Our last Board of Directors' meeting was a bittersweet one this year as we accepted the resignation of long-time Board member Laurie Neely. Due to becoming a bit of a "snowbird" Laurie felt that she could not properly fulfill her obligations as a Board member regarding meeting attendance, etc. However, she assured us that she will remain an active NEECA member and continue to lend her many talents to NEECA whenever possible. Many thanks for all you have done to contribute to NEECA's continued growth and success Laurie. Have fun down south!

The November Board meeting is the final one of the year and is when Board officers for the upcoming year are voted on. Board member Pam DeGregorio will assume the President's position for 2020, with Sue Ellen Mowcomber as V. President, Margo Petracone as Secretary and Pat France as Treasurer.

A special thank you to outgoing President Pete Whitmore , who thankfully will remain an active Board member. Pete spearheaded the fundraising drive that enabled us to finally bring electricity into NEECA, a long awaited goal. We are grateful for all he did to make this happen, along with guiding the Board with a clear and steady hand, much the way he rides!