Tell me about how you became a risk manager?
My path to risk management has been circuitous at best. I started my career as a robotics engineer working in Silicon Valley. After several years of robotics work, I was given an opportunity to transition into the role of a corporate environmental/ safety engineer. I found the area of safety engineering rewarding and after a couple years I accepted a job in the Pacific Northwest as a safety officer for a large park district which included overseeing two wildlife parks. After a short time, I assumed the tasks of coordinating employee benefits, workers' compensation and the oversite of tort defense. With the new tasks came the title of Risk Manager. Needless to say, the new title and associated duties cut into my play time at the parks. Eventually I found my way south to sunny California and the City of Fremont where I have had the pleasure of being Risk Manager for the past 14 years.
What are the rewards you experience professionally by being a PARMA member?
PARMA is great at facilitating the exchange of information between members. Whether it is a chapter meeting or the annual conference, these events provide members the chance discuss "hot topics" and learn how other members are handling them. PARMA has allowed me to network and has provided me with resources to manage risk practices in today's world.