Wear a Mask. Slow the Spread of Covid-19.
Our masks protect you. Your mask protects us. Join members of our staff in wearing your mask this summer. Visit the Alameda County Public Health Department's website at
to lea
rn more about
practices that can reduce the chance of catching or spreading COVID-19 as well as current health orders.
Free 7-Week Disaster Preparedness Course
Tuesdays & Thursdays, August 25 - October 8, from 3:30 – 5 pm
Join Eden I&R and our community partners for a free, interactive course to learn about disaster preparedness needs specific to the East Bay. This series is designed to be appropriate for everyone, and will focus on personal preparedness, agency preparedness, government & organizational coordination, and much more. Each week's topic is designed to work independently, however participants are encouraged to attend all sessions, if possible.
Prepare U. is funded by the Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative (BAUASI). Lead trainers for this course are Lars Eric Holm, the Disaster Preparedness Coordinator for Eden I&R/211Alameda County and Ron Halog, Instructor Trainer, of the RiHT Team. To register for Prepare U. go to
www.batep.org. You will need to create a free account to register.
Click here to see the training flyer with a full course schedule.
AIDS 2020: Virtual Conference
The 23rd International AIDS Conference took place earlier this month online. The conference is the largest gathering on HIV and AIDS in the world, and has been taking place since 1985. Eden I&R's AIDS Housing Information Project (AHIP) Specialist,
Angelica Moore received a scholarship from the AIDS 2020 Local Planning Group to participate in the AIDS 2020: Virtual Conference. The scholarship,
made possible by the generosity of the local planning group's Local Impact Partners, covered Angelica's registration fee and entitled her to access the conference.
A piece from the conference's Art Gallery by Adriana Bertini. All artwork in the gallery was made from condoms.
Angelica shares that, "Meeting folks from different parts of the world, with different cultures and values, coming together and sharing a common goal of finding new ways to help end HIV-related stigma was a great experience. The conference is not only for people living with HIV but for the younger generation and folks who do not have HIV, to educate them about HIV prevention."
30th Anniversary of the ADA
Eden I&R is proud to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 30th Anniversary. This important civil rights law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.
Join our Team! Bilingual 211 Phone Resource Specialist Needed (Spanish & English)
Eden I&R is hiring for the position of Bilingual 211 Phone Resource Specialist.
Phone Resource Specialists are the front-line staff responsible for assessing callers' needs; conducting client intake; collecting accurate client information and referrals provided; and researching and making appropriate referrals.
Click here
to learn more and apply for this opportunity.
4 Steps to: Emergency Preparedness for All
Don’t wait until the next wildfire! Be disaster-ready with these 4 steps:
1. Find your 5 Trusted Allies
2. Prioritize your health needs and create lists
3. Create your Emergency Supplies Kits
4. Plan how and when to evacuate
Click here
to learn more about disaster-readiness.
A Hayward woman called to learn how to obtain a homeless verification letter.
She had been arrested for protesting after the curfew enacted during the civil unrest, and needed the letter for her court date. 211 screened this caller for the county’s Coordinated Entry System and referred her to the Mid-County East Housing Resource Center to inquire about the verification. Since she was on probation, 211 also suggested she visit the Re-Entry portal on 211’s website at 211alamedacounty.org.
211 By the Numbers - June 2020
211 Alameda County
conversations handled*
referrals provided*
*reflects both calls and two-way texts to 211
single mothers with minor children
Living with disabilities
Average Call Length
Average Wait Time
Services Database
agency record updates
program record updates
Housing Database
units added
records updated
"I just want to let you know, my 211 operator was
excellent! She really went above and beyond the call
of duty to help me out. Thank you!”
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project)
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project) offers housing and human services resource referrals to People Living with HIV/AIDS via a designated phone line and through one-on-one, in-person assistance at clinics and AIDS Service Organizations.
In June AHIP completed
face-to-face meetings with clients, provided
housing referrals and
referrals to services.
site visit was conducted and
clients were assisted with Coordinated Entry System navigation and document readiness. Since July 1, 2019, AHIP has provided assistance to
unduplicated clients.
community web-based meetings & calls attended
website page views
website sessions/visitors
Thank You to Our Partners
Donor Spotlight - Oakland Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Fund Program
Eden I&R receives a portion of our funding by partnering on initiatives that educate our callers on important issues that can impact their health and well-being. This year we have teamed up with the
City of Oakland
to promote water consumption, educate our callers on the harms of sugar sweetened beverages, and provide referrals for healthy food and wellness. Follow us on
to see all of our educational messages.
The Center for Independent Living (TheCIL) provides advocacy and services that increase awareness, collaboration, and opportunity among people with disabilities and the community at large.
TheCIL's programs provide people with skills, knowledge, and resources that empower them to eliminate damaging and stereotypical notions of disability so that they are able to strive toward realizing their full human potential. To learn more about TheCIL visit