
A lot of folks out there right now are dealing with anxiety, fear of the unknown and big-time overwhelm with increased items on your to-do list. Between the holidays, our constitutional crisis, and the end of a decade around the corner - along with your average FOMO via social media and the challenges of major change, family dynamics and daily stresses - it can be a lot to process and handle. The best way to function during times like these is to slow down, take deep breaths and "be where your feet are at. " When so many things are happening all at once, it's best to focus on what's right in front of you and take mico-actions, trusting that one step will lead you to the next, and then the next, and you will eventually accomplish all that you need to organically and in time, and what you don't get to probably wasn't that important in the first place! Most of all, listen to your body and be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others. You can also check out this Instagram post about how to deal with fear and anxiety and this PGG Video of the week for a reminder that rest is productive. As always, please feel free to let me know your feedback about any and all that I'm doing. Big hug <3 Kristina
" I love your PGG newsletters - one of the only ones I actually read in its entirety. They are excellently written, and spot on. Thanks for being so inspirational and reflective!" ~ Tom D .
High Anxiety
(Originally published on December 7, 2010)

This time of year, with its emphasis on excessive merry-making and gift-giving, combined with cold weather, shorter days, and a challenging economy would cause even the jolliest of Santas to pack his sled and head back to the North Pole to hibernate just like their grizzly neighbors so wisely do.

Our focus is on parties and socializing, yet our natural tendency is to go inward for the winter; we are pulled to do all of these external things in a very short amount of time when we should be winding down and checking in with ourselves and preparing for the New Year. As a result, we find ourselves off balance in a big way. It’s no wonder anxiety and stress levels skyrocket and we just try to do our best not to crack under the pressure of the ho-ho-ho!

So how to make it through the holidaze intact?  We need to be extra-mindful, stay centered and connected to ourselves, and not go to extremes or make any major decisions. Have an extra dose of patience with yourself and others; take deep breaths; laugh it off; do lots of yoga, tai-chi and meditation; use Rescue Remedy ; have a massage; make soup; get some fresh air; spend quality time with good friends; cuddle with your loved ones; and most of all be kind and gentle to yourself.

Another idea is to give yourself the gift of having a session with someone (like me!) who can offer an unbiased, positive perspective; someone to help put you back on track and in balance wherever you need it . Because being able to identify what’s is going on in your head and ridding whatever is ho-ho-holding you back will enable you to enjoy a truly peaceful and joyous holiday season and beyond!

Remember, you can always see PGGs from any month or year going back to 2010 on my website at and visit my social media pages for more inspiration throughout the week! Want to share my PGG? Use my Medium page for friendliest posting version.


"Kristina patiently helped me to discover and embrace my true north. I was stuck in a past identity that blocked me from the person I wanted to become."

Wednesday, December 18th 6-8pm at SIBL
Stepping Stones for Success

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"Since I last spoke with you, I've had some pretty dramatic changes - New Job, a Big Move, Healthy Dating Relationship. It's been pretty awesome. Emotionally, I've done a 180, and my life is certainly a reflection of that. My last session with you spurred a lot of wonderful life changes. "   ~ Palanda B.
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Thank you again for opening my eyes to a new future ! ~ K. Handa

Kristina’s coaching expertise is phenomenal — all-encompassing, inclusive of the mind, body & spirit, nonjudgmental, insightful and deeply involved in providing solutions and tools to be a better version of yourself. ~ Audrey N.

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