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Geohazard Association Newsletter   |   April 2015


Post Anchoring image

AGHP Committees are active. Here’s a quick look at what our committees are doing right now.

Post Anchoring Committee
The Post Anchoring Committee would like to invite you to participate in an important survey aimed at collecting information regarding the anchoring of flexible net geohazard mitigation systems. In particular, the survey is directed toward rockfall catchment fences, but also is applicable for debris flow barriers, snow nets, etc. The survey is part of an ongoing effort by the committee to establish best practices. It is the committee’s goal to incorporate the results into a publication that will highlight state-of-the-art anchor designs which will be made available as a much needed resource through the association.

Participate in the AGHP Anchoring Survey. We look forward to your valuable contribution!

Education Committee
After the Education Committee meeting teleconference on March 23, the participants discussed vetting the returned definitions to compile the organization’s glossary and also developed a proposed syllabus for a short course currently scheduled for the Sunday before the HGS conference. Our next Education Committee meeting will be held on May 12 at 4pm EDT — all are encouraged to participate.

AGHP Committees
The AGHP Committees can use your input! Please consider becoming a member and joining one of the following committees: Anchor Testing, Education, Post Anchoring, Rope Access, and Standards and Specifications.

Select geohazard events/opportunities and AGHP committee and board conference call schedules are listed below.
NOTE: Participation in the conference calls is limited to the applicable committee or board members. Please contact
Becky Slaybaugh ( for additional details and how to join a call.

May 12, 2015 at 4:00 pm EDT
AGHP Education Committee Meeting
  May 15, 2015 at 11:00 am EDT
AGHP Standards and Specifications Committee Meeting
May 18 – 21, 2015 in Oakland, California
Southwest Geotechnical Engineers Conference
  May 22, 2015 at 11:00 am EDT
AGHP Board of Directors Meeting
June 1, 2015
Geohazards Impacting Transportation in Appalachia abstracts due

A preliminary affiliation agreement has been made between the Association of GeoHazard Professionals and the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS). See for more information on this organization.

The Southwest Geotechnical Engineers Conference (SWGEC) is a state DOT sponsored annual conference composed of members from the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The SWGEC is an excellent forum for technology transfer and networking between state, local, and federal transportation agencies as well as for consultants, contractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. The conference focuses on lessons learned from case histories in design and construction, current research, and new trends in the areas of Geotechnical, Geological, Geophysical, and Geoenvironmental Engineering.

The conference is targeted to the geotechnical engineering community in the public and private sectors involved in the transportation industry working in design, construction, management, research, and academia.

This year’s conference will be held in Oakland, California at the Marriott City Center. Click here for registration information and more:

Contact Becky Slaybaugh ( ) for more details.
© 2015 Association of Geohazard Professionals

The Association of Geohazard Professionals (AGHP) provides resources and mechanisms to elevate the state of practice and the reach of the geohazard marketplace.

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