Cup of Empowerment
December 9, 2019
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word



Join us at Anna's Gate every Tuesday from 4 to 6 pm for 
worship and teaching!  Find out more about us at full of wonderful resources!

  Mark your calendars for our annual He's My Valentine Party  

February 15th at Rothchilds!  (Details to be announced)    



Pray about your year-end offering.  By giving to Anna's Gate you bless
widows, fatherless and Israel!  Triple blessing! 

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Laps of Encouragement
 Dr. CarolMarie
Little Susie  would visit  Mr. and Mrs. Jones's home daily .  Susie was only four years old and the Jones' were like grandparents to her.     
One day "Papa Jones" was no longer there.  Susie's Mama tried to explain that he was in Heaven and they needed to pray for Grandma Jones. One day Susie's Mama couldn't find her.  When she called, here came Susie from Grandma Jones' house.  "Honey, we shouldn't bother Grandma."  Wanting to be sure Susie wasn't in the way, she inquired of her little tot more information. "What do you do when you go over there, Susie?"  "Oh, Mama, I just climb up in her lap and help her cry!"
Susie knew the ministry of "presence".  When I went through training to become a Chaplain, one of the things we learned was about this special ministry, everyone can do.  Sometimes it is better not to say a word, but to just be there!  In fact, most of the time when there has been a loss, too much is said!  I have cringed as I stood next to a grieving mother or wife as people come to give their condolences! I want to hold up a sign that  says,  "Shut up!"  God did not need another  " flower in His garden "  or another  " angel in Heaven " ! They do not need to hear that their loved one  is  "in a better place" when they wish they were with them now! "I am so sorry for your loss" is  sufficient  or  give a sincere hug!
Once I was speaking to a mother whose teenage son had tragically died. She shared the pain and disbelief she was feeling. Then I heard myself say, "I understand" (meaning "I hear what you are saying").  I stopped myself and said, "I do not understand your pain, honey.  I cannot imagine what you are going through!  I am so sorry!"  With that, Pam said, "Thank you for saying that!  Everyone says they understand, and THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND!  I DON'T UNDERSTAND!"  With that, I just held her and let her cry.  She did not need some explanation or answers from me, she needed my ear and my love!  I needed to climb up in her lap (so to speak) and help her cry!
The holiday season and special days are especially hard for those alone.  If we have family with us or have jobs or ministries that keep us busy, we can be unaware of the loneliness others feel.
I remember a Christmas here in Tennessee after Sonny passed away.  I knew I had to be pro-active so I would not get depressed or sad.  I contacted the local homeless shelter to see if I could volunteer on Christmas morning serving breakfast.  After filling out an application and being approved along with several friends I recruited, we headed to Knox Area Rescue Mission.  We served "Jesus" breakfast and later sang songs to Him in the chapel.  We hugged Him and loved Him through these precious people.  I gave what I needed myself!  "Give and it shall be given unto you" ( Luke 6:38)  Hear the whole verse from the Tree of Life Version;  "Give, and it will be given to you-a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, overflowing, will be  given into your lap . For whatever measure you measure out will be measured back to you.".  How you dish it out, it will be dished out to you!  And notice, it's "into your lap"!
Do you need a call?  Call someone!  Wish you were invited to dinner?  Invite someone over to your home! Need a friend?  Be one!  Sow what you  need,  and you will reap it!
Or maybe you are surrounded by people and things to do.  Do not get so busy you can't take time to be kind and give a smile.  Look for ones need ing  encouragement!  Maybe there is a lap you need to climb up on and just help them cry.  We all can do that!  
Jesus said, "... I tell you, whatever you did to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.' (Matthew 25:40 ) That's the best birthday gift ever to give to Him!
We are in the Hebraic month of  Kisvev  which  means "security" and "trust".  It's a month to tap into the security and trust we can have in the Lord!  But it is also a month to give it out to those who need it.  It may be just helping an elderly person reach a grocery item on the shelf out  of  their reach.  Or making someone feel secure as they cross the street. How about helping someone from another country feel accepted? There are many "laps" out there and many ways to show the Father's love.  Let's look for the " Susie s " to encourage their efforts and the "Grandma Jones" to give a smile and a comforting hug! 
Dr. CarolMarie

At Anna's Gate 2 pm EST prayer times every Tuesday, many are getting direction for their lives as the presence of God is so powerful!  If you are hungry for more of God, join us and then stay for our worship time with teaching following! 

You can also s end your prayer requests to us and we will agree with you in this time of fresh discovery! We are all in Transition. Let's embrace it and submit to His plan and timing!  ([email protected])

Be sure to read the Torah portions below that Jesus read during this time in history!  There is always something that relates to us in our place in history now!  That's so amazing to me!

Find out more about the month of Kislev on our website. Please email us your area of passion and the skill you desire to be developed so that we can agree with you in prayer! ( [email protected])  This is your time to excel into your greater potential! 


We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading


Learn about the  Hebraic month.


When you make a purchase using A mazon Smile, a part of your purchase amount is given to support the work Anna's Gate does. We appreciate your using these businesses and in the process blessing Anna's Gate.

Click above image for details.


"I invite you to visit my personal Facebook page (CarolMarie Smith), where I post videos and insights open to the public that will help you continue to grow!  We also film and post the Tuesday meetings on Facebook that compliment what I share in our weekly Cup of Empowerment."
Stay Connected:
Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912