
Introducing a New Service at

SOMA Massage & Wellness

Ayurvedic Massage and Consultations

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old alternative medical system that originated in India. Literally translated as the “science of life” or the “study of longevity" it focuses on health and prevention, rather than disease. 

Ayurveda recognizes that we are of nature. In other words, the same elements that make up the natural world around us, make up the world within us. In order to create greater balance in body, mind and spirit, we must honor this principle so that we can become more aligned with our purpose.

Each of us came into this world with a unique mind/body type. Our type helps us to understand who we are on a deeper level and gives us guidelines to achieve improved health and balance. Once we become more aware and more in tune with our true nature, we can begin to care for ourselves in a new way.

At the very foundation of Ayurveda is consciousness. With enhanced consciousness, we are able to make true, long-lasting shifts in our health and eventually live life with greater happiness and ease.

What to expect during a session?

Our work together will start with a complimentary phone call where we will discuss your goals and what you hope to achieve during our time together. At this point we will decide if we should progress to an initial Ayurvedic Consultation.

The initial consultation will run for about 1.5 - 2 hours. I will feel your pulse, check your tongue and listen deeply as you begin to share your life with me. We will discuss health concerns and general lifestyle habits. After this session, I will send you off with one recommendation for the week and we will meet again to talk about a plan going forward. The work that we will do includes massage, yoga, meditation, sleep, nutrition, herbs and so much more.

True healing takes time. There is no magic pill. It has likely taken years to get to where you are today, so it will certainly take months to make real progress. For this reason, I find that working with clients on a 3-6 month basis has the most powerful impact and results. That said, this is your journey, and I am here to walk with you in whatever way works best. 


Meet the Practitioner

Lauren has over 15 years of experience working in the healing arts. She was born and raised in northern California, in a family that practiced martial arts, massage, yoga, and both eastern and western medicine. Lauren's own healing journey led her to Ayurveda and Heart Based Meditation at a time when she needed the deepest healing. Her personal evolution deeply informs her work and demonstrates firsthand how powerful holistic medicine can be. Lauren is a natural empath and helping people is her life's work. She is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Healer and has a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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