Dear CCGS Families,
We had a great week and I know my staff and I were so happy to have our students back after Thanksgiving break. We want to continue to be able to provide face to face instruction to all of our students that are coming each day, so please continue to follow the stay at home guidelines and complete the survey each day. As a reminder, if anyone in the home has any of the listed symptoms, your child should not come to school. We will continue to do our part here at school, but we also need the partnership of our families to keep all of our students and staff safe.

This week while visiting classrooms, I got to hear the reading and math goals of our students. It just fills my heart with joy when I see their faces light up over the progress they have made. One first grade student said, "I was shocked when I saw my score, because I knew I met my goal! I was just so proud of myself." When students reach their goals at home and remotely, they get their picture up on our goal board in the school. We are also excited to be adding a Dreambox Leaderboard for students this week. Each week your student should be aiming for a minimum of 5 lessons on Dreambox. We want 100% of our student's reaching that goal every week!

Finally, we are so excited to be hosting the Drive Through Santa and Lights event at the Kendall County Fairgrounds this weekend. (see information below) You can purchase a car ticket at the gate using paypal, cash, or click HERE. We are in need of volunteers to help us with our Drive Through Santa event. Please click below to help! If you volunteer, you'll get a free ticket for the event!

Please add any December pictures you have taken to this album. Thank you so much for sharing your at home pictures with us!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family!

Mrs. Hamm

We are so grateful to those that can help out our CCGS Families this holiday season. If you are able to help, please click on this link and you can choose the item(s) you would like to purchase. Please return all items to school by December 14, 2020.

Our virtual book fair will be starting on Monday, Nov. 23 and will run through December 6th. There will be free shipping and handling on all orders of $25 and over. All books will be shipped directly to your home! To view the book fair click on this link or scan the QR code below.

To learn how to shop online, please watch this quick video from Ms. Johnson!

  • We are having a virtual author visit with local author/illustrator Michael Wayne on December 11 at 9:45-10:10am and at 1:00-1:25pm. Students will be able to join this visit in their classrooms whether they are remote or in person. If interested in ordering one of Mr. Wayne's books, please click on this link.
  • Your student will be taking the MAP assessment again in the upcoming weeks. This assessment will give us information on your child's growth since the start of the school year. Please read this letter for more information.
  • Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home to school. We have had an influx of stuffed animals coming into the building. Although an Elf on the Shelf is a magical creature, these also count as toys. Please keep these items at home.
Congratulations to this student who was making excellent choices and following our 4 School Cornerstones. He will be saying the pledge of allegiance for us next week. Remote families can join us in the pledge each day by clicking on our CCGS Google Website
Congratulations to Ms. Lithcfield's class on winning the Golden Platter award this week for following the 4 Cornerstones! They will be getting a recess outside with me next week and will get to have the trophy in their room for the whole week!
Future Important Dates

Monday, December 7: B Day
  • Board of Education Committee Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Tuesday, December 8: C Day

Wednesday, December 9: D Day

Thursday, December 10: A Day

Friday, December 11: B Day
  • Virtual Author Visit

Save the Date:
December 14: Board of Education Committee Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 pm
December 14-December 18: Spirit Week
December 17:
  • Virtual Family Reading Night 6:00-7:00
  • PTO Meeting 7:00 - 8:00 pm Please join us to discuss the student handbook and other upcoming events
December 18: Early Dismissal at 2:25 pm

December 19-January 3: Winter Break

January 4: School resumes

Current active fundraisers:

(Send a gift card straight to your student’s teacher!) School code is - 175460

Looking for a gift idea for a CCGS staff member? Click here for some ideas and ways to say thank you!

PTO Zoom meeting dates are the third Thursday of every month:

December 17th 7pm
January 21st 7pm
February 18th 7pm
March 18th 7pm
April 15th 7pm
May 20th 7pm
June (TBA)

As always for more information please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and thank you for your continued support!
Circle Center Grade School | 630-553-4388 | [email protected]
We have new Social Media Links! Click on them and be sure to follow us!