BOOK FAIR - Nov. 15 - 22
Brrr!! Come on in our Arctic Adventure Book Fair, where we can find books that are waiting to be opened and read. If you can contribute a little of your time, it would be very much appreciated! Classes visit the book fair throughout the week. Below are a list of times available to assist with each class. During your shift, you will help children make their Wish Lists and purchases. We are also seeking volunteers to help with set-up and take-down! Volunteers must be compliant with VIRTUS/Safe Environment and may volunteer with any grade-level. Sign-Up Genius

We cannot accommodate parents or younger siblings at Grandparents Day due to space, but are seeking volunteers to help make sure this day runs smoothly! Please sign-up! Sign-Up Genius

If you have questions about how to earn and track your Paduan Points , please check out: