Hello Girl Scouts and Parents / Caregivers,

Cookie time is around the corner!

As part of our Entrepreneurship Programming, our annual Cookie Program gives girls the ability to set goals, learn people skills, and money management. Our girls are running their own businesses and learning how they can take the lead as G.I.R.L. Cookie Bosses!

Our program officially launches December 17 ; here’s what’s coming up:

1.        Your Troop Leadership will be distributing materials in an upcoming meeting that will provide details to the program: how it works, marketing materials and information on how the girls will use proceeds.

2.         Girl Scouts has gone digital! One of the ways girls can participate in the annual Cookie Program is by emailing friends and family a link to purchase cookies. This short video walks you through the registration process to set up your Girl Scout's Smart Cookies account.

3.        Take a few minutes to review the video and watch out for an email from noreply@abcsmartcookies.com coming tomorrow (Friday). We encourage you to spend time with your Girl Scout to personalize her Smart Cookies site; girls who upload photos, videos and personalize their messages typically have been sales results higher than those who don’t! Messages to include: your Girl Scout’s personal goal and her troop’s plan for the proceeds. And you can mention it’s the last year for Thanks-A-Lots – time to stock up! Remember to follow the social media guidelines too.

4.        Check out the new Cookie Entrepreneurship Family pins —this new, front of uniform pin, allows you and your Girl Scout an opportunity to work together and reinforce the skills that are the backbone of the program. You can find other resources on our website.

All proceeds from our annual program stay local to power everything we do at GSKSMO. We’re excited for Cookies 2020 and hope you are too! If there’s anything we can assist you with, please reach out by emailing cookies@gsksmo.org .
