I am thankful to come to you today with some positive news. The Holston Conference Bishop issued a statement last night granting Holston Conference churches the ability to worship outdoors as long as they have plans in place that are approved by the District Superintendent.
I am excited to announce our District Superintendent approved our plans and we will resume in-person worship this coming Sunday, August 16, at 9 am with a casual outdoor service (weather pending) with communion on the front lawn of 308 Laurel Street (the white house behind the church). Masks will be required and we ask that you bring your own chairs and social distance from other families. Restrooms will not be available. This service will be a blended worship service with both traditional and contemporary elements. It is also our intent for the service to be shorter in duration due to the outdoor elements and lack of nursery for our younger congregants.
We have made the decision, based on our previous outdoor services held in July, to forgo an RSVP for worship at this time. Based on attendance previously, we do not think we will reach capacity. You will be required to check in when you arrive for worship so we have an accurate record of who is in attendance and we will ensure a waiver is on file for you and your family. You may print and sign the waiver and bring this with you to worship if you would like to expedite the process. We do ask that if you have COVID like symptoms or have been exposed to someone having or suspected of having COVID that you remain home and worship online with us.
For those able to attend worship, we ask that everyone park in the upper church parking lot (every other space please) and enter the 308 Laurel Street lawn area from the bridge behind the church. This is where our check in and greeters will be stationed. If you require closer parking, you may park in the lower parking area directly behind the Sanctuary.
I recognize that some of you are not able to return to in-person worship for some time. Please know we love and respect the decisions you need to make for yourselves and your families. Signal Crest will continue to offer online worship opportunities. This Sunday, we will have a pre-recorded service posted on Facebook at 9 am and on Youtube (anytime after 7 am). We will email the link directly on Sunday morning.
We are thankful for this opportunity to gather together and worship whether in-person or online. If you have any questions regarding outdoor worship, you may call the church at 886-2330 and leave a message or send an email to kstewart@signalcrestumc.org.
God Bless,
Pastor Josh