The News of Zion
Love God
Love People
~Luke 10:27
September 30, 2020
Musings ~ What Are We Doing?

Last week, I sat in my home office in a Zoom meeting with other clergy from the Rock Hill District. We went through the usual: prayer and prayer requests, announcements, and for this time of year, questions about charge conferences. These are all standard, normal things to talk about and in all honesty, the combination of fighting the flu and boredom at the same time was almost enough to make me excuse myself and lean into being sick.
Around the time I was feeling “sicker enough” to step away, we started discussing an article sent to us by the DS called, “Six Reasons Your Pastor is About to Quit” by Thom Rainer ( This wasn’t the first article I’ve heard about addressing the subject of pastor burnout or people leaving the ministry but it was recent so I thought I would hang around for the discussion. I’m glad I did because that discussion led someplace the article did not necessarily point to and an interesting subject: paradigm shifts.
Paradigm shifts are an interest of mine, sort of an off shoot of human behavior. In my way of thinking, paradigm shifts or changes in the way we think about ideas, is at the heart of following Jesus. When Jesus came on the scene, his first sermons were about paradigm shifts, Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The word repent is the Greek word metanoia which literally means, change your direction, of put another way, shift your paradigm. In essence, we are constantly shifting our understanding of paradigm to match that of Jesus as we are led by the Holy Spirit in our following of Jesus.
Back to the meeting. As we talked about the challenges pastors deal with—various theologies and politics among church members, pastoring in the time of Covid, expectations and responsibilities of family, church, and denomination—I began to think about something, something a little uncomfortable, a little subversive, a little dangerous.
We. Are. Doing. This. Wrong.
My thoughts went back to the early church and a paradigm shift I believe made much of the New Testament’s church’s faith and practice foreign to us. Before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Constantine, the church was a persecuted, growing, but still minor religion. Most early Christians worshiped not in official buildings but in private homes. The teachings of Christianity were a practice to be lived not a dogma, a way of life rather than a declaration. When Christianity became the official religion of Rome, an official theology needed to be declared, official buildings needed to be erected to declare the glory of God and the glory of the empire. It was a compromise that made life easier for Christians but what I see as true Christianity harder to live. The focus went from people to institutions, from discipleship to membership, from way of life to declaration of creed and confession. Personally, I think the church—with the exception of a few revival/renewal movements—became shadow of what it was and was intended it to be.
I imagine some of you reading this are thinking, Yeah. Okay. Is that so bad? What would we do about it? I’m glad I assumed you asked. For the next several weeks, I’ll be writing about this very subject:
·      How do we create innovative ideas for people to grow instead of looking for ways to preserve the institutions we are part of?
·      How do we move from making church members to making disciples?
·      How do we move from defending creeds, declarations, and confessions to embracing a way of life?

Stay tuned. If we open our minds and hearts, I imagine this could be very interesting.

Pastor Michael
As we continue to gather for worship together, just a few reminders....

  • If you are sick or have been sick in the last week before gathering, please stay home. We want to see you but more importantly, we want to see you get better. If you are immune-compromised or part of an at-risk group and concerned about your health, we suggest you consider staying home for your safety.
  • On Sunday mornings, we will continue to gather underneath the covered walkway that leads into the family life center nearest the sanctuary. The ground will be marked by at least six-foot intervals to keep people separated as we enter. Once inside, there will be more markers. Once inside the gym, an usher will direct you to chairs that will be at least six feet from any other chairs. Please stay in these areas during the service. Please do not hug, shake hands, or make physical contact with   others gathering, for their safety and yours. When the service is over, we will file out one area at a time, going out the doors nearest the area where the buses are parked.
  • Masks will continue to be available for folks to wear during the service. These are not optional. Please expect to wear a mask if you join us for worship.
  • We will continue our prohibition of all other activities other than worship for now.
For the safety and well-being of each person that gathers with us, we pray that you will be willing to abide by these safety measures. We also STRESS the need to SOCIALLY DISTANCE! Please do not compromise the health of yourself or others during this time. May we all continue in prayer for our church family, community, and country.
The flowers for worship this Sunday, October 4 will be placed in honor of my family and in memory of
Pat Barton on his birthday, October 5
by Becky Barton
The Administrative Board is asked to meet this Sunday,
October 4 at 5:00 pm in the TFLC. Everyone is asked to wear masks and to sit socially distant. Committee members are: Dennis Hall, Steve Moseley, Laura Everall, Susie McDonald, Keli Thomas, Jimmy Neal, Judy Humphreys, Tom Salisbury, Hazel Robinson, Libby Morris, Dianne Sweatt, Missy Snipes, Brooke Collins, Cierra Hartley, Dwayne Ray, Wendy VanDyke, Rock Love, Diane Rape, Earl Hinson, Terry Robinson, and Jeffrey Thomas.
Charge Conference will be held on Thursday, October 15th at 7:00 pm in the TFLC of Zion. All members of the church are invited and the Administrative Board members are urged to attend. Members of the Administrative Board are members of the Charge Conference and they are: Dennis Hall, Steve Moseley, Laura Everall, Susie McDonald, Keli Thomas, Jimmy Neal, Judy Humphreys, Tom Salisbury,
Hazel Robinson, Libby Morris, Dianne Sweatt, Missy Snipes, Brooke Collins, Cierra Hartley, Dwayne Ray, Wendy VanDyke, Rock Love, Diane Rape, Earl Hinson, Terry Robinson, and Jeffrey Thomas. Everyone is asked to wear masks and to sit socially distant.
You are invited to a drive through Baby Shower in honor of Treston and Kayla Yost Strait on Sunday, October 18 from 2-3 pm. It will be held under the bus drop off at the Thompson Family Life Center. Please stay in your car
and just drive through, Treston and Kayla will greet you! 
Parents to be are requesting diapers of all sizes and wipes to
stock up for their baby boy!!
General Fund Expenditures August 2020
Wycliffe Bible Translators................................333.34
Rural Garbage...................................................145.00
Pastor Jarrell (study/cont ed)..........................101.88
The Home Depot (mailbox)................................57.49
SC Conference Direct Billing............................620.00
Staff Salaries..................................................3,539.80
US Treasury (federal withholding).....................79.56
Justin Lowery (Trustees)..................................100.00
People Facts.........................................................16.20
Chris Massey (lawn mowing)...........................600.00
Duke Energy....................................................1,078.79
Constant Contact..................................................21.60
Driver Support (computers)..................................9.99
Wells Fargo (bank service charge)........................2.00
Be a light in the Darkness
Please remember to call and check on your church family and friends during these troubling times. Many of our members are unsure or afraid of returning to worship  together and have also lost the connection of Sunday school. A call or a card can make a world of difference to those who are struggling with fear, loneliness, and isolation. 
Pastor Michael continues to offer morning prayer and Bible study. Join us each morning at 7:00 AM for Prayer and meditation. Join us, also on Thursdays at 12:00 Noon for Bible Study. Pastor Michael is hosting these from our Facebook page. If you are unable to log in LIVE, these offerings remain available for viewing after on our website and FB page.
While the church office remains closed, you are encouraged to reach out if you have a need or know of a need. You may call Pastor Michael at 1-859-475-8800, call the church office, 285-3864 and leave a message, call Missy at 804-2434 or email or; these emails are being monitored daily. The answering machine will also be checked daily. During these times, we ask everyone to pray together for each other, our church family, our community, our country, and our world. May God be with us all.
Please remember these in prayer:
Nancy Ackerman
Angela Bailey
Francis Bell
Phillip Bell
Rick Black
Marion Boswell
Chance Bowers
Carol Boyles
Randy Boyles
Caleb Catoe
Sue Catoe
Carol Cauthen
Brandy Champion
Ann Chappell
Linda Coker
Sandra Cope
Bill Dingler
Sophia Dixon
Angie Dobson
Heather Elder
John Elder
Ashley Fort
Betsy Gardner
Mike Gay
Judy Goodnight
Travis Gordon
T.R. Grier
Catherine Hammond
JoAnn Hinson
Rev. Shelly Holder
Kevan Horton
Eric Hough
Libby Hunter
Melinda Hunter
Rick Joyner
Henry Ray Knight
Mary Jane McAteer
Bill McCorkle
Kevin McCorkle
Ann McManus
Tammy McMillian
Debbie McWaters
Marie Moree
Rusty Mosier
Bell Perry
Betty Jo Phillips
Ann Powers
Vicky Pickett
Ann Reed
Kathleen Robinson
Mayme Jo Robinson
John Rollings
Virginia Rollings
Nancy Rushing
Bonnie Sears
Eva Small
Greg Smith
JoAnne Smith
Billy Sowell
Robbie Stepp
Matthew Sweatt
Jim Thomas
Mike Vick
Pat Vick
Myrtle Walker
Ellen Walters
David Woodruff
Kim Yost
Our President and Troops
Those affected by the COVID-19 Virus
Even as we offer in-person worship, our services will still be made available online on our Facebook page. Log in to our Zion United Methodist Church Facebook page this Sunday for our service if you are unable to make it to church!! The service will also be available on our website at
Current Upper Room Daily Devotionals are available for pick up at the church! We will place some of these on the table as you enter the life center and some in the plastic communication box outside of the life center doors where the buses are for those who do not have access to the church for you to pick up. There are large and regular print copies available.
While our United Methodist Women will not be meeting for now, our thoughts and prayers remain with each one of you and with all in need during these trying times! If you know of a need that our women can help with, please contact an officer in the women’s group so that we can try and meet any needs! Executive officers are Sharon Haile, Darlene Hallman, Terry Robinson, Missy Snipes, Dianne Sweatt, and Mary Knight.
October 1: Dennis Hall, Brielle Hayes Howard, Angie Hall
October 3: Tom Salisbury, Renee Steele
October 4: Cameron East
October 5: Darlene Craig
October 7: Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Polston
October 8: Dwayne Ray, Noah Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ackerman
Our United Methodist Men's third Sunday meeting and our weekly Saturday Bible Study meetings have been suspended until the stay at home order has been lifted and we are told that we can begin to gather again.
The members of Zion ARE CONTINUING
to support the ministry and outreach
of the church!!!
Thank you to each one of you who have adjusted to this change in our lives and have continued to support the ministry and outreach of Zion UMC and for your continued presence at online worship!!! You can continue to give online through the website, by clicking on the donate tab. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this option, simply click on the donate button and follow the prompts, you can text your giving to 803-525-1834 and follow the secure link, or you may give by mailing your tithes to the church at 1665 Zion Road, Lancaster, SC, 29720. If you have misgivings about online donations or mailing your donations, a locking mailbox has been installed under the covered carport where the buses are. You may place your contributions in the box and it will be checked daily.
Together we can move forward.
Together we can continue and make a difference!
Special Gifts to Zion Church
In Honor of:

In Memory of:
Ronnie Gay by Ryan and Miriam Griffin
Clyde Walters by the Officers and Directors of Comporium
The Record Speaks....
September 27, 2020

Present for Worship: 33
Needed each week for the General Fund $4,360
Received for General Fund $2,533
Received for Building Fund $15
Received for Needy Fund $10

"...because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to."
Deuteronomy 15:10,,
803-285-3864 -
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