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“One of the cruelties of teenagehood is that you’ll never know what your parents were really like at your age, and they’ll never accurately remember.” - Una LaMarche
Unfortunately, I do remember my teenage experience and it was less than ideal. But, thanks to many years of chanting Nam myoho renge kyo, I was able to significantly change my family karma and create a happy marriage, functional family and successful daily life.

Over the last four years, I‘ve spoken to the 9th grade students at my local high school about several of the lessons I wish I had learned, if I had been willing, when I was their age (about 20,000 days ago). By necessity, I share this advice without using Buddhism terms but the basic message is the same.

This time, because of remote corona-learning, I made a video of my presentation. Well, it actually took several takes until I finally got it right! Here is the video (or click below).

Feel free to share it with the teenagers (and parents) in your life.

Thanks for viewing and stay safe out there!
687 Tiffany Meadows NE,
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Cell: (206) 718-2447 PST