was pumping gas into my car (once every 6 weeks these days) I encountered Rick Niello fueling up his 911 Turbo Cabriolet. Of course the discussion turned to cars. Turns out that Niello will be building another Porsche dealership in Sacramento and should be ready in about 12 months. It will be downtown (well kind of downtown --- at the intersection of Auburn Blvd and Howe Avenue ---- just down the street from their Audi dealership).That is just off of Business Interstate 80 if you are checking your map.
Passing of Burt Propp
Burt passed on September 6, 2020 at home in Oakland. He was 93 years old. Burt served as PCA National President in 1965-66. He was a member of Golden Gate Region. Burt attended his 59th Porsche Parade in 2019 at Boca Raton and was always the 'last person standing' at the traditional countdown ceremony for the most years attending a Porsche Parade. I felt fortunate to be included on his almost daily e-mails that he sent at 4 am. Burt was predeceased by his wife of 56 years, Joan, in 2012.
Burt Propp with Mark Shevitz, Porsche Parade Master of Ceremonies
2021 Porsche Parade
French Lick, Indiana
The website is up (porscheparade.org) but no details yet. It is scheduled for July 11-17, 2021. It will be headquartered at the same hotel location as was the case in 2015. I expect that online registration will open in January/February 2021. Phil Lawrence (from West Virginia) has already said he will be attending in his new Macan.
SVR Autocross Schedule
AX # 5 & Zone AX Oct. 10th Thunderhill
Oct. 11th also Zone Autocross Thunderhill
SVR 2020 Elections are coming!!
No this is not about the National election!! Your club is also holding elections to select the 2021 Board of Directors for SVR. There are six Board of Director positions available this year: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Director and Membership Director.
You are encouraged to either nominate yourself for any of these positions or nominate another club member. That member must be willing to serve in that position. The term of office will be for two years.
Normally we would announce the nominees at the October dinner, but due to COVID-19, no dinner was scheduled. Nominees and club membership are invited to the October 14th Board of Directors meeting held via Zoom to hear from the candidates. If you wish to attend the meeting, please email secretary@svr-pca.org for a link to the board meeting via Zoom. I am assuming we have all heard about Zoom by now!
Below are the current Candidate Statements so far. If any additional members choose to run, there candidate statements will be in the November issue of the Drifter and on the SVR website.
Starting on the 1st of November, the voting will start and will be on the SVR website and via mail. The voting will continue until November 20th at midnight. Winners will be notified by the current President of the club and posted in the December issue of the Drifter and on our SVR website.
Candidate Statement
SVR President
Steve Barker
Please consider this as my submission for your consideration to serve as President of Sacramento Valley Region for 2021.
Having served multiple times as President 2020, 2013, 2014, Vice President and Past President, it has been a pleasure seeing the club grow in membership while offering a wide variety of activities for all to make this a place of fun and friendship.
As we have dealt with Covid 19 making 2020 one of the strangest years I look forward to serving again as your President and making 2021 a banner year and getting back to many activities.
During 2020 there have been a number of changes to how the club operates such as going to a digital version of The Drifter, a completely revised set of by-laws that will take effect Jan 2021, changes to the number of Board of Directors, as well as creating a new committee to manage the evolution of our logo, not to mention a change to the Webmaster. Managing thru these changes was challenging but the club can be assured the members of the Board worked thru each challenge together even as some have done double duty.
Let’s keep the momentum going as we look ahead to CRAB in 2021 and the clubs 60th Anniversary in 2022!
Thank you for your vote!
Steve Barker,President, SVR
Candidate Statement
Eduardo Ortega Jr.
SVR President
Having served as your President in 2017 was an honor and a privilege. It fulfilled a long term goal after a five-year journey of service in the Board of Directors as your two-times Social Director, two-times Secretary and one-time Vice President. This journey started during my New Members Tour in 2011, when I responded to the call of duty for Board service. In 2016, during Collin Fat’s second term as President and my second time as Vice-President, we won the 2016 Region of the Year Award from the National Porsche Club Of America. My contribution to that effort (as 2016 Vice President) was to keep the master calendar of events of SVR and to provide the insurance from national PCA for the events to proceed (this included the CRAB 36 multiple layered master release of liability for this complex event). During my two years as Vice President and one year as President I developed close relationships with other Zone 7 Region Presidents and Boards for the implementation of the Multi-Day Zone 7 Tour across vast geographical portions of Northern Zone 7, with Zone 7 Representative Sandy Provasi and National PCA. In National PCA I became close to Charlotte Chirinos, Executive Director Vu Nguyen and now PCA Past President Caren Cooper.
In 2017 I started my Presidency in top of the world. My biggest goal was to properly shepherd our club to a yet-to-be determined CRAB 37 in 2018 (to continue a club goal to revive CRAB events in a two-year repeating cycle) since CRAB 36 in 2016 had managed the return to our club of our most complex and prestigious event after a five-year hiatus following CRAB 35. But after careful consideration and consultation with my wife Margarita, I decided to take a break from Board service mainly due to work and family obligations. Please click on this hyperlink to see a brief slide show video with images of my SVR club, professional and personal life captured over the 10 years I have belonged to SVR. https://vimeo.com/458769083.
I am also honored to have received the following endorsements from SVR Past Presidents for my 2021 Candidacy for President:
- Jim Karver (President 1973)
- Rik Larson (President 1980, 1996 and 1997)
- Mike Willis (President 1991, 1992, 2007 and 2008)
- Bob Peake (President 1998 and 1999)
- Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson (President 2009 and 2010)
- Collin Fat (President 2015 and 2016)
What few people know is that my six-year-service in the Board came at a certain personal price. Nothing is free in life. There are no perpetual motion machines. There are no successes in the world of business without years of hard and prolonged work to make it happen. Likewise, in my case, I managed six years of continuous Board service (service in which I missed a monthly board meeting only twice) juggling a highly demanding professional career as a Structural Bridge Engineer managing multi-million dollar transportation projects for the State of California and as a father and husband of a small family.
My daughter Desiree was 14 years old when I started my Board service, and 20 years old when I finished (for all the fathers and mothers in our membership reading this, you know very well that raising a child takes a huge amount of effort, and while I loved every minute of my service to SVR and the Board, I cannot deny those years of service did cost some quality time I was not able to provide to raising my daughter and tending to my wife). That is the nature of our finite lives on this earth. There are only a set amount of hours in the day that cannot be stretched out no matter how hard one tries, and sooner or later “we all have to pay the pied piper” as the saying goes.
There are no free lunches in life. As you read this statement, you might be asking in your minds why did I give some of my personal life to serve in our SVR Board of Directors? Because my family education and Latin-American roots taught me that honor, service, integrity and hard work is what makes a man or a woman succeed in life and to make a difference in this world. I learned to love this club in my years of Board service and I wanted to make a difference in SVR, its members and the life of the club. And I did make a difference in those six years of Board service (just ask any member that witnessed my board service and they will attest to this fact) even though it came at a certain personal price that I was glad to pay. At the end of my Presidency in 2017 I decided to step back and take a break from my continuous Board service.
Fast-forward three years later, and now living in this dreaded apocalyptic 2020 year, I am not the same person I was in 2017. None of us are, if we care about improving our lives and better ourselves as we move forward by the impulse and momentum carried by the forward motion of the sands of time. This year marked my 10th Anniversary as a member of the Sacramento Valley Region of our PCA. During my own history in SVR, knowing legendary members like Past President Larry Wilson (RIP) and personally learning lessons from him have blessed me to learn and grow by expanding the horizons of my mind.
I have learned incredible wisdom from past Drifter Editors Bob Jacobson and Steve McCrory. I also have learned in person priceless wisdom from Past Presidents Rik Larson, Kim Nelson, Cookie Anderson and Frederick Rauch. And I cannot leave this prestigious company without mentioning the lessons I have learned and keep learning from my 2015 and 2016 President and now Zone 7 Representative Collin Fat. It is this legacy of wisdom and integrity from these gentlemen what propels me and our club to move forward and to revitalize the roots of this club, to help with the welcoming of new incoming members and fulfilling the roots and vision of the future for this club. I also must formally recognize the lessons and wisdom I have learned from the women which I was fortunate enough to have served alongside the Board of Directors, e.g. Linda Bradford, Joy Nieslony, Janet Conner, Alma Thompson and Liz Houser, just to mention a few of them.
I am ready and willing to serve a two-year term under the new approved by-laws. Even though for the foreseeable nine to twelve months we will still be dealing closely with the Covid-19 enhanced club-safety guidelines from National PCA to put events together, the following are my main goals I want to achieve as your President (once the pandemic subsides and is not the main focus in our lives):
The resurrection of the printed “The Drifter” as a “Classical Edition” published twice per year. This will not be our newsletter and it will not compete with our new electronic version “The Drifter”. It has been proven that the electronic publication is the most cost effective and efficient way of publishing our newsletter. But a historical printed Drifter will bring back value to our advertisers and promote new membership as our paper-printed publication has always done.
- I will study how to bring “Dual Club Membership” back. There are very long-term SVR members around the USA that have maintained their dual membership for decades and they deserve to have it returned.
- I will help (as the Administrator and content creator of our SVR High Definition Video Archive in our own Vimeo channel) with the effort of the new SVR logo redesign.
- I will actively pursue Generation X, Generation Y and Millennials to get involved in the Club and bring with them their advanced information technology and social media skills for the betterment of our club. To accomplish this, I will create and shepherd a “Young Members Group”.
- I will aspire to serve as the President of our entire membership, promote a culture of openness and welcoming of all members, and use my logical engineering thinking skills to be a bridge of communication among all the sectors of our club.
I will greatly appreciate your vote for President in 2021 and I conclude with the following excerpt of the social corner column I wrote for the celebration of SVR’s 50th Anniversary back in August 2012 edition of “The Drifter”:
“Our original chapter members and earlier generations have built the foundations for SVR. Now it is the duty of the “younger” and new members
like me to preserve the SVR legacy built upon 50 years of hard work, to ensure that when we receive the baton from the earlier generations, we keep the identity of this chapter intact and keep it moving confidently towards the future”.
May God bless the United States of America and also the members of the National Porsche Club of America, all its Zones and Regions, and our beloved Sacramento Valley Region. Thank you for your consideration for me to serve as President in 2021, from the bottom of my heart.
Eduardo Ortega Jr.
2017 President
Past President
SVR Candidate Statement
Rob Lee
Vice President
I am submitting this candidate statement as my request to run for Vice President of the Sacramento Valley Region Club (SVR), Porsche Club of America (PCA) to serve in office during the 2021-2022 period.
I have served in this position during the past difficult year providing leadership both to the Board of Directors and the club membership as the club adjusted to massive Covid 19 restrictions on our overall activities. I have the proven qualifications and desire to continue to make significant contributions in the SVR club as Vice President. Additionally, I fully understand the duties, responsibilities, and procedures of the SVR Club Vice President and President should I have to fill in for the club President. I believe I am a good ‘fit” for the position.
During my professional working years, I have pursued three different successful careers which involved a wide range of responsibilities within the upper levels of the U.S. military, private industry, and the U. S. Federal Civil Service. In every position I was responsible for maintaining an organizational calendar of major events which required daily detailed coordination with multicable organizations. As a Committee Chairman for a Boy Scout Troop, I was responsible for maintaining and submitting event insurance forms. Lastly, I have chaired numerous meeting during my profession career and represented my organization at national and international level meetings as the principal.
My wife and I have been involved in the full range of club activities since joining the Sacramento Valley Region club in March 2017. Besides serving as Board members (VP and Secretary), we have successfully planned and chaired two major club events: The Castle Museum Tour in 2018 and a Dinner at Kathrin’s Bier Garden in August of last year. Julie and I both participated in and completed last year’s SVR Autocross School. Prior to this year’s Covid 19 shutdown of many of SVR activities we were co-chair planners for CRAB 38 Tour and will do so again for 2021.
I have always been an active volunteer and contributing member of my community in many organizations over the years. Specific examples are:
2020. Organizer, Support Rally for the Folsom Police
2020. Member, Historic and Collector Arms Committee, California Rifle and Pistol Association
2020. Member, Folsom Citizen’s Academy (closed because of Covid 19)
2019. Graduate, Sacramento County Citizen’s Academy
2019. Chairperson, Folsom/North Sac County Chapter of the California Rifle and Pistol Association
2018. Volunteer, Folsom Day of Service
2017-to date. Board Vice President, American River Canyon Cluster Homes (HOA), Folsom, CA
2017- to date. Recruiter, California Rifle and Pistol Association, Northern California
2016. Volunteer Election Official, United States 2016 Presidential Election
2915-17. Member, Potomac Region, Porsche Club of America
2000-2011. Chairman and Assistant Scout Master, Boy Scouts of America Troop 1150, Alexandria, VA
1995-2000. Disaster Action Team (DAT) Team Leader, American Red Cross, Alexandria, VA Chapter
1988-1995. Board Member and Treasurer, of Gentle Lane HOA, Alexandria, VA
SVR Candidate Statement
Julie Lee
I am submitting this candidate statement as my request to run for Secretary of the Porsche Club of America (PCA) Sacramento Valley Region Club (SVR). I believe I have the qualifications and desire to make a significant contribution to the SVR club and I have served in this role since January 1. 2020.
Rob and I joined the club in March 2017 and have attended a wide variety of events, e.g. dinners, baseball games, day trips, as well as overnight trips. We have found the club to be lots of fun comprised of like-minded, nice, fun people.
After arriving in the SVR we quickly became involved in club activities. We successfully planned and organized two club events: The Castle Museum Tour and Dinner at Kathrin’s Bier Garden. We also participated in and completed last year’s SVR Autocross School. Lastly, I helped map out the driving event for CRAB 38 Tour, that unfortunately was canceled due to Covid.
Professional qualifications and experience
I believe I am highly qualified for this role. As the Director of Board Support for AARP Financial, I was responsible for taking and publishing the minutes for all Board meetings for two different Boards. The minutes were required to be signed off on by our General Counsel. Additionally, I was responsible for a wide variety of duties in supporting the Board, e.g. Board Books, presentations, logistics, etc. I held this role for several years until I was promoted to VP, AARP Driver Safety Program. In this role, I was responsible for 8,000 volunteers, nationwide, a staff of 25, and a budget in excess of $12M. Additionally, I supervised a group of senior volunteers who acted as our “Board”. We met formally on quarterly basis. Information was presented to them in a Board-like manner and minutes were published. The key to my success in both of these roles was my ability to communicate effectively and efficiently.
Finally, I have had a wide and varied career. I have more than 25 years’ experience in Human Resources; staffing, recruiting, employee relations, organizational development, and training and worked in the following organizations: Perpetual Savings Bank, the Defense Intelligence Agency and AARP. Additionally, I retired after 20 years in the Air Force (Reserves) as a transportation/logistics officer.
Currently, I am a Docent for the Folsom City Sanctuary Zoo and a volunteer for the California Rifle and Pistol Association, Northern California. I also represent my sorority, Delta Gamma at the Sacramento Alumnae Panhellenic Association.
SVR Candidate Statement
Bob Peake
I bought my first Porsche, a '67 912 in 1976. In 1979 I moved to Sacramento and joined SVR. It was a great group of about 400 people who enjoyed Porsche's ,and lots of fun activities. In 1981 I got the award for Most Active Member; I think I attend 46 events that year. I have been more and less active over the years depending on what else was going on in my life. But PCA has always been something special to me and I've made many great friends in the club over the years.
I've been on the Board over a dozen times over the years in various positions, everything except Secretary I think. I was President in '98 and '99 and brought the National Parade to Sacramento 2000, as a Zone 7 event.
Our club runs on voluntarism. I would like to volunteer to be your Treasurer again for 2021-2023. I have the time, energy, experience, and desire to be your Treasurer again. I would appreciate your support, and look forward to seeing you at many events in the next 2 years. Hopefully we will be able to provide you with many more events as COVID-19,hopefully, has less impact on our lives in the coming years.
Thank You,
Bob Peake
SVR Candidate Statement
Sue Sanders
Membership Director
I have been a member of the PCA/SVR since 2011. During that time I have served as “Social Director” for 2 years and I have been the “New Member Chair” ever since. I have put on many New Member Dinners and New Member Tours during this time. I have also put on some monthly dinners and have help host the “Cambria Tour” 3 times.
I am running for Membership Director this year. I feel I am qualified having prior experience working with the New Members and having worked in administrative positions for many years.
Thank you for your consideration,
SVR Candidate Statement
Mardi Quain
Social Director
In 2014 Skip and I joined SVR with the intent of enjoying activities
around our Porsche, meeting new friends and contributing to the SVR club experience.
Since that time I have served as Social Director for two years, one
year as Secretary, and now again in 2020 as Social Director.
Some of the activities initiated or participated in, are:
Social Director:
Initiated: the Hosting Seminar 2018 and offered again 2020 Concept of forward event bookings into New Year and before January Planning Party
Secretary: Chaired the Bylaws Committee 2019, resulting in updated Bylaws approved by membership and effective 1.1.2021
Hosted with Skip, beginning 2015: Valentines Dinner, Blackhawk Museum Tour, annual Detail Maniac Seminars, Rivercats Baseball games
Have participated in organization and efforts for events:
CRAB Nos. 36, 37, and the to be 38
Christmas Party 2019
Covid Christmas 2020
Plus, have enjoyed the many dinners and tours offered by other members.
SVR has added fun and purpose for both Skip and I. So I will welcome
the opportunity to continue to be Social Director for the new term and
hope you will vote for me.
Thank you."
Be a part of SVR History
Dick MacFarlane
Be a part of SVR History
After nearly 60 years of loyal service to our SVR members we are retiring our logo and grill badge.
The entire SVR membership has the opportunity to resign our logo and grill badge for the next 60 years.
Watch the Drifter for details in the coming months
Start working on your creative ideas.
Thank you
Your Redesign logo/badge committee
Dick MacFarlane……………. Chair
Melinda Roles…………………Secretary
Rachel and Kim Nelson
Mary and David Borden
Charity Auction 2021
Charity Auction Committee
Dick MacFarlane ...Chair
Lois Roberts
We are 12 months away for our Charity Auction, but if your have any cool auctions items you would like to donate, I can get them now and store them until the event.
You may be moving, organizing, downsizing or just have an auction items you want to find a new home for.
1. Books
2. Posters
3. Models
4. Time share
5. Car parts
6. Apparel
7. Wine
8. Memorabilia
9. Artwork
10. You get the idea
Also, if you would like to join Lois and me on this not many meetings fun committee let me know.
Thank you,
2020 Mendocino Tour
by Rik Larson, Event Chair
When given lemons make lemonade
Yes, the Mendocino Tour is back. Last year we cancelled due to the fires. This year we are hopefully going to make it past the COVID-19 pandemic. The dates are November 6-8th. And did we mention that everything is optional? We already have 30 cars signed up. There is no limit.
The weekend format is the same as it has been for the past 10 years:
- Friday tour to lunch (bring your own) at Pedroncelli Winery in Geyserville
- Then tour from lunch to the Mendocino Coast via CA 128 (the Mendocino Highway)
- Friday social; then a free night to enjoy the restaurants and sights
- Saturday miniature golf in the morning in Fort Bragg
- Saturday kite flying on the Mendocino Headlands in the afternoon
- Saturday social and miniature golf awards (before adjourning to go to dinner)
- Saturday dinner (no host) at Silver's at the Wharf in Fort Bragg
- Sunday breakfast at St. Anthony's Church in Mendocino ($8 - all you can eat)
- Sunday return home (at your leisure); some folks stay an extra night
Room Reservations ----- Special Conditions!!
Because of the local COVID-19 guidelines, the local inns have instituted some unique room reservation requirements. Most inns are leaving the room vacant for a day or two both before and after usage. So this makes booking of a room NOW if you plan to participate in the tour. Many folks who signed up for the 2019 tour just moved their reservation by a year and hopefully have already heard from their establishment about their reservation (with the correct date?).
Inns/hotels that we recommend:
- Little River Inn, Little River (site of the Friday and Saturday socials)
- Hill House, Mendocino (the less expensive of the recommendations and very popular with many of our participants)
- You are welcome to stay anywhere you like on the coast
This event would not be possible without the support from:
- Tom and Tambra Kroetz, Hill House coordinators (for questions)
- Mike and Emily Willis, miniature golf coordinator
- Ray Fiore, Friday lunch stop and Saturday dinner coordinator
- Rik Larson, tour chair, Little River Inn coordinator (for questions)
In The Zone
October 2020
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
Photos Collin Fat
West Coast Race Series Holds 2 Events in September:
Golden Gate Region hosted the first 2 West Coast Race events of 2020 at Sonoma and Laguna Seca Raceways on the weekends of August 22-23rd and September 5-6th, the Labor Day weekend.
After the season’s first 4 events were cancelled, the series finally got underway and were well attended. The event at Sonoma Raceway was attended by 33 drivers competing for series points while the Laguna Seca event saw 43 drivers competing along with 103 drivers participating in the Golden Gate Region’s DE event (Driver’s Education) that was held in conjunction with the club race. Jim McClellan, Golden Gate Region, is the chair of the West Coast Race Series. Jim is fortunate to have a stalwart crew of some 8 other Golden Gate Region members who assist him with running all these events. Without the assistance of the volunteers, the series and DE events usually run in conjunction with the races would not be possible. The following are photos taken at the recent club race event at Sonoma Raceway.
What is PCA Club Racing?
PCA club racing is the most competitive form of club activity. Unlike autocross where speeds generally do not exceed 60 mph or a rally that is time and distance competition, club racing is the most competitive form of competition. With speeds nearing 140 mph or more depending on the track, club racing can only be run on a racetrack unlike an autocross that can be held at an airfield runway or large parking lot. Club racing requires that the racers attend a professional racing school and that the driver be licensed. Their Porsche must be equipped with a roll bar, fire extinguisher, five-point harness and other safety equipment.
The car interiors are generally stripped and generally don’t have air conditioning, radios, sound insulation, and rear or passenger seats. All items that add weight to a race car. Cars are not road legal. There are quite a few classes of cars which compete against one another as well as Spec racing which pits similar models with limited performance enhancements allowed. Current spec racing includes Spec Boxster, Spec 944, as well as GT3 and GT 4 classes. Overall, there are more than a dozen car classes ranging from vintage, spec (11 classes), stock, and modified (4 classes).
Club racing is not intended for a novice who wants to take his or her recently purchased Porsche to the track. That is the purpose of PCA and region sponsored DE events (Driver Education). The most common progression to get into club racing is to first learn the basics of car dynamics at an autocross, progress to DE’s and finally to club racing after becoming licensed. Very few members in PCA relative to the club’s 134,000 members are club racers but the program at regions throughout the United States is quite robust and held at major track venues throughout the country such as Sebring, Laguna Seca, Watkins Glen, Circuit of the Americas, Sonoma, Road Atlanta, and Daytona to name just a few.
Drivers who compete in PCA club racing compete for year end awards and championship points and receive bragging rights at end of year awards ceremonies. It is a very competitive series but like all things PCA, it’s equally about the friendships, friendly competition, and the fun of club racing. The following photos are from the most recent West Coast Club racing series held at Laguna Seca in Monterey where there were 43 racers accompanied by 103 drivers in the DE event. The race was coordinated by Golden Gate Region and Jim McClellan’s dedicated group of volunteers.
Zone 7 Concours Series Cancelled:
Monterey Bay and Golden Gate regions recently cancelled their annual concours due to Covid 19 related issues with large group gatherings and concerns with either their dealer locations or county parks departments. With only 1 event still on the schedule, Loma Prieta Region on October 11th, the Zone Concours series has been cancelled. Zone rules require a minimum of 3 events to be considered a series and award trophies. The LPR event being held will be just for regional competition but will be supported by the Zone 7 Concours team. I am sure that all concours competitors are extremely disappointed and will be looking forward to more events in 2021. To find out more about the latest updates on the scheduled October concours events please refer to the Zone 7 website.
Zone Autocross Series Update:
The Zone Autocross series events #2 and #3 at the Cow Palace in Daly City were cancelled due to the use of the facility as a refuge for farm animals and livestock displaced during the recent fires.
Golden Gate, Loma Prieta and Redwood regions had secured the use of the Cow Palace in Daly City, just south of San Francisco, but recently have had to cancel events due to complaints by neighbors of the Cow Palace regarding noise. As of this writing, I am awaiting an update on whether this site can be used for autocross moving forward or if the regions who have planned to use this site no longer have access. Please check with the region’s websites for the most up to date information.
Sacramento Valley Region in partnership with Redwood Region have a Zone Autocross event scheduled for October 10th and 11th at Thunderhill Raceway Park with SVR hosting on the 10th and RR hosting on the 11th. Registration is now open, and drivers need to register for each day separately.
Events of Interest:
1) West Coast Series Races, September 26-27, Thunderhill, by Golden Gate Region
2) Zone 7 Concours, October 4; Carmel Valley, by Monterey Bay Region - CANCELLED
3) West Coast Series Races, October 10-11, Sonoma Raceway, by Golden Gate Region
4) Zone 7 AX, October 10-11, Thunderhill, by Sacramento Valley and Redwood Regions
5) Zone 7 Concours, October 11, Porsche of Fremont, by Loma Prieta Region - CANCELLED
6) Zone 7 Concours, October 18, Porsche Redwood City, by Golden Gate Region - CANCELLED
7) Zone 7 AX, October 24, Cow Palace, Daly City, by Golden Gate Region
8) Zone 7 AX, October 25, Cow Palace, Daly City, by Loma Prieta Region
9) PCA Tech Tactics West, November 21-22, Southern California - Tentative
10) Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, March 2021
11) PCA Spring Treffen at the Marriott Scottsdale, Arizona; May 5-9, 2021; treffen.pca.org
12) Porsche Parade at French Lick, Indiana, July 11-17, 2021
13) PCA Werks Reunion, August 13, 2021, Monterey; werksreunion.com
14) PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 13-17, 2021
15) PCA Spring Treffen at the BROAD MOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
16) Sacramento Valley Region 60th Anniversary Celebration, May 7, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their growing popularity.
Rebecca Plourde, Membership Director
SVR New Members September 2020
SVR Member Anniversary September 2020
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to www.pca.org and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: membership@svr-pca.org. New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: www.pca.org/pca-test-drive Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at www.pca.org
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director at: membership@svr-pca.org
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
September 9, 2020
Minutes taken by Mardi Quain
Board Members:
Steve Barker- President, Rob Lee-Vice President, Bob Peake-Treasurer, Julie Lee-Secretary, Rebecca Plourde-Membership, Mardi Quain-Social, Greg Zajic-Comp & Safety, Gregg Plourde-Past President & Intermediate Webmaster
Excused Absence: Mike Willis-Editor Drifter
Dick Murphy-Advertising, Dick MacFarlane-Charity & Logo, Richard Wetzel-Rally
Liz Houser-Tours
Collin Fat-Zone 7 Rep, Rik Larson
Call to Order: 7:03pm
Old Business:
Minutes of August 12, 2020 Board Meeting approved by email vote August 20, 2020.
Final Minutes distributed on August 20, 2020
New Business:
President’s Report:
Steve gave update overview of Covid 19 and impact on PCA events
Effective 1.1.2021 there are two new Chairs, as mandated by SVR updated Bylaws: Safety Chair and Competition Chair:
Steve talked with PCA about defining duties and filling positions. Conclusions:
Competition Chair: will remain open unless those duties need to be changed from AX Team. Safety Chair: Greg Zajic to develop defining duties that will be in accord with PCA guidelines.
Steve relayed that a small group of members did an impromptu visit to a Birthday Porsche fan of 12 years. He was happily surprised and lots of smiles all around.
Vice President’s Report:
Updated calendar submitted. Insurance requests are current.
Treasurer’s Report:
Postponed to October BoD meeting
Social’s Report:
Saturday Breakfast at Brookfields remains canceled but is closely monitored for status change.
Christmas Tree Decorating event 11.29.20 on hold waiting for opening status from CAM.
SVR Christmas Party at Sierra View CC canceled due to Covid mandates.
After discussion, BoD agreed to have a Christmas event focused on the CHP Toy Drive. The event will also include a Fund Raising activity. Dick MacFarlane researching charity organizations. Details to be released to membership near future. Date of event remains 12.12.2020.
Fat’s Dinner 9.28.2020 will take place at the Roseville Fats Restaurant as it is now open for inside dining.
Communicable Disease & Infection Assumption Risk Hold Harmless/Release Form
After discussion on how to manage this form the Board determined:
At each event each attendee will sign individual form. The event host will send the
batch of signed forms to the Vice President for collection.
Membership’s Report:
August numbers are:
Primary Members - 858, Affiliate Members - 528, Total Members - 1386
Total includes: New Members = 8, Transfer In = 3, Transfer out = 3
Competition & Safety:
Greg is talking with interested member to be his replacement as Safety Chair 1.1.2021
Webmaster Report:
Gregg Plourde gave information on the removal of member telephone numbers from online access. He is also working with PCA to move SVR from current host to using PCA.org as SVR host. Change will enhance SVR online security. He advised SVR did not win the PCA web contest.
Gregg distributed tutorial on how PCA and SVR setup and use member email addresses to disseminate information to members.
Drifter Editor Report:
No report
Past President Report:
The Nominating Committee needs volunteers. Contact Gregg Plourde to sign up for this very important, and temporary, assignment.
Chair Reports:
Logo Committee - Dick MacFarlane: There has been good progress on the
rules guiding the design of the new logo.
Charity Committee - Dick MacFarlane: Dick will be notifying membership to let him know, now, if they have Porsche or other items of interest that may be used in 2021 Charity auction. He will take possession as soon as owner will release.
Advertising - Dick Murphy: Advertiser invoices to be released November 1 2021.
Other Comments:
Rik Larson advised that the Mendocino Tour will be guided by the Mendocino County regulations as well as the California State mandates.
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:50pm
Next Meeting: October 14, 2020
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TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.
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PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to classified@svr-pca.org. PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Price: $72.99
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Price: $104.99
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Price: $33.99
2020 West Coast Race Series Calendar
as of April 17, 2020
September 19-20th High Plains Raceway
September 26-27th Thunderhill Raceway
October 10-11th Sonoma Raceway
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Rebecca Plourde at
or call her at 530.210.9686
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.
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