Shelley Garden Now Open for Groups
UUCM's Reopening Team, along with the Board, is excited to announce that UUCM will now begin Phase II of our re-opening plan. This means that individuals and/or groups can now schedule use of the Shelley Garden, by contacting the office. Please take a moment to read the official UUCM COVID-19 Re-opening Plan HERE.

Shelley Garden Use
  • Permitted for groups not exceeding 40 people;

  • Masks and social distancing are EXPECTED and HIGHLY recommended, and enforcement of this recommendation will be up to the group seeking the rental.

  • Anyone using the garden must bring their own chairs. No chairs may be removed from the church to be used outdoors.

  • Renters/Users of the garden must take any and all garbage with them following the event.

  • Renters/Users must agree to no singing. 

  • No common food service. BYO is allowed.

  • It is highly recommended that groups using the garden have ample supplies of hand sanitizer available for program participants. Renters / Users are responsible for providing this.

  • If Renters/Users of the Garden wish to have access to the bathroom facilities, they may use the downstairs bathroom only (outside of Barnum Hall). 
  • We require that one of the Renters/Users clean the bathroom after the group is done. PPE and cleaning supplies along with cleaning instructions will be made available by UUCM
  • You will need to contact the office to obtain the new Barnum door code.

  • Please make sure to schedule use of the Shelley Garden, by contacting the office.