This Sunday's Worship Service

As we learn from and adjust to our changing situation we share the following message from our Bishop:

A change of plans is in order for this coming Sunday as Governor Brian Kemp has said it is appropriate for faith-based organizations and other groups to consider canceling public events as he works through the steps to declare Georgia’s first ever public health emergency. While this is not an order, it is a carefully considered request by our governor made with the best interest of public health in mind. In my judgment as your bishop, it is time for the congregations of the Diocese of Georgia to suspend gathering for worship for the next 14 days. We will reassess the situation during that time with the guidance of public health officials.

The collect for this Sunday seems most appropriate:

Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

I hope, as you are able, you will join us via radio (FM 95.1 or AM 580) or Facebook live, as we lift our common prayers.
How to connect on-line with us this Sunday:

Our clergy will celebrate the Eucharist this Sunday at Saint Paul's so that we will be able to be together wherever we are. This service will be live streamed on our Facebook page - Saint Paul's Church - Augusta. See additional instructions below.

We're including a link here to this Sunday's bulletin .

Facebook Live

If you have not already, make sure you “Like” and follow Saint Paul’s – Augusta, GA Facebook page. Once you are following our page, you will be notified anytime the Church is livestreaming an event.

To join us during the Facebook livestream, head over to the Saint Paul’s Facebook Page at 11 AM If you are on your desktop, you will see a small box appear in the top right-hand corner of you screen. Simply click on that box to make the video appear larger on your device. If you are using your cell phone, you will see the video box at the bottom of your screen.

There will be a red box on the video that says “live” the entire time the video is recording. If you are not able to watch at 11 AM, all videos are saved to the Saint Paul’s Facebook page for a later viewing! You will see the post reading “Saint Paul’s Church – Augusta, GA was live.” Simply play the video to watch the service in full.

You can interact with the service by commenting or reacting (liking, loving, etc.) the video. Others who are joining in live will see your comments and reactions in real-time. We encourage you to share the video to your own timeline and invite others to worship with us from wherever they are in the world!