
Did you know that only 3 out of 10 San José students earn a post-secondary certificate or degree within six years of their high school graduation?

San José Aspires is a partnership between the City, the Library, and local high schools that enables students to overcome barriers to academic success by providing them with free learning tools and resources, mentorship and counseling, and a micro-scholarship program.

The Library Foundation is proud to support this innovative program that is already serving 725 students during this challenging school year.

You can learn more about what SJ Aspires means for those students by watching this video from Vito Chiala, Principal at Overfelt High School in the East Side Union High School District:
In the year ahead, the Foundation will be working to ensure that SJ Aspires has an even greater impact on the future of our students. You can play a role in that future by making a donation before December 31.
If you would like to learn more about this and other programs supported by your donation, I encourage you to visit our website at

Thank you very much in advance!

Warm regards,
Dawn Coppin, Executive Director
San José Public Library Foundation | Website